Supported methods are using Repositories with Network Share where "Agent logs are maintained on individual workstations. To centralize them so that review does not require logging into each machine, the
Upload Logs Action can be applied to the Devices of interest. This will create a copy of the Device’s logs in the defined
network share."1) Configure Repositories refers to the
document - Make sure that the Network Share is accessible by the Device
- Make sure that the device agent service account has full read and write permission to the Network Share
1.1) Navigate to ODMAD Hamburger Menu
三 > Setups > Configurations> Repositories > Agent Logs
Sample screenshot of Repositories

2) ODMAD Hamburger Menu 三 > Devices + Servers> checked and select the device
2.1) Scroll down, select 'Upload Logs' action and click on Apply Action button, refer to the document.
Sample screenshot action apply

2.2) Once Apply and verify the Job has completed.
Sample screenshot of the Jobs for the Upload Logs Job completion

2.3) Verity the logs are located in the Network path.
Sample log file being uploaded to the shared path
- File name should be similar to the format: <DeviceName)