Error received when connecting to Spotlight on Oracle:
"Oracle client you're using is not reliable when connecting to a 10g we recommend you upgrade to oracle 10g release 2..."
A) Using Spotlight version 4.5.x or lower with Oracle client 11g.
B) Trying to connect Spotlight on Oracle to Oracle 10gR2 database with earlier version than Oracle client 10gR2.
Spotlight 4.5.x or lower does not support Oracle 11g client. Upgrade Spotlight to version 5.x or downgrade the Oracle client to version 10g.
Install and select the Oracle 10g R2 client.
If multiple Oracle Homes exist, try the following Workaround to set Spotlight on Oracle to use Oracle 10g R2 Home:
****WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that can damage the operating system and the software installed. Quest cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.****
1. Open Registry Editor, by Selecting Start | Run | type 'regedit' and click OK.
2. Go to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Software| Oracle'.
3. Add or modify the following parameters by right-clicking and select 'New/String Value'
ORACLE_HOME = enter the client path
TNS_ADMIN = the tnsnames path
4. Add OCIDLL PATH (EG. "OCIDLL=C:\ORACLE\ORA102\BIN") to the Spotlight on Oracle's shortcut target.
Eg "C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Spotlight\Console\Spotlight.exe" OCIDLL=C:\ORACLE\ORA102\BIN
Note that in the case that you are unsure about how to get the Spotlight shortcut, right-click on the Spotlight icon on the desktop and select Properties, the target will contain the path of where spotlight.exe is installed. You can replace the existing entry with the above line.
Resolution 2:
In the event that the above resolution does not work, do this:
Enter the 10G client oracle home as the first entry in system PATH using windows environmental variable utility (system properties).
1. Right-click on my computer and select properties
2. Select the advanced tab and click on Environmental variables
3. Select the PATH variable and edit the variable value to make the oracle 10g path the first entry in the list
4. Recreate spotlight connection and connect again
Also applies to Spotlight on Oracle 4.0 and Oracle and Spotlight on RAC 1.x
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