Run the installer directly, not from the command line
Install using Powershell. If using 10.0.1 or earlier:
- Open MMC on the RMAD server
- Click File | Add/Remove Snap-in
- Select Certificates and click Add
- Select Computer account
- Click Next, Finish and then OK
- Expand Certificates | Personal
- Select Certificates
- Hold Ctrl and select both the 'Recovery Manager for Active Directory Agent' and the 'Recovery Manager for Active Directory Console' communication keys
- Right click and select All Tasks | Export
- Click Next
- Select 'Yes, export the private key' and click Next
- Ensure 'Personal Information Exchange is selected and click Next
- Check Password and enter RMAD as the password
- Click Next
- Specify a path to save the file, click Next and Finish
- Copy the pfx file to the DC
- Copy the RecoveryAgent64.exe from the RMAD installation directory to the DC
- Run the following command from a Powershell prompt:
.\RecoveryAgent64.exe /qn MANAGE_SERVICE=TRUE FRS_CUSTOM_PORT=xxxxx CERTIFICATE_PATH="C:\Temp\Cert.pfx" FRS_FIREWALL_SETTINGS_CONFIGURE=1 /l*!+v C:\Temp\Manual.Install.log - Once the agent has installed successfully, delete the cert export created in step 15
If using 10.1 or later:
Open the FR Console
Click Tools | Fault Tolerance | Export secure communication keys
Click Browse to select a path to store the exported keys
For the password type RMAD
Copy the pfx file to the DC
Copy the RecoveryAgent64.exe from the RMAD installation directory to the DC
Run the following command from a Powershell prompt:
- .\RecoveryAgent64.exe /qn MANAGE_SERVICE=TRUE FRS_CUSTOM_PORT=xxxxx CERTIFICATE_PATH="C:\Temp\Cert.pfx" FRS_FIREWALL_SETTINGS_CONFIGURE=1 /l*!+v C:\Temp\Manual.Install.log
- Once the agent has installed successfully, delete the cert export created in step 15
NOTE: If you want the agent to use a specific port, substitute xxxxx with the port you want to use or set it to 0 to have the agent use the RPC Dynamic Port range. Ensure the CERTIFICATE_PATH= is set to the full path where the pfx file was copied (eg. C:\Temp\Cert.pfx)
Defect RMADFE-1432 has been submitted to Development and has been tentatively planned for an upcoming 10.x release of Recovery Manager for AD Forest Edition

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