Looking at the binary log extract below we see the following warnings (items and their contents could not be backed up) on job ID 5 incremental backup of netvault server or client xxxx. double click the yellow dot with the ! inside and it will see list of files that do not get backed up on netvault 9.2 or below or on netvault 10 select the corresponding lime and select more info.
Warning 2015/02/11 09:28:19 5 Data Plugin xxxx 665905 items and their contents could not be backed up
Warning 2015/02/12 09:41:48 5 Data Plugin xxxx 783502 items and their contents could not be backed up
Warning 2015/02/13 09:53:22 5 Data Plugin xxxx 998916 items and their contents could not be backed up
The list shows the reason “No such file or directory” as seen below
/Volumes/Time Machine/Backups.backupdb/nottm server/2015-02-16-233123 : No such file or directory
/Volumes/Time Machine/Backups.backupdb/nottm server/2015-02-17-013510 : No such file or directory
/Volumes/Time Machine/Backups.backupdb/nottm server/2015-02-17-013510/.Backup.log : No
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