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When you connect to a native Office 365 tenant, the Management Console discovers and displays nodes for Exchange Online and Skype for Business Online are displayed if your Office 365 licensing plan has these services enabled.
Discovery is initially configured to run automatically once a day to detect changes to your environment. You must connect using valid Office 365 credentials for the Office 365 tenant.
If you have a hybrid environment, you can connect to Exchange Online or Skype for Business Online when you create or edit your UC Diagnostics connection to your on-premise Exchange or Skype for Business environment. There is an option on the connection page, and on the connection properties page, to select either Exchange Online or Skype for Business Online.
UC Diagnostics contains the following health tests that each monitor one aspect of your Office 365 deployment:
The Exchange Online Connectivity Health test allows you to determine network quality and identify issues that can affect network performance between your client computers and Exchange Online.
You can view the time (in milliseconds) a round trip takes from your computer to Exchange Online (Office 365). You can also view any warnings and errors for the different ports used to access Exchange Online services.
See the following tables for the test targets and required software for this test.
Office 365
Exchange Online
The Exchange Online Mailbox Logon Health test verifies mailbox accessibility by logging on to Exchange Online. The test uses the Office 365 credential that you specified for either a hybrid Exchange Online connection or for a native Office 365 connection. The credential must have an associated Exchange Online mailbox.
If you are using OAuth 2.0 to connect to Office 365, you must provide Application ID, Tenant ID, and Client Secret that were assigned when the UC Diagnostics application was registered with the Microsoft Azure portal. For more information, see the section titled “Registering UC Diagnostics with the Microsoft Azure portal” in the UC Diagnostics User Guide.
See the following tables for the test targets, required software, and the required permissions for this test.
If you are using OAuth 2.0 authentication for the test, the required API permissions are:
If the password of the Office 365 credential is changed, you must also change the credential password on either the native Office 365 or hybrid Exchange connection properties.
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