The Synchronous dataflows depict the rates at which database agents are reading pages from disk to buffer pools and writing pages from buffer pools to disk across all active databases in the DB2 instance. These reads and writes are synchronous because they are performed as part of the processing of program instructions.
At each refresh, Spotlight captures the following statistics and displays them just above their respective rate dataflow.
W/s (synchronous write rate)—The number of synchronous writes per second instance wide
R/s (synchronous read rate)—The number of synchronous reads per second at the instance level
The line graph that overlays each dataflow plots the instance-wide synchronous write or read rate captured over the series of refreshes that have occurred during the Spotlight session.
Clicking in the Global Database I/O panel opens the Database Manager Summary drilldown. This drilldown provides details about all the active databases and partitions in a DB2 instance. You can select any database or partition to view details about that database, including I/O activity details.
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