Network or storage issues.
Restriction set blocking apps.
App deleted by device user.
Compatibility issues
To confirm if network issues are preventing a device from installing an app on a KACE agent enrolled device, the Play Store app on the device itself should be used. For example, in the screenshot below the Google Maps app can be found in the Play Store on the device. If the app is available, it will show in the device’s Play Store like below and this rules out a restriction set or compatibility issue. The device user can try installing manually and this can sometimes force the installation.
If there is no space on the device to download an app, that will certainly prevent app installation. The free space available on an Android device is shown in the device details section.
If an app is not installing and is not appearing in the Play Store, then the next step should be to rule out a restriction set blocking access to the app. Check any restriction set linked to the device and make sure that the app appears in the list if "Allow specific apps" is set or doesn’t appear in the list if "Block specific apps" is set.
In the screenshot below, a restriction set is only allowing access to specific apps so an attempt to install anything else will be ignored.
If the app has been deleted by the device user and this is against company policy, app deletion can be prevented by a restriction set.
By default, a device user is permitted to delete apps, and this can be prevented on both fully managed and work profile enrollments.
If an app is not compatible with a device, it will not show up in the device’s Play Store. If a restriction set is not blocking the app and it doesn’t appear then the app is not compatible with the device. Unfortunately, KACE Cloud does not receive any notification about app incompatibility for KACE Agent enrolled devices. If a device does not report a policy app installation completed, KACE Cloud attempts the installation again because the error could be down to a network issue. To avoid repeated app installation failures, different policies might be required for older devices.
App installation troubleshooting is a little easier for AMAPI enrolled devices because things like network issues or compatibility are reported to KACE Cloud. However, restriction sets should be checked first because they can still block app installation. Occasionally, AMAPI enrolled devices do not reinstall apps that were deleted by the device user unless the installation is forced through a restriction set or policy.
These errors can be found in the AMA Errors area in the device details section for an enrolled AMAPI device.
On first installation, the following message can sometimes appear.
Usually, this is not much to worry about and if the app is installed, the error disappears. If there are network or storage issues, the device will report an error like below. Note that the device will re-attempt installation automatically.
If an app is not compatible with the device, an error like below will appear.
If the app is not available in the device user’s country, then a message like below will appear.
Lastly, the following message is shown if new terms and conditions need to be approved by the AMAPI account holder.
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