Title: PMTU Blackhole Router and NetVault: Replicator
Date: 05/07
NV: Replicator Version: All
OS Version: All
This FAQ describes a general network issue which a user may encounter during the NetVault: Replicator (NVR) products usage over a network which may have a Path Maximum Transmission Unit (PMTU) Black Hole Router in its path.
nvr_pushconfig and nvr_verifyconfig -rv indicate that NVR is ready for the replication over the network. However, once replication is initiated by the change in the source directory, the replication fails. The known cases of failures are:
1) Takes a long time to replicate even a small file (100k or less), and the replicated file is corrupted.
2) Replicating a large file fails with nvr_stat -l indicating the replication is rescheduled.
With both of the cases, nvr_verifyconfig -r may indicate that NVR has a problem connecting with the destination host.
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