Scheduled Archiving was added to Change Auditor as of version 6.7. This allows users to create scheduled jobs to move events from the production to an Archive database.
Follow these steps to setup an Archive job:
Open the Administration Tasks tab.
Click the Configuration task button at the bottom of the navigation pane (left pane).
Select "Purge and Archive" in the Configuration task list to open the "Purge and Archive" page.
Click the "Add..." tool bar button to launch the "Purge and Archive" wizard.
On the first page of the wizard, enter a descriptive name for the Archive job in the "Job Name" field.
In the "Process events older than" box, enter the age of events that should be moved to the archive database. For example, if 90 is entered, events older than 90 days will be archived and will be no longer be available in the production database.
Uncheck the "Purge events" checkbox
Check the "Archive events" checkbox
Click Next.
On the second page of the wizard, select the archive job scheduling options to schedule when and how often the archive job should be run.
Click the Finish button to save the archive job and exit the wizard.