- Download SQL Management Studio from the below link:
http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=7593 - Install SQL Management Studio
- Open SQL Management Studio and connect to the local SQL instance:
- servername\questrmad - Once connected, expand the servername | Security
- Right click on "Logins" and select "New Login..."
- If you are creating a login for a domain account select Windows authentication, click Search and locate the name of the domain account
- If you are creating a SQL account (non domain account), select SQL server authentication, enter the name for the account and the password
- On the left hand side, chose "User Mapping"
- Put a check mark in for "RecoveryManager-Reporting-SERVERNAME" and "ForestRecovery-Persistance" (if Forest Edition is installed)
- While highlighted on the database, put a check mark in for db_owner access at the bottom of the window. Do this for both databases
- Click OK
Please note: If you have a Recovery Manager for Active Directory version prior to 9.0, the SQL Instance name referenced may contain the non-Quest branded path instead of ‘Quest'
Note: By default, the only account granted SysAdmin rights to an SQL Express instance is the account which installed the instance. If you do not know which account this is or need to grant SysAdmin rights to another account to gain access to the instance, please see the following KB Article: