Migrating using Modern Authentication results in the "Migrate" profile being deleted and an autodiscover failure
Excerpt from the verbose log:
@ 14:51:50 Using Modern Auth Pre-configured profile: Migrate
@ 14:51:50 Performing AutoDiscover
@ 14:51:50 Execution path is : C:\Program Files (x86)\Binary Tree\CMT for Exchange\Worker
@ 14:51:50 Searching for C:\Program Files (x86)\Binary Tree\CMT for Exchange\Worker\OutlookAgent32.exe
@ 14:51:51 Deleted Profile: 'Migrate'
@ 14:51:51 Deleted Profile 'Migrate' not found, nothing to do.
@ 14:51:51 Directly Delete Profile 'Migrate' not found, nothing to do.
@ 14:51:51 Calling autodiscover application: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Binary Tree\CMT for Exchange\Worker\OutlookAgent32.exe" -address dberger@M365x274992.onmicrosoft.com -user "" -password "" -type mailbox -profile "Migrate" -l "C:\Users\sysadm\AppData\Local\Binary Tree\Notes Migrator\BTautodiscover.log"
@ 14:52:05 Begin AutoDiscover and Profile Creation Log
14:52:05 2:51 PM: [Info] Using Exchange credentials from registry
14:52:05 2:51 PM: [Info] Logging in with: admin@M365x274992.onmicrosoft.com
14:52:05 2:52 PM: [Info] Attempting to discover mailbox laracroft@dasrechtsbijstand.onmicrosoft.com
14:52:05 2:52 PM: [Error] Exception in DoProfileGeneration: GetAutodiscoverForEmailAddress: There are no autodiscover servers in the AD for this address
14:52:05 Error in WinHttpSendRequest(dasrechtsbijstand.onmicrosoft.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml): ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
14:52:05 Error in WinHttpSendRequest(autodiscover.dasrechtsbijstand.onmicrosoft.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml): ERROR_WINHTTP_CANNOT_CONNECT
14:52:05 The email address can't be found.
14:52:05 GetAutodiscoverUrlFromDns error: DNS lookup error using Server Reports Query Name Error
14:52:05 2:52 PM: [Error] Logon to Exchange Mailbox failed. The password may be incorrect.
@ 14:52:05 End of AutoDiscover and Profile Creation Log
14:52:05 AutoDiscover Response for Mailbox not found C:\Users\sysadm\AppData\Local\Binary Tree\Notes Migrator\dberger@M365x274992.onmicrosoft.com-AutoDiscover-Mailbox.xml
! 14:52:05 Error: Autodiscover result has no EXCH protocol. Check mailbox configuration.
@ 14:52:05 Entering BTExchangeMapi::UnInitialize
@ 14:52:05 Exiting BTExchangeMapi::UnInitialize
@ 14:52:06 Exiting BTNotesMigrateUsersMailFile()
@ 14:52:06 Exiting NotesUserMigrate()
14:52:06 Done migrating Debra Berger
14:52:06 Debra Berger AutoDiscover Failure
Although this migration is just for the primary mail box, the archive is being discovered for the migration history. Line from the log.
UseDiscoveredMigrationHistory option Found, value: 'Mailbox,Archive'
When the gather history from the archive kicks of the problem above happens.
As a workaround, Do not check the archive choice under the migration history method
1. Edit the setting document.
2. Go to mail file processing tab and uncheck the archive for the "Discover History from Migrates Data" and just leave the primary mailbox selection checked.
3. Save the setting document and re-select and re-assign the migration profile to the user so you get the most updated version of the migration profile.
4. Try the migration again after you recreate the Migrate profile in the Outlook client on the worker
Development if made aware of the problem
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