
Change Auditor 7.2 - Installation Guide

Installation Overview Install Change Auditor Add Users to Change Auditor Security Groups Connecting to the Clients Deploy Change Auditor Agents Upgrade Change Auditor Installation Notes and Best Practices Deployment Options Workstation Agent Deployment Agent Comparison Install an agent to audit ADAM (AD LDS) on workgroup servers Windows Installer Command Line Options

Deploy Change Auditor Agents

Change Auditor agents

Once you have installed the coordinators and client, you are ready to deploy agents to the servers and workstations.

Quest recommends that you deploy a server agent to all servers (domain controllers and member servers) to track configuration changes in real time. For workstations, deploy a workstation agent to only those that you want to monitor for login activity. See Agent behavior notes for information about how the different types of agents connect to the coordinators in your environment and the limits set for agent connections.

When a change is made on a server running an agent, the change information (audited event) is captured and forwarded to the specified database.

NOTE: See the Installation Notes and Best Practices for notes on deploying agents for Change Auditor for Exchange and Change Auditor for Authentication Services.

The Deployment page in the client displays all the servers and workstations discovered in your Active Directory environment. From here, you specify the servers (and workstations) to host an agent. For a description of the Deployment page, see the Change Auditor User Guide.

Deploy agents

Starting with Change Auditor 7.0.2, you cannot install an agent on Windows 2008 SP2 operating system. During an agent install, if this operating system is detected, the latest version of the agent that supports the operating system is installed.

For example, when you install an agent on a Windows 2012 server, the latest 7.x agent is deployed. When you deploy an agent on a Windows 2008 SP2 server, the latest 6.8 agent is installed.

The following procedures step you through the process of deploying agents. See the Change Auditor User Guide for procedures on using the advanced options and setting up auto deployment of new servers.

Open the client. If agents have not yet been deployed, select the Deployment tab. Otherwise, use View | Deployment.
From this list, select an entry and select Credentials | Set to enter the proper user credentials for installing agents on the selected domain.
On the Domain Credentials dialog, select the domain from the list and click Set. On the Logon Credentials dialog, enter the credentials of a user with administrator rights on the selected domain.
After entering the proper credentials, select the entry back on the Deployment page and select Credentials | Test. If you get a Valid Creds status in the Deployment Result column, you can start deploying agents to that domain.
If you get a Logon Failure status in the Deployment Result column, use the Credentials | Set command to enter the proper credentials for installing agents.
If you select the When option, enter the date and time when you want the deployment task to initiate. Click OK to initiate or schedule the deployment task.
Back on the Deployment page, the Agent Status column displays ‘Pending’ and the When column displays the date and time specified.
NOTE: To cancel a pending deployment task, select the server or workstation and then click Install or Upgrade. On the Install or Upgrade dialog, click Clear Pending.
As agents are successfully connected to the coordinator, the corresponding Deployment Result cell displays ‘Success’, the Agent Status cell displays ‘Active’ and a desktop notification displays in the lower right-hand corner of your screen.
NOTE: To deactivate these desktop notifications, select Action | Agent Notifications.

Upgrade Change Auditor

This section contains information about upgrading Change Auditor. Before proceeding with an upgrade, read the following information carefully and consider all steps that apply to your deployment.

You can upgrade from the following upgrade paths.

Change Auditor 6.x through 7.x

You can upgrade directly to the latest version.

If the upgrade cannot proceed because 5.x events are still present in the database, upgrade to 6.8 first to complete the upgrade of the 5.x events, then upgrade to the latest version. Ensure that upgrade of the 5.x events has fully completed before you upgrade.

Change Auditor 5.9 or below

You cannot upgrade directly to the latest version. You must upgrade to 6.8 first.


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