BT DirSync is unable to connect to the source GC. It complains of invalid credentials but we can LDP from server to GC and we can log on with account to the GC in question. (4373053)
BT DirSync is unable to connect to the source GC. It complains of invalid credentials but we can LDP from server to GC and we can log on with account to the GC in question.
The license key is attached with the key. The issue we had was that the tool is unable to connect to the source GC. It complains of invalid credentials but we can LDP from server to GC and we can log on with account to the GC in question. We have tried netbios name of GC, IP Address and same failure error. Also checked the ports are open. Tried also: 1. Ping gc from server 2. Checked name resolution from server 3. Tried different GC servers in source 4. Ldp bind from server to GC 5. Logon with account on dc 6. Customer typed password in manually instead of cut and paste. All above should mean ports are open and permissions are present I think
The BT user used for a source connection is a member of the groups
The group GL_DOMAN_ADMINS is again a member of the group "Protected Users" and the "Binary Tree Directory Sync Pro" doesn't seem to work with it (Probably "Binary Tree Directory Sync Pro" can't do Kerberos login but uses NTLMv2). User removed from Protected Users.