
SharePlex 11.2 - Installation and Setup Guide

About this Guide Conventions used in this guide Revision History Installing and Setting up SharePlex on an Oracle Source
SharePlex Pre-installation Checklist for Oracle Download the SharePlex installer Install SharePlex on Linux and UNIX Set up an Oracle environment for replication Set up replication from Oracle to a different target type Installation and Setup for Cloud-Hosted Databases for Oracle Installation and setup for remote capture Installation and setup for HA cluster Generic SharePlex demonstration for Oracle Advanced SharePlex demonstrations for Oracle Database Setup Utilities Solve Installation Problems for Oracle
Installing and Setting up SharePlex on a PostgreSQL Database as Source and Service
SharePlex Pre-installation Checklist for PostgreSQL Download the SharePlex installer for PostgreSQL Install SharePlex on Linux for PostgreSQL as a Source Set up Replication from PostgreSQL to Supported Target Types Installation and Setup for Cloud-Hosted Databases for PostgreSQL Installation and Setup for Remote Capture for PostgreSQL Install SharePlex on PostgreSQL High Availability Cluster Generic SharePlex Demonstration for PostgreSQL Advanced SharePlex Demonstrations for PostgreSQL Database Setup for PostgreSQL Database Setup for PGDB as a Service Solve Installation Problems for PostgreSQL
Assign SharePlex users to security groups Solve Installation Problems Uninstall SharePlex Advanced installer options Install SharePlex as root SharePlex installed items

Database Setup for PostgreSQL

Pre-requisites to configure PostgreSQL database setup as a source:
  1. In the PostgreSQL configuration file, set the wal_level parameter to logical.
    For example: wal_level = logical # minimal, replica, or logical
  2. Add an entry of SharePlex user in the pg_hba.conf file so that SharePlex Capture can establish a connection with the walsender process of PostgreSQL
    host replication all trust
  3. For all the tables which are going to be part of replication, set the 'replica identity' to 'full' before activation.
    For example: alter table "DEMO_SRC" replica identity full;
  4. Navigate to the /var/lib/pgsql/13/data directory and edit the PostgreSQL file.
    Remove the comment and increase the below two parameters' value as below:
    wal_sender_timeout = 6000s
    wal_receiver_timeout = 6000s
  5. Set the value of logical_decoding_work_mem = 4096MB (recommended). This specifies the maximum amount of memory to be used by logical decoding.
  6. Navigate to the bin directory and restart database: cd /usr/pgsql-13/bin/./pg_ctl -D /var/lib/pgsql/13/data/ restart


  • The setup steps provided for PostgreSQL are also applicable for setting up SharePlex to replicate data from source/on-prem to a target cloud database.

  • SharePlex PostgreSQL as a source only supports replication from the WAL files present in the pg_wal directory, located within the variable data directory of the PostgreSQL database installation.

Pre-requisites to configure PostgreSQL database setup as a target:

Note: The setup steps provided for PostgreSQL are also applicable for setting up PostgreSQL remote Post.

Fujitsu Enterprise PostgreSQL

Fujitsu PostgreSQL contains a customized ODBC driver designed to run with the shared libraries supplied by Fujitsu PostgreSQL. In order to ensure the proper configuration, you must create a symbolic link to ensure that the correct libraries are found at runtime.

Issue Description:

If you attempt to run the pg_setup program prior to creating the symbolic link, pg_setup will fail with the following error message:

Error: [unixODBC]invalid connection option "target_server"

To create a symbolic link:

To ensure that the proper library gets loaded, first locate the path to the directory where the Fujitsu PostgreSQL libraries are installed (for example /opt/fsepv95server64/lib). Then create a symbolic link in the SharePlex OPTDIR/lib/hooks directory pointing to the libpq.so.5 library in the Fujitsu PostgreSQL library directory. For example:

cd /opt/splex/lib/hooks

ln –s /opt/fsepv95server64/lib/libpq.so.5


Run the PG Setup utility for PostgreSQL (pg_setup) to establish a user account, schema, and tables for use by SharePlex.

Guidelines for use

  • Run the PG Setup utility on PostgreSQL instances in the SharePlex replication configuration.
  • Within a server cluster, run the PG Setup utility on the node to which the shared disk that contains the SharePlex variable-data directory is mounted.
  • For consolidated replication, run the PG Setup utility for each variable-data directory.
  • Provide a DSN (data source name).

    Connection Type on Linux What to do

    If you have a DSN defined, and you want to use it for the SharePlex connection, copy or link the ODBC files in which that DSN is defined (odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini) to the odbc subdirectory of the SharePlex variable-data directory. This prevents connection errors when the SharePlex processes connect to the database.

    If you do not have a DSN defined but want to use one, you can create it in the template files provided in the odbc subdirectory.

For an example of the sample odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files, see the example below:


Required Privilege

Review the following requirements to ensure that the setup succeeds.

  • The Database Setup utility must be run as a PostgreSQL Administrator in order to grant SharePlex the required privileges to operate on the database and to create the SharePlex database account.
  • (Symfoware only) If the person who is running the setup utility is not a Fujitsu Enterprise PostgreSQL owner, set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the path to the lib subdirectory in the Fujitsu Enterprise PostgreSQL installation directory. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set in the .bash_profile file of the Fujitsu Enterprise PostgreSQL owner.


    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH= /opt/symfoserver64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    If you do not set this path, the following error occurs:

    symbol lookup error: /opt/fsepv95client64/odbc/lib/psqlodbca.so: undefined symbol: PQconnectdbParams

  • Cloud installations:
    • Common restrictions on privileges in cloud-hosted database services make it difficult for the setup utility to succeed in every possible type of scenario. To ensure that the database setup succeeds, only use the setup utility for the following purposes: To do a first-time database setup with a new SharePlex user, or, to modify an existing SharePlex user that either owns the database or has access to it.
    • You might need to grant usage/privileges on the target schema and tables to the SharePlex user, as shown in the following example:

      Log in as the schema owner, then issue the following commands:

      grant usage on schema schema_name to user_name;

      grant all privileges on all tables in schema schema_name to user_name;

    • For Google Cloud database, grant the following privileges if a user wants to change the owner of a table in replication:

      alter user splex_user createdb createrole login;

      create role role_name;

      grant role_name to splex_user;

Run PG setup for PostgreSQL

Follow the below instructions to run the PG setup for PostgreSQL:

  1. Shut down any running SharePlex processes and sp_cop on the source system.
  2. Run the pg_setup program from the bin subdirectory of the SharePlex product directory.

    Important! If you installed the SharePlex instance on any port other than the default of 2100, use the -p option to specify the port number. For example, in the following command the port number is 9400.

    $ /users/splex/bin> pg_setup -p9400

Table 14: Setup prompts and responses

Prompt Response


Enter the PostgreSQL DSN name:

Enter a DSN.
Is DB hosted over "Azure Single Server"?

Enter "n" for a database hosted on the platform other than "Azure single server".

NOTE: Ensure Admin users have the below mentioned roles before initiating setup-

On-Prem DB: superuser

AWS hosted DB: rds_superuser

Azure hosted DB: azure_pg_admin

Enter the PostgreSQL Administrator name :

Enter the name of the PostgreSQL Administrator. This user will perform the work on the SharePlex account.

Enter the password for the Administrator account :

Enter the password of the Administrator.

Enter the database name:

Enter the name of the database that you want to contain the SharePlex tables and other objects for use by SharePlex. You can enter the name of a new or existing database.

Database name database does not exist. Would you like to create it? [y] :

If this prompt is displayed, the specified database does not exist. Press Enter to have the setup utility create it for you.

Would you like to create a new SharePlex user [y]:

Press Enter to accept the default to create a new SharePlex database user account and schema of the same name in the specified database, or enter n to use an existing SharePlex account.

Enter the name of the new SharePlex user:

Enter the name of the existing SharePlex user:

One of these prompts is displayed depending on whether you elected to create a new user or use an existing user. Enter the name of the SharePlex user.

NOTE: Enter the user name in lowercase letters only.

Enter the password of the SharePlex user :

Enter the password of the SharePlex user account.

Re-enter the password for the SharePlex user :

This prompt is only shown if you created a new user. Enter the SharePlex password again.
Will this database be used as a source? [n] :

Enter Y to use the DB connection for a source. You will see the below prompts only for the DB connection for the source.

Enter N to use the DB connection for a target.

Enter the replication slot name? [test_slot] :

Enter the replication slot name.

NOTE: Replication slot test_slot will be created in database after successful config activation.

Enter the default tablespace for use by SharePlex [pg_default] : Enter the default tablespace by SharePlex
Enter the index tablespace for use by SharePlex [pg_default] : Enter the index tablespace by SharePlex
Do you want Logical replication? [n] :

This prompt is displayed only for on-premise hosted PostgreSQL database.

Enter "y" to perform logical replication.

Enter "n" to perform physical replication.

Setup will now install SharePlex objects.

A successful setup terminates with a message similar to the following:

Completed SharePlex for PostgreSQL database configuration

SharePlex User name: splexab

Database name: testdb

-- The datasource identifier in the SharePlex configuration is 'r.testdb' --



Applicable only for source configuration:

SharePlex holds the WAL logs when configuration is not active. In SharePlex 11.0, when pg_setup is executed, it creates a replication slot. From SharePlex 11.1 onwards, slot is created while activating configuration. This replication slot maintains the latest LSN value of the WAL records that Capture has received and processed. Also, it holds all the WAL files from getting removed or archived, starting from the stored LSN in this slot.

In SharePlex 11.1, the replication slots are dropped while deactivating the configuration.

If SharePlex is shut down without deactivating the config file, then run the pg_cleansp utility to drop the slot. This utility also deletes slot names present in connections.yaml from the installation of version 11.0.

The following steps need to be performed if you do not want to run pg_cleansp:

  1. Get the replication slot name from the var/data/connections.yaml file.

  2. Check if the replication slot exists in the database using the below query:

    select count(*) FROM pg_replication_slots where slot_name = <slot_name>;

  3. If a replication slot exists, then delete that replication slot from the database using the below query:

    select pg_drop_replication_slot(<slot_name>);

  4. If you want to activate the config file, then first execute the pg_setup utility, which will create the replication slot again, and then activate the config file.

Support for hyphen, dot, and plus (-, ., and +) special characters

When the database name contains a hyphen, dot, or plus (-, ., or +) special characters, then remove these characters. Append the _<count> value to the identifier, where the count depends on the datasource identifier existing in the connections.yaml file.


  • For the database name aaa.db, the datasource identifier will be r.aaadb_1.

  • For the database name aaa+db, the datasource identifier will be r.aaadb_2, as r.aaadb_1 already points to the aaa.db database.

If the database does not contain any special characters but its entry exists in the connections.yaml file, append _<count> to its identifier.


If the database name is aaadb_1 and its entry exists in the connections.yaml file, and the database name is different, the identifier will become r.aaadb_1_1.

If the database name does not contain a hyphen, dot, or plus character, then the database name is the same as the datasource identifier.

Configure SharePlex to support PostgreSQL database on Azure platform

You can configure SharePlex to support the PostgreSQL database on the Azure platform using the below steps:

  1. Add the DSN entry in the Odbc.ini file at /etc/odbc.ini and the …/var/odbc directory.
  2. Copy the /etc/odbcinst.ini file to the …/var/odbc directory.
  3. Run the PostgreSQL setup utility.
This process creates the SharePlex tables, login and user accounts needed to run SharePlex replication.

Note: While performing DML operations in bulk for PostgreSQL PaaS (Azure), a performance slowness issue is observed.


Table 15: Setup Prompts and Responses

Prompt Response

Enter the PostgreSQL DSN name or connection string [] :

Enter the PostgreSQL DSN name or a connection string that connects to the PostgreSQL database system.

Example: pslazpgdb02

Is DB hosted over "Azure Single Server"?

Enter "Y" only when PostgreSQL DB is hosted over 'Azure Single Server'.

Enter the PostgreSQL Administrator name :

Enter the name of the PostgreSQL Administrator. This user will perform the setup work on the SharePlex account and schema.

Example: PostgreSQL

Enter the password for the Administrator account:

Enter the password of the Administrator.

Enter the replication target database name :

Enter the target database name on which replication needs to be performed.

Example: sp_mk

Would you like to create a new SharePlex user?

Enter the name of the existing SharePlex user:

N (If you want to create a user, enter “y”)


Enter the name of the SharePlex user.

Enter the password of the SharePlex user:

Enter the password of the SharePlex user account.

Re-enter the password for the SharePlex user:

This prompt is only shown if you created a new user. Enter the SharePlex password again.

A successful setup terminates with a message similar to the following:

Completed SharePlex for PostgreSQL database configuration

SharePlex User name: postgres@pslazpgdb02.postgres.database.azure.com

Database name: sp_mk

The data source identifier in the SharePlex configuration is 'r.sp_mk' –

Database Setup for PGDB as a Service

Database Setup for PostgreSQL Database as a Service

Pre-requisites to configure PostgreSQL database setup as a source:
  1. Modify the cloud database parameters :

    AWS : rds.logical_replication 1

    Azure : wal_level LOGICAL

  2. Add database connection details in the ODBC files in SharePlex var/odbc directory. See the sample screenshot.

  3. For all the tables which are going to be part of replication, set the 'replica identity' to 'full' before activation.
    For example: alter table "DEMO_SRC" replica identity full;

Note: SharePlex PostgreSQL cloud service as a source only supports logical replication.


Run the PG Setup utility for PostgreSQL (pg_setup) to establish a user account, schema, and tables for use by SharePlex.

Guidelines for Use

  • Run the PG Setup utility on an independent Linux VM from where the PostgreSQL instance is accessible.
  • For consolidated replication, run the PG Setup utility for each variable-data directory.
  • For PostgreSQL Database as a Service, follow the connection handling best practices recommended by the respective vendor.

  • You can provide a DSN (data source name). Note the following when deciding on the connection method on Linux:

    Connection Type on Linux What to do

    If you have a DSN defined, and you want to use it for the SharePlex connection, copy or link the ODBC files in which that DSN is defined (odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini) to the odbc subdirectory of the SharePlex variable-data directory. This prevents connection errors when the SharePlex processes connect to the database.

    If you do not have a DSN defined but want to use one, you can create it in the template files provided in the odbc subdirectory.

For an example of the sample odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files, see the example below:


Required Privilege

Review the following requirements to ensure that the setup succeeds.

  • The Database Setup utility must be run as a PostgreSQL Administrator in order to grant SharePlex the required privileges to operate on the database and to create the SharePlex database account.
  • (Symfoware only) If the person who is running the setup utility is not a Fujitsu Enterprise PostgreSQL owner, set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the path to the lib subdirectory in the Fujitsu Enterprise PostgreSQL installation directory. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set in the .bash_profile file of the Fujitsu Enterprise PostgreSQL owner.


    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH= /opt/symfoserver64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    If you do not set this path, the following error occurs:

    symbol lookup error: /opt/fsepv95client64/odbc/lib/psqlodbca.so: undefined symbol: PQconnectdbParams

  • Cloud installations:
    • Common restrictions on privileges in cloud-hosted database services make it difficult for the setup utility to succeed in every possible type of scenario. To ensure that the database setup succeeds, only use the setup utility for the following purposes: To do a first-time database setup with a new SharePlex user, or, to modify an existing SharePlex user that either owns the database or has access to it.
    • You might need to grant usage/privileges on the target schema and tables to the SharePlex user, as shown in the following example:

      Log in as the schema owner, then issue the following commands:

      grant usage on schema schema_name to user_name;

      grant all privileges on all tables in schema schema_name to user_name;

    • For Google Cloud database, grant the following privileges if a user wants to change the owner of a table in replication:

      alter user splex_user createdb createrole login;

      create role role_name;

      grant role_name to splex_user;

Run PG setup for PostgreSQL

Follow the below instructions to run the PG setup for PostgreSQL:

  1. Shut down any running SharePlex processes and sp_cop on the source system.
  2. Run the pg_setup program from the bin subdirectory of the SharePlex product directory.

    Important! If you installed the SharePlex instance on any port other than the default of 2100, use the -p option to specify the port number. For example, in the following command the port number is 9400.

    $ /users/splex/bin> pg_setup -p9400

Table 16: Setup prompts and responses

Prompt Response

Enter the PostgreSQL DSN name:

Enter a DSN.
Is DB hosted over "Azure Single Server"?

Enter "n" for a database hosted on the platform other than "Azure single server".

NOTE: Ensure Admin users have the below mentioned roles before initiating setup-

On-Prem DB:superuser

AWS hosted DB:rds_superuser

Azure hosted DB:azure_pg_admin

Enter the PostgreSQL Administrator name :

Enter the name of the PostgreSQL Administrator. This user will perform the work on the SharePlex account.

Enter the password for the Administrator account :

Enter the password of the Administrator.

Enter the database name:

Enter the name of the database that you want to contain the SharePlex tables and other objects for use by SharePlex. You can enter the name of a new or existing database.

Database name database does not exist. Would you like to create it? [y] :

If this prompt is displayed, the specified database does not exist. Press Enter to have the setup utility create it for you.

Would you like to create a new SharePlex user [y]:

Press Enter to accept the default to create a new SharePlex database user account and schema of the same name in the specified database, or enter n to use an existing SharePlex account.

Enter the name of the new SharePlex user:

Enter the name of the existing SharePlex user:

One of these prompts is displayed depending on whether you elected to create a new user or use an existing user. Enter the name of the SharePlex user.

NOTE: Enter the user name in lowercase letters only.

Enter the password of the SharePlex user :

Enter the password of the SharePlex user account.

Re-enter the password for the SharePlex user :

This prompt is only shown if you created a new user. Enter the SharePlex password again.
Will this database be used as a source? [n] :

Enter Y to use the DB connection for a source. You will see the below prompts only for the DB connection for the source.

Enter N to use the DB connection for a target.

Enter the replication slot name? [test_slot] :

Enter the replication slot name.

NOTE: Replication slot test_slot will be created in database after successful config activation.

Enter the default tablespace for use by SharePlex [pg_default] : Enter the default tablespace by SharePlex
Enter the index tablespace for use by SharePlex [pg_default] : Enter the index tablespace by SharePlex
Do you want Logical replication? [n] :

This prompt is displayed only for on-premise hosted PostgreSQL database.

Enter "y" to perform logical replication.

Enter "n" to perform physical replication.

Setup will now install SharePlex objects.

A successful setup terminates with a message similar to the following:

Completed SharePlex for PostgreSQL database configuration

SharePlex User name: splexab

Database name: testdb

-- The datasource identifier in the SharePlex configuration is 'r.testdb' --

Solve Installation Problems for PostgreSQL




This chapter reviews some common problems that you could experience when installing or running SharePlex for the first time after installation.

Sometimes there are special installation instructions that supersede or supplement certain instructions in this manual. In addition, there can be known issues for this version that you should be aware of during or after installation. Please read the Release Notes for the version of SharePlex that you are installing before you begin the installation process.

Solve database setup problems for PostgreSQL

This section helps you diagnose problems that are associated with the SharePlex database account and connection information that was created with the Database Setup utility when SharePlex was installed on the system.

Note: For more information about Database Setup, see Database Setup Utilities in the SharePlex Reference Guide.

If the issue you are experiencing is not listed in this documentation, search the SharePlex Knowledge Base at:


The Knowledge Base provides filtering options and links to other resources that can help you use and troubleshoot SharePlex.

PostgreSQL setup issues

Problem Description Solution
Insufficient database privileges If the database setup utility fails, the person who runs it may not have the correct privileges

For more information, see Database Setup Utilities.

sp_cop is running The SharePlexsp_cop process cannot be running while you are running the Database Setup utility. If it is running, shut it down using the shutdown command in sp_ctrl. Run sp_ctrl from the bin sub-directory in the SharePlex product directory.
ODBC driver configuration problem Error: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no default driver specified. The issue is observed while running pg-setup. Ensure that the odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini configurations are verified. For more information, see Database Setup for PostgreSQL.

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