
Sensitive Content Manager 2.2 - Release Notes

Known issues

The following is a list of issues, including those issues attributed to third-party products, known to exist at the time of release.


Reference No.

The SCM Document Routing Service (DRS) fails with the message: "Could not find file in FileStorage" when you submit a zip file which contains a duplicate filename within its folder hierarchy and a DRS restart occurs while processing the zip file contents.


installer.log file is not created when the installer is launched automatically after a restart due to a .NET framework installation.


Exception log messages distort the Logs screen after expanding and then refreshing the page.


Special characters in destination or file storage folder name will cause the installation to fail.


License re-validation message for an expired license is not displayed.


Exception logs are not shown completely when expanded for long messages in Internet Explorer.


Rollback is not triggered when Hostname on the IIS Information screen has special characters in it.


IIS Firewall rules are not regenerated when you run the installer to repair or upgrade.


Rabbit configuration details (PEM file, Rabbit certificate, etc.) are not regenerated when upgrading or repairing SCM.

Workaround: uninstall and reinstall SCM.


A non local-admin service account user is not able to clear registry during installation but logs a confusing message in the log : "License details collected from the installer could not be committed to the service connection point"

Workaround: Assign local admin rights to the service account.


Restarting the VM or ending the installer process in the middle of an installation causes failures when attempting to re-install.

Workaround: Run the Microsoft install and uninstall tool to repair the installation.


Some logs entries appear with incorrect TimeStamp while the system gradually upgrades the different services from 2.0 to 2.1


SCM 2.0 - The Administration Center UI prompts for user credentials 3 times on Windows 2016 and IE v11.3808

Workaround: Use Chrome or Edge browser, or add the site to the intranet zone .


SCM Installer fails if IIS Express 8 is installed on the target server.

Workaround: Uninstall IIS Express and try again.


Administration Center UI in both Chrome and Firefox shows incorrect time if auto adjust for DST is disabled.


The installation fails intermittently on Windows 2012 with the error 'Subquestion service deployment failed with Error: Access to path erlang.cookie is denied'.

Workaround: Uninstall SCM completely and install again.


Some characters that can be considered as delimiters or separators affect keyword detection and may result in false positive search term detections in Excel and CSV files.


A Search term with a semicolon in its title is incorrectly separated with a space on the Report Details screen.


When using IE11 to open the Administration Center the unauthorized access page appears instead of the authentication dialog page.


When new SCM node is installed, the services Log Level in appsettings.json file is reset to the default value of "Warning" regardless of the Log Level setting in the main node.


The SQL Server Low Disk space message is not displayed by the installer if the master database is deployed on a drive other than the configured SQLDATA and SQLBACKUP drives in SQL Server.


Any 8- or 11-character words with a valid country code in the 5th and 6th characters are incorrectly detected as valid Swift Codes.


A service-only server cannot be repaired if the primary SCM server has been configured to run its services using the Local System account and the service-only server account does not have proper permissions on the SCP.



Version History

Resolved issues from previous versions are listed below.

Version 2.1.1

The following is a list of issues addressed in this release.


Work Item

When creating a new report, the "Select Profile" step shows a required field error incorrectly when a valid folder path is entered immediately after an incorrect folder path was entered.


User must click on the browser refresh button after removing the last scan report from the active report list.


If there are no scans in the active report list and a scan is submitted with a PowerShell script, then the scan record does not appear in the list.


If you enter an underscore (_) or percent (%) symbol in either the Parent File Path or File Name filter fields in the Download Report Details popup, then all scan records are downloaded.


The Activity Logs display an incorrect message when the profile is deleted after the analysis has started.


Logs are exported successfully but an error message is written to the log.


An OutOfMemory exception occurs when scanning a large workload with verbose logging mode ON.


The filter criteria in the Download Report Details popup does not perform an exact match for search terms.


Duplicate log entries are written when a scan is canceled.


Invalid credit card data containing commas gets detected as valid LUHN 10 for Excel and CSV


The scan detail screen takes more than 10 seconds to load for a small scan report.


Duplicate log entries written when a scan is deleted.



Version 2.1

The following is a list of issues addressed in this release.


Work Item

Decimal numbers were incorrectly detected as LUHN10, Credit card numbers, NHS Number and US National Provider ID




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