How to perform a silent deploy of additional products license key to all users after Toad for Oracle is already installed and already activated?
To silently apply a license key for additional products to all users follow the steps below:
1) Manually enter the above key inside the program on one PC. This will make the program add the license key in the “ProductLicenses.xml” file.
2) Go to the location paths below and look for the “ProductLicenses.xml” file. Open this file and verify that it contains your additional product (and Toad) license keys.
NOTE: Depending on your versions and previous installations, the “ProductLicenses.xml” file may or may not appear in one or more of the location paths below. Please check each of the paths below.
Windows 10 and 11:
Mac OS:
For Toad for Oracle 17.X
/Users/[user]/Library/Application Support/Toad for Oracle/Bottles/toad/drive_c/users/crossover/AppData/Local/{08439167-4CA5-48E9-A810-A3A7C0B80B06}
For Toad for Oracle on Mac 2024 and furthers
/Users/[user]/Library/Application Support/{08439167-4CA5-48E9-A810-A3A7C0B80B06}
3) You can now use this “ProductLicenses.xml” file and place it in the location paths mentioned below in your user’s PCs. You can create a batch script file to perform these steps in your network silently (please consult with your IT people on this as Quest Support cannot create batch files for customers).
Windows 10:and 11
C:\ProgramData\Quest Software
Mac OS:
For Toad for Oracle on Mac 17. X
This is the entire path /Users/[user]/Library/Application Support/Toad for Oracle/Bottles/toad/drive_c/users/crossover/AppData/Local/ (hidden on your Mac).
Just open Finder and press “Command Shift dot”
Just create this folder {08439167-4CA5-48E9-A810-A3A7C0B80B06} in the folder Local if it was not created previously and copy the ProductLicenses.xml file in there.
For Toad for Oracle on Mac 2024 and furthers
/Users/[user]/Library/Application Support/{08439167-4CA5-48E9-A810-A3A7C0B80B06}
4) Start the program (and Toad) and see if the keys are applied via the Help menu | Licensing.
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