
Benchmark Factory for Database 9.0 - User Guide

Welcome to Benchmark Factory What's New in Benchmark Factory Additional Resources Overview of Benchmark Factory Benchmark Factory Components Licensing Getting Started - the Benchmark Factory Workflow Agents Create and Edit Connections Create and Edit Tests and Jobs
Jobs View Pane Job Wizards Quickstart: Create a New Job Edit a Job Industry Standard Benchmark Tests Capture and Replay a Workload Artificial Test for Desired Effect Scalability Tests Custom Tests Create/Delete Benchmark Objects Execute External File Test Options for Create Objects Test Options for Transactions Job Setup Options Use Global Search/Replace Save Job as BMF Script Copy Test to Replay, Mix, Goal, or Scalability Test
Benchmarks How Do I... Settings Test Results and Run Reports BFScripts Repository Troubleshooting The Benchmark Factory REST API Appendix About Us Adding Virtual Users System/Upgrade Requirements/Supported Databases Shortcut Keys

Exporting Test Results to Excel Using the Command Line

Benchmark Factory allows you to export testing results to Excel using the Command line.

To export testing results from Benchmark Factory to Excel using the command line:

  1. Select Start | All Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt.
  2. Navigate to the Benchmark Factory bin directory. For example:

    CD C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Benchmark Factory\bin

    CD C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Benchmark Factory <version number>\bin

  3. Enter BMFRunHistory.exe –x 34 88 108. Benchmark Factory testing results with Run ids of 34, 88, and 108 export to Excel.


Benchmark Factory Test Results Terminology

The following is a list of terms used in Benchmark Factory test results and reports. Review the terms and definitions to aid you when interpreting your test results.

Term Definition


The number of bytes from data received from a SQL statement.

Bytes Per Second

The number of bytes processed per second over the sampling period.  This is just the Total Bytes divided by the Sampling period in seconds.

Response Time

The time it takes from when the SQL is sent to the server responds.

Retrieval Time

The time it takes from the server responds to a SQL statement till the last byte of data/results is obtained.


The number of rows received from a SQL statement.

Rows Per Second (RPS)

The number of rows received per second over the sampling period.  Similar to above.

Transactions Per Second (TPS)

The transactions, or SQL statements, processed by the server per second.  A transaction in Benchmark Factory can be more than a single SQL statement, such as the TPC-C transaction New Order, this transaction inserts a new order by inserting one record into the new order table and 5 – 7 items in the orderline table.

Transaction Time (sometimes listed as just Time)

The sum of the Response and Retrieval time.

The metrics listed above might also be expressed in test results using the following:

  • Average–The average of all recorded values for the statistic over the sampling period.
  • Minimum–The minimum value the statistic obtained over the sampling period.
  • Maximum–The maximum value the statistic obtained over the sampling period.
  • 90th Percentile– This is usual associated with a timing statistic.  This is the time value where 90 percent of all values recorded for a statistic fell below.



About Scripts

Benchmark Factory provides scripting capabilities known as BFScripts. This feature allows you to customize and randomize the load testing process by using scripts and a number of built-in functions.

The built-in functions are formulas that take one or more values (arguments), perform an operation, and return a value that simulates real-world user activity. These functions can be used alone or as building blocks for creating complex user activity.  Randomized data is important when attempting to simulate real-world user activity because data that is random prevents a server from using data stored in its cache.

In the Benchmark Factory console, fields with a yellow background allow you to insert BFScripts. To learn how to use scripts, see BFScript Wizard.

The following is a list of available scripts/functions:


Benchmark Factory for Database - 9.0
Release Notes
User Guide
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