- Check FMS Perf_Management_Server_Performance_Summary.pdf
- Check the cartridge status for the below mentioned and enable them all
- Navigate to Administration | Cartridges
FglAM−LogMonitor 5.9.8
FglAM−Native−linux−x86_64 5.9.8
FglAM−Native−linux−ia32 5.9.8
FglAM−Native−aix−powerpc64 5.9.8
FglAM−Installer−solaris−x86_64 5.9.8
FglAM−Installer−solaris−sparc64 5.9.8
FglAM−Installer−linux−x86_64 5.9.8
FglAM−Installer−linux−ia32 5.9.8
FglAM−Installer−hpux−ia64 5.9.8
FglAM−Installer−windows−x86_64 5.9.8
FglAM−Installer−aix−powerpc64 5.9.8
Also make sure all cartridges for FglAM version 5.9.8 should be enabled.
Enabling the cartridges will show the upgraded version of the Agent managers