How can multiple new Oracle database agents be added to Foglight for monitoring using a single installer wizard panel?
The following video details how to create multiple Oracle database agents using the Advanced mode.
In Foglight 6.0 and higher the Global View databases dashboard is available here:
Alternative steps:
To add Agents, log into the Foglight web console with a Foglight user, click on Databases to access the databases dashboard.
Click Monitor and select Oracle, the Monitor Oracle Instance setup GUI should display in a simple screen format requesting the needed setup configurations for creating a single instance.
For setting up multiple agents click on Use this option to discover multiple Oracle instances redirects to the Advance Oracle Monitoring Wizard, Foglight agent manager selection view. Use this screen to select the Host that Foglight will use to monitor your Oracle instances. Choose the recommended Host or select another Host that has the Foglight Agent Management software installed.
Click validate to verify the Agent Manager system resources. When the status validates? Click next.
Click Add instances propose two methods for configuring Foglight to monitor Oracle databases. Loading a TNS file copied from the database system or manually configuring the parameters. Both methods are covered in the demo.
Load TNS file allows selecting multiple database instances and also configures the connection profile. Click on load file, locate and choose the accessible tnsnames.ora file then click ok. A populated list of databases will display in accordance to the tnsnames.ora file. Select the database instance or instances of choice from the list and click ok.
The necessary connection fields are pre populated. Click Set credentials to complete the configurations.
The Add Manually option requires to manually key the connection parameters. Enter the host name where the Oracle database instance is located. Change the port if it’s something other than the default. Supply the Service or SID.
The host appears in the table for further configuration. Isolate the host to configure independently. Click set credentials.
Under Oracle connection, specify the database login credentials.
Within Monitoring Extension, click Specify OS Credentials for complete OS metrics. Appropriate the authentication then enter OS user and key in the password . As an alternative there is an option to use stored OS credentials from the foglight lockbox click select from stored credentials. Click apply
Adjust Alarm sensitivity level if other than default. Sensitivity level controls the type of alarms that will get triggered.
click Validate validation takes place.
Click on insufficient privileges under status if it displays during validation. A Grant privileges box pops up, the database user needs sufficient permissions to access Oracle data dictionary views. A sysdba user is needed to run the grant privileges script. Either copy the script and run it on the database or enter a sysdba user, the sysdba credentials are not saved only required for completing the granting stage. Click grant and the cycles of validations displays. Once all the checks have been authenticated the status should indicate validated and the agent is prepped for the final creation stage.
To change the display name on how the monitoring agent will appear in the databases dashboards, click on Display name and enter the desired entry. Once monitoring is completed, the option of changing the display name is not available.
Click next to view the instances stage for monitoring. To proceed with monitoring the listed Instances, click next.
Initialization begins and it may take a few minutes to setup the Foglight Oracle agents for the listed instances.
The table will list a Monitored status for successful agent creation. Monitoring is now available for the instances. Click finish to view the agents in the databases dashboards. Metrics may take a couple of cycles before the dashboard is fully populated.
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