In order for the TIBCO agent to collect and send data to Foglight, it must be provided with a set of properties used to configure its data collection agent. It should be noted that agent properties are either specific to an agent instance or shared between all agent instances of that type. Be careful not to accidentally overwrite properties of other agents.
TIBCO Agent properties contain some default values. Based on your TIBCO configuration, these defaults can be replaced with actual values.
Root directories for TIBCO Hawk, RV and EMS in each case should be configured as the directory directly above the ‘lib’ directory.
Open Foglight.
For more information about working with agent properties, see the Foglight Administration and Configuration Guide.
Using regex expressions, you can change subscription intervals for data collection at either the Microagent or the Method level. In the first column, place the name of the Microagent to which you want to apply the override. Optionally, you can use a regex expression to apply the rule towards multiple Microagents, such as all Microagents with “prod” in their name. In the second column, do the same with the method name. The agent matches both parameters against active subscriptions to change their collection interval. In the third column, specify the interval you want for all subscriptions that match the rule. You may also change the interval to 0 in order to kill the subscription, and no data for it will be collected.
For example, if you wish to change the sample frequency of all method subscriptions for Microagents with “prod” in their name, you would put “.*prod.*” in the first column and simply “.*” in the second to represent wildcard characters. If you wish to modify the getStatus method for all Microagents, you would put “.*” in the first column and “getStatus” in the second.
It is important to note that unless otherwise specified in the regex, all normal strings are case-sensitive. To test complex regex expressions, you can use this free online tester: If your regex string and input string return a YES in the matches() result column, it will work correctly for the agent.
The simplest way to discover the canonical names of your Microagent and Methods for use in setting sample frequency overrides is to use TIBCO Administrator. Log into Administrator and go to Monitoring Management>Hawk Console. Select your domain and then on the next page, switch to the Microagents tab. These are your Microagents. The Microagents representing your BW engines and EMS servers will most likely start with something like “COM.TIBCO.ADAPTER…” These names would be used in the first column of setting a sample frequency override, though you can also invoke the getStatus method for the Microagent and use the Adapter Name. To discover the methods available, click on the Microagent name. The TIBCO agent employs several of these methods to collect data from the Microagents.
It is recommended that any method names used come directly from Administrator. To see which methods are being used by the TIBCO Agent and the data that is collected by each, refer to TIBCO Agent Data Tables in the Appendix of this documentation or log into the Foglight web console and go to Configuration>Data. Drill down into Management Server>All Agents>Your TIBCO Agent. Methods will start with TIBCO_BW_, TIBCO_EMS_, or TIBCO_RV_ to represent the methods available for TIBCO’s BusinessWorks, Enterprise Message Service, and Rendezvous Microagents, respectively.
If the TIBCO Agent is upgraded from a previous version, FglAM may need to be restarted on the monitored host. The operator may receive a message that reads “Cannot link to TIB RVJ” (the Java interface for RV). Restarting FglAM will provide the workaround necessary for the agent to collect data.
If the TIBCO Agent is upgraded from a previous version, FglAM may need to be restarted on the monitored host. The operator may receive a message that reads “Cannot link to TIB RVJ” (the Java interface for RV). Restarting FglAM will provide the workaround necessary for the agent to collect data.
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