You can import tickets from another system using prepared CSV (comma-separated value) files. Start by exporting your tickets to a CSV file and then use the Import Tickets wizard to import that content into the appliance. The wizard validates the data being imported, and certain fields must follow predefined formats, to prevent related records from being rejected.
2. |
a. |
Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information. |
b. |
c. |
3. |
In the Import Tickets wizard, on the Select Ticket Import File page, specify the CSV file and the related options, as needed. |
a. |
In the Upload file (.csv) section, click Choose File, and select the CSV file containing ticket data that you want to import. |
b. |
c. |
In the Importing to section, specify the queue and template into which you want to import your ticket data. |
d. |
e. |
4. |
In the Import Tickets wizard, on the Field Mapping page that appears, map the ticket template fields to the ticket fields specified in the CSV file. |
◦ |
To specify a ticket field, click the CSV Fields column, and select the applicable value. |
◦ |
A Comment field must use the following syntax: "<datetime>";"<user_name>";"<comment>";"<owners_only_flag>". Multiple comments in a single Comment field must be separated with |EOL|. For example: "01/01/2019 10:10";"Admin";"This is a sample comment";"Y"|EOL|"01/02/2019 11:20";"User A";"This is a sample comment 2";"Y"|EOL|"01/02/2019 12:00";"Admin";"This is a sample comment 3";"Y"|EOL|. Alternatively, you can use the Primary Key to combine multiple column entries in the same ticket field. See Table 33 and Table 34. |
◦ |
A Work Detail field must use the following syntax: "<user_name>";"<start_datetime>";"<end_datetime>";"[adjustment_time];[<note>]. Multiple comments in a single Comment field must be separated with |EOL|. For example: "Admin";"01/01/2019 08:10";"01/01/2019 10:30";"10";"Work Note"|EOL|"User B";"01/01/2019 11:20";"01/01/2019 12:30". Alternatively, you can use the Primary Key to combine multiple column entries in the same ticket field. See Table 33 and Table 34. |
◦ |
A Category field that contains subcategories must use a double colon "::" to separate subcategories. For example: Hardware::Printer::Paper. If the import detects any categories that do not already exist on the appliance, those records are automatically rejected. |
◦ |
Impact and Priority fields must contain valid contents that are predefined on the appliance. |
◦ |
User name fields (such as Submitter) accepts the user email, user name, user ID, and the display name. Multiple records with the same user name are automatically rejected. |
◦ |
Use the PK column to indicate if a row is a primary key for the data records. Any records that have the same value of the column marked as a primary key are combined into a single Service Desk ticket. For example, if you mark the Title column as a primary key for the ticket table, and all of your records in the CSV file have the exact same Title column (for example My Ticket), the import results in a single Service Desk ticket being created, with multiple entries combined in the same column. Alternatively, when importing Comment and Work Detail columns, you can use |EOL| to separate the entries. The following examples show you how to structure your input CSV file when you want to combine multiple entries into the same ticket field, either by using the |EOL| delimiters (Comment and Work Detail columns only), or the Primary Key (PK) setting (any column). |
"6/15/2021 3:15:44 comment AAA" |EOL| | ||||
"7/21/2021 2:18:31 comment DDD" |EOL| |
NOTE: The |EOL| delimiter instructs the wizard to combine these entries into a single Comment field. There is no need to declare the Title column as the primary key (PK). The same syntax applies to Work Detail contents. |
NOTE: When you declare the Title column as a primary key (PK), all entries with the same Title (Title A and Title B) are combined into a single Comment field. There is no need to use |EOL| delimiters. The same mechanism applies to other columns, including Work Detail . |
◦ |
◦ |
When done, click Preview. |
5. |
▪ |
Records for insertion: Lists all ticket records from the CSV file that are about to be created as Service Desk tickets. |
▪ |
Records for update: Lists all ticket records from the CSV file that are about to update existing Service Desk tickets. |
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Rejected records: Lists all ticket records from the CSV file that are not going to be created as Service Desk tickets due to errors. For each rejected record, the Reason column in this section indicates the cause of the error. The related ticket field appears highlighted in red. Review the contents of that field to better understand the problem. For example, if you have users in your CSV file who do not exists on the appliance, and did not select Auto Create User check box, this causes an error for each such user. You can resolve any errors by editing the import CSV file, or changing the applicable import options on the Select Ticket Import File page. |
6. |
If you are satisfied with the outcome of the import, and do not need to import any additional records, click Done. To import more tickets, click Import More, and repeat the import process, as applicable. |
1. |
a. |
Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information. |
b. |
c. |
On the Configuration panel, in the Business Hours and Holidays section, click Define Business Hours. |
2. |
For each day of the week, specify the hours of operation by providing the starting and ending time, by selecting the Open 24 hours check box, or by selecting the Closed check box. |
3. |
Configure queues to use business hours in SLAs. See Configure ticket queues.
1. |
a. |
Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information. |
b. |
c. |
2. |
Click Add Holiday to add a new holiday to the list. Click the Edit button next to a holiday to edit it: |
3. |
Configure queues to use holidays in SLAs. See Configure ticket queues.
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