When migrating into an existing Active Directory environment, there can be object collisions for the source environment (or multiple source environments during domain consolidation scenario) that already exist in the target. Before setting up On Demand Migration for Active Directory (ODM AD) Workflows and Templates, a decision will need to be made on a policy for how the customer wants the migration to handle these name collisions for duplicate objects. Then configure the ODM AD Templates and Workflows to handle the object renaming requirements.
The following AD user attributes are most common for experiencing an name collision, and using that decided policy on how changes will occur when attribute collisions are found so new objects are synchronized to the target AD domain instead of overwriting existing objects.
- UserPrincipalName
- mail
- sAMAccountName
- displayName
- cn
Note: This is not a complete list of attributes that could have a name collision during a migration.
Ensure the customer environments are reviewed and prepared for any name collisions with the objects copied attributes. While this is a manual process to compare the source objects to the target that will require an attribute (ex. ExtensionAttribute11) to be populated with a value (ex Collision). This will allow the first Stage Data ODM AD Workflow to filter on that attribute and those objects will then be processed by the second Stage Data Workflow.