Unable to download commercial installer for latest version. After logging into Support Portal and trying to download Toad (or another product), the following scenarios can occur:
- Error: "We are unable to process your request for . Our records do not show a previous purchase or Support Maintenance contract for . If you feel you have received this message in error, please contact our Support Renewal Group. For local Support Renewal hours of operation, contact numbers and e-mail addresses view the Support Renewal contact page at Quest Support Renewals .
- A trial installer starts downloading instead of the commercial installer
- There is no purchase of the specific product noted (i.e. Toad for Oracle, Toad Data Point, SQL Optimizer for Oracle, SQL Navigator, etc.)
- The maintenance contract has expired
- The Site ID was associated to the profile.
- The email address its not entitled to download the commercial software
Send an email to SupportAdmin@quest.com with your license key and contact information. A Support Administrator will be able to help you verify that you are associated to the correct valid Site ID.
If you are not sure if your maintenance contract is current or need to renew it:
Send an email to SupportRenewal@quest.com with your license key and contact information. Somebody from Support Renewals will contact you to verify if your maintenance is current or help you get it renewed.
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