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There is a single HostCPUs instance attached to a Host that provides host level summary metrics for the processors on a host. The HostCPUs instance is identified by the reference to the associated Host object and has its name set with the constant string CPUs.
The average percentage of time that processors on the host were idle while there was at least one I/O in progress.
The average percentage of time that processors on the host are idle.
The average percentage of time that processors on the host spend executing system code in user mode.
The average percentage of time that processors on the host spend executing user code.
The total speed (measured in Hertz) of all physical processors installed on a host, or the total number of cycles allocated to a virtual machine.
The total amount of clock cycles (measured in Hertz) being used by processors on the host.
The average percentage of time that processors on the host are utilized (that is, not idle).
Collected for Linux platforms only by the UnixAgentPlus.
The CPU usage of AIX® LPAR (Logical Partition) is not easily or consistently measurable via a percentage. Depending on the LPAR configuration, the numbers can vary widely (often exceeding 100%, as in prior releases).
The current formula for calculating the Physical CPU Utilization provides a more meaningful value for this metric, which is reflective of physical CPU allocation (regardless of virtualization setup) and does not exceed 100%.
Customers who prefer using the old formula from the legacy agent (delivered with the Cartridge for Operating Systems) can revert to the old calculation by using the following formulas:
There is a single HostNetwork instance attached to a host that provides host level summary metrics for the network interfaces on the host. The HostNetwork instance is identified by the reference to the associated Host object and has its name set with the constant string Network.
The total number of packets received on all interfaces (count/second).
The total number of packets sent on all interfaces (count/second).
The combined receive rate on all network interfaces (bit/second).
The combined send rate on all network interfaces (bit/second).
The number of open and active TCP connections.
The number of TCP connections last observed to be in the ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT state.
The number of TCP connections that have failed since the service was started. TCP considers a connection as failed when it goes directly from sending (SYN-SENT) or receiving (SYN-RCVD) to closed (CLOSED) state, or from receiving (SYN-RCVD) to listening (LISTEN).
The number of open and passive TCP connections.
The number of connections that have been reset since the service was started (regardless of when the System Monitor was started). TCP considers a connection as reset when it goes directly from ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT to CLOSED state. In Linux, this number represents the count of receiving resets.
The total rate on all transfers on all network interfaces (bit/second).
The average utilization of network interfaces on the host.
This metric is unavailable when the network card’s maximum bandwidth is not reported by the kernel.
The HostProcess type captures aggregate metrics for all processes of a given type on the host. Processes are aggregated according to executables.
The rate (byte/second) at which instances of the process transfer bytes in I/O operations that are neither read nor write operations (for example, control operations).
The rate (byte/second) at which instances of the process read data in I/O operations to file, network, etc.
The rate (byte/second) at which instances of the process write data in I/O operations to file, network, etc.
The name of the HostProcess group.
The rate (count/second) of I/O operations (other than read/write operations) performed by instances of this process.
The rate (count/second) of read I/O operations performed by instances of the process.
The rate (count/second) of write I/O operations performed by instances of the process.
The total number of page faults for this process (count/second).
The percentage of processes found divided by the number of processes expected. (percent)
The percentage of real memory that has been consumed by instances of the process.
The percentage of the total processor time that has been consumed by instances of the process.
The total size (kilobyte) of swap or paging space used by instances of the process.
The total processor time (seconds) that has been consumed by instances of the process.
The total virtual size (kilobyte) of instances of the process.
The total amount of real memory (kilobyte) consumed by instances of the process.
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