We receive the following error when we attempt a ReACL "Error,FolderUpdater,Unable to update item security for 'C:\ProgramData\Sentinel': CreateFile: Access is denied"
How do we fix and avoid these errors?
The following link to online help explains the process, and lists the default folders excluded from ReACL
Follow these steps to add a folder to exclusion list
From the Active Directory Dashboard, click hamburger menu on left side of screen
Click "Profiles"
Click "Device ReACL Profiles"
Select and open the Profile
Click through the wizard, clicking Next
The screen will display a section called "Exclude These Paths from Processing"
add this folder to be excluded
To prevent these types of errors from failing the ReACL, perform the following steps:
From the Active Directory Dashboard, click hamburger menu on left side of screen
Click "Profiles"
Click "Device ReACL Profiles"
Click "Device ReACL Profiles"
Select and open the Profile
Click through the wizard, clicking Next
Change the 'Elevated Permissions Failure Action' from "Terminate processing with fatal error" to "Log Warning".
This should prevent the device from failing, and log these folders with warnings
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