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In most cases, Foglight clears an alarm when the condition or conditions that triggered the alarm changes. For example, an alarm fires when the CPU usage metric for a monitored host exceeds a certain threshold. If the value of the metric drops below this threshold, Foglight clears the original alarm. If the alarm condition occurs again, the alarm reappears.
If you have the Advanced Operator role, you can also manually clear alarms. However, you should only do so when alarms do not clear themselves—for example, for log messages or one-time events that generate alarms.
The Cleared column in the Alarm(s) list indicates whether an alarm has been cleared or not. In addition, cleared alarms appear dimmed.
Alternatively, you can clear an alarm from the Alarms details dialog box. It appears dimmed in the dialog box when you have done so. If you are filtering the Alarm(s) list to show current alarms, the alarm is also removed from the list.
Foglight uses alarm rules to define conditions that indicate problems in monitored systems. When these conditions are met, an alarm is triggered.
Alarm templates allow you to configure a set of alarm rules and apply these rules in bulk to targets in your environment. Using a customized template, you can modify the threshold values for triggering alarms, and enable or disable certain alarms for a set of targets.
Use the Alarm Templates dashboard to view the alarms and rules in the default factory template and customize those alarms as required for your environment.
For better understanding of Alarm Templates, review the concepts below:
Foglight uses rules to apply business logic to data collected from your environment. When pre-defined conditions are met, an alarm will be triggered. Using alarm templates, you can determine which alarms to apply to which targets, and configure threshold values as needed.
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