A Spotlight script is failing to run on the Sever's OS. It is returning on the error: echo "[I-0]:ERR:$@; quitting"
Unix OS commands need version 5.6 of perl or later. If this is not available you should revert to using a shell script to obtain operating system data for this server. To do this, edit the file ScriptConfig.ini (in the ..\Plug-ins\DatasourceUNIX sub-folder of the Spotlight installation folder) according to the instructions supplied in the file.
We can use PERL like in old Spotlitghs and this command is commented out by default, but can be made active if PERL cannot be used to use other methods.
I have checked with my developer and he didn't get reply last night, but we rarely ask customer to do that unless it is necessary.
Here is the paragraph from release notes: Unix OS commands need version 5.6 of perl or later. If this is not available you should revert to using a shell script to obtain operating system data for this server. To do this, edit the file ScriptConfig.ini (in the ..\Plug-ins\DatasourceUNIX sub-folder of the Spotlight installation folder) according to the instructions supplied in the file.