Error code 8007052E in Foreign forest agent credentials
Receiving the below warning in the agent logs even though the agent appears to be working fine overall:
ID: 10341 Time: 1/26/24 14:04:34.263 Level: WARN Thread: 9616 Logger: NetProLib.ActiveDirectory.AdsiException File: AdsiException.cpp Function: NetProLib::ActiveDirectory::AdsiException::GetErrorMessage Line: 135 Message: WIN32 error: The user name or password is incorrect. code: 8007052E
The issue usually happens with foreign forest agents deployed on untrusted or one-way trust forests due to agent code changes since 7.1 that were implemented in version 7.3. This behavior should not impact the agent's functionality and can be safely ignored.
The agent would need to be able to authenticate with the coordinator's domain (two-way trust) for the warning to stop. However, a solution for this is targeted to be implemented in the Change Auditor 7.5 release which currently does not have an ETA.