Broadcast IP- used when “server broadcasting”. Typically IP of workstation - also see server broadcasting note below. If this IP is different than the actual IP of the computer, it will cause connection problems. Make sure they match up.
Listening Port- This is the TCP port on the machine that RemoteScan listens on for incoming RemoteScan client connections.
Broadcast Port- the port that RemoteScan uses to broadcast itself out across the network, do not change as this is the UDP port.
Logging- slows down scanning , however it also provides very verbose log files that development needs when fixing issues.
Server Broadcasting- RemoteScan sends a UDP packet over the network to notify any “listening” RemoteScan clients that there is a server available. The client will then display that server in the drop down list of “RemoteScan servers”.
Software Clipping- This grabs the full supported (native) size scan from the scanner, and then RemoteScan software will clip it to the requested size. This is useful for some scanners that have problems dealing with certain paper sizes.
Memory Transfer Mode- check this if scan crashes or freezes – There are two methods of communicating with the scanner, file transfer (default) mode or memory transfer mode. Some scanners are more stable with one over the other. We have many exceptions in code to automatically use memory transfer mode for scanners that require it. If we find another scanner that requires it, let development know so they can add the scanner to the exception list.
Keep Scanner Driver Open Always- This literally causes RemoteScan to load the scanners driver and never close it. This can help in cases where scanners lose connectivity with the computer or for some that go into a sleep mode. It prevents any other application from scanning on the local computer.
Draft Mode- (checked by default) – Rarely there are scanners that do additional processing and give a better quality scan when not in draft mode, but typically leave as is. Performance and stability are enhanced.
Perform Twain Compliance Check- ensures that scanner driver is twain compliant (checked by default) – Minimal impact
Open Scanner Data Source Every (mins)- keeps scanner from going into sleep mode. RemoteScan opens the driver and closes it at the set time interval.
Document Feeder is : Auto detect (default), Left, Center, Right Justified – This refers to the alignment of the paper in the feeder. We have many exceptions in code for specific scanners to auto set this for the scanners that actually are aligned different than what their driver indicates with “auto detect”. If a scan is off center, figure out which justified it is suppose to be and let development know.
Automatically Close Dialogs from Native Driver- RemoteScan “attempts” to click any “ok” buttons in dialogs that are displayed from the driver. It does not always work as some drivers use non standard button ID’s.
Show Native UI- RemoteScan launches the scan from the selected twain driver with the option to display the scanner drivers UI, this is not normal. RemoteScan also attempts to set the Z order to the very top to insure it pops up in front of the RDP window, but it does not always work and you may have to switch over to the local desktop the first time.
Reverse Scanned Image- refers to black and white not image itself (if box is checked and has gray checkmark then it is letting the application decide, if has black checkmark . This setting is mostly handled by exceptions in code for specific scanners that reversion (take the negative) of a scan. Some applications will also try to auto inverse the image so we have a few exceptions for specific scanning applications. This one is not a problem much any more.
Allow Camera Drivers- RemoteScan Server is designed to ignore most cameras' TWAIN drivers, if a driver name has "camera" in it, it won't show up in the TWAIN list. Use "allow Camera Drivers" to override this. This is done because most cameras do better with WIA drivers. A few only have twain drivers. This is primarily for still cameras.
Preview Video Before Capture- a preview window of the image appears before capturing the picture. (for web cameras)
Password- can only be used with LAN version. Using a password causes problems with terminal services so creating one is not recommended.
No Compression- image is transferred as is in its pure bitmap format. This is not recommended.
Lossless Compression- image is compressed then transferred. Uses gzip compression algorithm that insures exact (lossless) image is returned, but does reduce image size for transfer, speeding it up.
Lossy Compression- image is compressed and some data is is lost (slider for quality). Uses a Jpeg compression algorithm which is very very efficient for color images, though there is some quality loss. Only used for color scanning.
Continue to Scan while Sending Pages- speeds up scan for twain driver (scans as fast as the scanner is able). If seeing memory issue errors uncheck this box. As the scanner is scanning the images, the pooled images get stored in memory. This can be a problem on machines that have limited RAM, such as thin clients. If they are doing lots of large scans with a fast scanner and/or slow connection, then the computer can run out of memory.
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