Can Essentials for O365 migrate box annotations when migrating data to SharePoint?
Migrating Box Notes or Comments is not supported by Essentials for O365, find below a full list of unsupported objects:
The following Box objects are not supported when migrating to OneDrive for Business or SharePoint Online.
·Box Notes
·Box Bookmarks
·Custom Terms of Service
·External users (permissions and metadata)
·File and Folder descriptions
·Google Documents
·Google Spreadsheets
·Objects in the "Trash"
·Office documents created in Box with a size of 0 KB cannot be migrated using Azure Turbo
·"Tags" and Favorite labels
·Version history when a more recent version has a created date earlier than a previous version cannot be migrated using Azure Turbo.
Essentials for Office 365 2.14 - User Guide
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