Solution for Cause 1
1. Check the Expansion shelf slot 6 and verify the existence of the drive
2. Maybe it's not online? Compare the LED status versus the other Drives (Same action as number 3)
3. Check the LED on the drive and report back the status prior to reseating the drive if that is the course
4. Ensure the disk is secure in place,
5. If none of that works, in this sequence shutdown the DR, power off the EMM, then do reverse order to bring everything back online.
Solution 2 for Cause 2. Follow these instructions in exact in this sequence to drain the flea power.
1. Shutdown DR
2. Shutdown MD
3. Uplug DR, hold power button for 30 secs
4. Wait a 2 to 3 minutes Power up MD
5. Wait 2 minutes to 3 mins Power up DR last
6. Generate another dset diagnositic if necessary for support review.
7. After the DR has restarted, execute command system –show –hardware
If it displays disk 6 is still in a ready state but not assigned as hot spare
Physical Disk HDB PD20 ready no optimal 6 S1Z1TAXJ no 4 TiB Enclosure - 1
And check in the dset dset_report and if in the virtual disks list disk 6 is still not listed, proceed to solution 3:
Solution 3 for cause 2. We would need to go into the perc bios and set this to a dedicated hot spare.
The steps are below:
!. Reboot the DR
2. At boot, there is a prompt for Cntrl –R to go into the per bios
3. Under VD mgmt. – highlight raid 6 disk group See figure 1 in attached word doc
4. Select F2 operations
5. Dedicated Hotspare Box pops up see figure 2 in attached word doc
6. Chose disk available (should only be one)
7. OK
8. Press CTRL-N to view the disk list under Physical Disk Management should show dedicated Hotspare for disk in question. See figure 3 in attached word doc
System –show –hardware should now indicate the disk in a dedicated status
Physical Disk HDB PD20 ready dedicated optimal 6 47H0A1YJFVNC no 4 TiB Enclosure – 1