RMAD server ExclusionsFilename: C:\ProgramData\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory\Backups.mdb
Description: This is a local database file containing the backup registration database that stores information about created Active Directory and ADAM backups.
Filename: C:\ProgramData\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory\Rmad.db3
Description: This is a local database file containing the Recovery Manager Console configuration data, such as computer collections and backup creation sessions
- Path to where the backups are stored - see Local Storage, Remote Storage and Secondary Storage tabs on each Computer Collection within RMAD to determine the paths
- Path to where the backups are extracted - see global settings configured under "Recovery Manager for Active Directory" Node in MMC ( "Settings | Unpacked Backups tab")
- Log folder path - see global settings configured under "Recovery Manager for Active Directory" Node in MMC ( "Settings | Logging tab"). By default this is "C:\Program Files\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory\Logs"
Domain Controller ExclusionsFilename: C:\Windows\RecoveryManagerAD\BackupAgent64.exe
Description: This is the preinstalled backup agent listed as Quest Backup Agent in Services MMC
Filename: C:\Windows\RecoveryManagerAD\ErdAgent.exe
Description: This is the backup agent used if you have not preinstalled the backup agent and it gets deployed each time the backup runs and removed once it has completed
Filename: C:\Windows\RecoveryManagerAD\RstAgent.exe
Description: This is the Offline Restore agent (the one used when doing a Repair in the Console)
Filename: C:\Windows\RecoveryManagerAD\ManagementAgent.exe
Description: This is used as a helper agent to install the other agents
Filename: C:\Program Files\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory Forest Edition\FRRestoreService64.exe
Description: This is the preinstalled forest recovery agent listed as Quest Forest Recovery Service in Services MMC.
Note: Specific to Forest Edition and Disaster Recovery edition.Filename: C:\Program Files\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory Forest Edition\RecoveryAgent64.exe
Description: This is the forest recovery agent used to communicate with the Forest Recovery Console on the RMAD server
Note: Specific to Forest Edition and Disaster Recovery edition.If Agent-based online restore method is used, exclude the following files that are copied to C:\Windows\RecoveryManagerAD directory as part of this process:
- C:\Windows\RecoveryManagerAD\BackupAgent64.exe
- C:\Windows\RecoveryManagerAD\EriAgent.exe
- C:\Windows\RecoveryManagerAD\EventTable.dll
- C:\Windows\RecoveryManagerAD\Lsahlp.dll
- C:\Windows\RecoveryManagerAD\OnlineRestoreAdapter.exe
- C:\Windows\RecoveryManagerAD\OnlineRestoreAdapterPS.dll
- C:\Windows\RecoveryManagerAD\ProcessUnprotector.sys
Folder-Based Exclusions
C:\ProgramData\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory
C:\ProgramData\Quest\RecoveryMedia (Used in DRE to store the ISO created for BMR)
C:\Program Files\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory or C:\Program Files\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory Forest Edition