Cannot Create Backup Copy on Secure Storage Server.
Backups are being created successfully locally in the RMAD server, but the following error is seen in the console:
Error creating backup: Cannot create backup copy on a secure storage server.
Or, you may also see the following error:
Error while we take backup - Cannot create backup copy on a secure storage server. Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. -2147164143
The RMAD console shows a red cross mark in the Secure Storage server.
We recommend to check and confirm if ports 48001 and 445 are open and reinstall the Secure Storage agent. If uninstalling the agent from control panel fails, then you may try the following:
1- Logon to the Secure Storage server from a console session. 2- Open CMD as administrator. 3- Change directory to specify the directory in which the secure storage agent msi file is stored using the CD command. For example: CD C:\Temp. 4- Type msiexec /x (securestorage.msi) and press enter. This command will run the wizard to uninstall the agent. 5- Type msiexec /i (securestorage.msi) and press enter. This command will run the wizard to install the agent. 6- Ensure certificate .pfx is added to the agent path
Once the above is complete, go back to the RMAD server, right-click the secure storage server and click on refresh.
The red cross should disappear and now a lock icon should be seen.
Run a backup manually to confirm if the backups are being created and pushed to the secure storage server.