
Toad for MySQL 7.7 - Installation Guide

File Version Control

Toad can integrate with your existing version control system allowing you to maintain multiple versions of Toad files. After you integrate Toad with your version control system, you can perform version control tasks directly from within Toad, such as commit file changes and retrieve revisions.

Toad supports the following version control systems for managing Toad files:

  • Apache Subversion™—Toad has been tested with Subversion 1.7.5 and 1.8.

The following types of files can be managed using version control from within Toad: Editor (.tef, .sql, .txt), Query Builder (.tsm), ER Diagram (.ter), and Automation (.tas).

Toad supports version control for database objects, as well as files. Version control for objects is configured separately from version control for files. For more information about version control for objects, see Configure Version Control for Objects.

To configure version control for Toad files

  1. Ensure that an Apache Subversion client is installed on the same computer as Toad.
  2. In Toad, open one of the supported file types. Then right-click the document/window tab and select File Version Control | Version Control Wizard. This action opens the Version Control Wizard which allows you to configure Toad for your version control system.

    Note: Even if you previously configured version control for objects, you must run the Version Control Wizard again to configure version control for files.

  3. Use the wizard to provide information about your version control system to Toad. Review the following for additional information:

    Version Control System Page  


    Select Subversion.


    Click the Properties button and enter the path to the Subversion executable (svn.exe) on the client computer. For example, if using TortoiseSVN, the path might be:

    C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin

    Note: Do not include svn.exe in the path.


    Enter the URL for the Subversion repository on the Subversion server.

    Login and Password

    Enter the user name and password for your Subversion account.
    Default Version Control Settings Page  

    Version Control Folder

    Select the folder on the Subversion server where you want to check in files.

    If you currently have files under version control, select the folder on the server where these files are located.

    Working Folder

    Select a folder on the client computer to use as the root working folder. This is the location into which you will check out files.

    If you currently have files under version control, select your existing working folder.

To add a file to version control

  1. After configuring version control for files, you can start adding files to version control from within Toad. Right-click a document/window tab and select File Version Control | Add file to working folder.
  2. Select a location in your working folder in which to save the file. Click Save.
  3. In the Commit dialog, enter a comment and click OK to add the file to version control.

To browse the repository

  1. Select Tools | Repository Browser.
  2. In the Repository Browser you can right-click a file to perform one of the following actions. Available actions depend on the file's status.

    Action Description
    Open Open the file in Toad.
    Commit Commit your changes. Available for Modified or Untracked files.
    Undo Changes Discards your changes and reverts to the previous revision of the file (previous commit). Available when the file status is Modified.
    Get Latest Version Check out the latest revision from the remote repository. Available when the file status is OutOfDate.

To commit your changes

  • After modifying a file, right-click the document window tab and select File Version Control | Commit.

To compare revisions (Editor files only)

  • After modifying and saving an Editor file, you might want to compare your changes to the remote copy (last commit) before committing your changes. Right-click the document tab and select File Version Control | Diff with latest revision.
  • You can compare two revisions of an Editor file (.tef, .sql, or .txt) by using the History dialog.
    1. To open a file's History dialog, right-click the document tab and select File Version Control | Show history.
    2. Select two revisions to compare. Then right-click the revisions and select Compare revisions.
    3. For an OutOfDate file, right-click the latest revision in the History dialog and select Compare with working copy to compare the remote file to your working copy.

To check file status

  • The status of a currently open file displays in the status bar of the document window. You can also place the cursor over the document tab to display status.
  • You can check the status of one or more files by using the Repository Browser. To update file status in the Repository Browser, right-click a folder and select Update folder.
  • Review the following file status definitions.

    File Status Definition
    Untracked The file has not been added to version control. Right-click the file in the Repository Browser and select Commit to add it to version control.
    UpToDate The file in your working folder is synchronized with the file in the remote repository. No changes are detected. No action is required.
    Modified The working copy of this file was modified. The changes are stored in the working folder only. Commit this file to add the changes to the remote repository.
    OutOfDate A more recent revision of this file exists in the remote repository. To update your working copy, check out the latest revision from the remote repository (right-click the file and select Get Latest Version).
    Unknown The file is under version control, but its status cannot be determined.
    Deleted The file was under version control, but it was dropped or renamed in the working folder and exists only in the remote repository.

Additional Actions

  • To open the folder where a file is located, open the file and then right-click the document tab and select File Version Control | Open in Windows Explorer.


Configure Version Control

To configure version control for files, see Version Control for Toad Files.

To configure version control for Objects

  1. Ensure that a supported version control client is installed on the computer where Toad is installed. See About Version Control for more information about tested version control clients and supported versions.

  2. Right-click one or more objects in the Object Explorer and select Version Control | Version Control Wizard.

    Note: Version control is configured .

  3. Review the following for additional information:

    Version Control System Page



    Select the version control system name:

    • Apache Subversion™

      Note: The version number beside Subversion is an internal file definition used by Toad to check if an update for this file is available. It is not the actual version number for the version control provider.

    • Team Foundation Server

      Note: If you select TFS, you must specify the workspace name for the provider in the Team Foundation Server Properties window that displays.

    • File system based


    (Subversion only) Click this button (beside the Type field) and complete the binary path. Enter the path where the Subversion client that contains svn.exe is installed. For example, if you installed the CollabNet Subversion Client, you would enter:

    C:\Program Files\CollabNet Subversion Client

    Note: Do not include svn.exe in the path.


    Select one of the following:

    • Subversion—Specify the existing working folder for the version control repository or specify the server string (for example: svn://MyServer).
    • TFS—Specify the server where your version control provider is installed and the port number (default is 8080) to use in the following format:

      • http://MyServer:Port for TSF 2008

      • http://MyServer:Port/TFS for TFS 2010, 2012

    • File System Based—Specify a directory at your local machine.

    User name/ Password

    Enter your Subversion command-line user name and password and click Login.

    Note: For TFS only, if you leave the user name and password fields blank, Toad uses your default Windows credentials.

    Default Version Control Settings Page


    Version control folder

    Select the folder on the version control server where you want to check objects in.

    If you already have objects under version control, select the folder on the server where these objects are located.

    Note: Version control automatically checks out objects in this folder and any subfolders to the location you specify in the Working folder field.

    Working folder

    Select the root repository folder on the client computer to use as the default working folder for checking objects out. If you already have objects under version control, select the existing working folder for these.
  4. Manage object and scripts using Version Control. See Manage Objects under Version Control for more information.

Manage Objects under Version Control

Note: Version Control should be configured in Toad before you start managing objects. See Configure Version Control for Objects for more information.

To add objects under version control

» Right-click an object and select Commit.


  • The objects under version control are marked with sign at the top right corner of the object's icon.
  • If you rename a version controlled object, Toad drops the original object and its history from version control and prompts you to add the renamed object to version control This newly renamed object does not have any history associated with it.

To manage objects under version control

  1. Determine object's version control status. Hover a mouse over the object in the Object Explorer to see its status. Review the following for additional information:

    Version Control status Description
    Uninitialized The object status is undetermined yet. This is a temporary status that is issued for all objects during version control status processing.
    Untracked The object is not added to version control.
    Ignored The object is added to ignore list and excluded from version control.
    UpToDate The object is under version control and is synchronized with version control repository. No changes are detected.
    Modified The object is under version control and has been modified by user. The changes are stored in local database only and need to be synchronized with version control repository.

    The object is under version control and has been modified in both local database and version control repository.

    Note:: Toad's Version Control feature does not allow to merge object scripts.

    OutOfDate The object is under version control and has been modified in version control repository.

    The object is under version control but for some reason its status cannot be determined (for example, you created a script in your local database while the script with the same name already exists in version control repository, or you upgraded to a higher version of Toad and configured version control for the same repository while you have some uncommitted changes in the database).

    Tip: If you are sure that the object is up to date but is listed as unknown, commit the object in version control system to resolve unknown status.


    The object was under version control, but it was dropped or renamed in local database and exists only in version control repository.

    Tip: You can see deleted objects in the Controlled objects pane only. To access it right-click any object and select Show perspective. Once you commit changes in Controlled objects pane, the object with all history will be deleted from version control repository.

    NotInView The object is under version control and exists in version control repository only.
  2. Right-click an object and select one of the following actions:

    Use To...
    Show perspective Select to review all controlled objects for current configuration.

    Select to review differences between the object script in your local database and the object's revision that was applied to it.

    Note: Diff is unavailable for File System Based configuration.

    Diff with latest revision Select to review differences between the object script in your local database and the latest revision in the version control repository.

    Example: You got the latest object revision from the repository 2 days ago. By the time you did it, the latest revision was 5. Yesterday your colleague worked with the same object and committed changes in the repository, which are now marked as revision 6.

    Today you altered the object's script and want to see the differences. You can select one of the following:

    • Diff—To compare the object in your local database with revision 5.

    • Diff with latest revision—To compare the object in your local database with revision 6.

    Show history

    Select to review all commits for selected object.

    Tip: Select Show history on database to review all commits.

    Note: Show History is unavailable for File System Based configuration.

    Get latest revision Select to apply object's changes from the version control repository to your local database. The synchronization script is generated to update selected object to the latest revision.

    Select to apply object's changes from your local database to the version control repository.

    Note: You should write a comment when committing changes.

    Undo changes Select to rollback changes in your local database. The synchronization script is generated to revert object to the revision which was a applied last time.
    Update status Select to compare a script in your local database with the script in the repository. New status will be issued according to the comparison results.
    Add to ignore list Select to exclude object from the version control. Ignored objects are not listed in Controlled Objects pane, Commit and Get latest revision are disabled.
    Remove from ignore list Select to set object status as Untracked and add it to version control.
    Open in Windows Explorer Select to navigate to the file in the Windows Explorer.

Tip: You can enable, disable, or delete a version control configuration under Tools | Options | Version Control | Configurations.

Troubleshoot Version Control

Troubleshoot Upgrades

For this release, the back-end of version control has been rewritten. If you previously used version control in Toad, the following may occur:

  • Version control settings are not migrated from the previous version of Toad, so you have to reconfigure version control in Toad.
  • In previous releases, the method Toad used to generate the script was different than the current method. After upgrading Toad and reconfiguring version control, the local revision of the objects differs from version control repository (The objects have Unknown status). If the object in your database is current, you should commit it into version control.  

Troubleshoot Other Issues

Review the following to help troubleshoot issues with version control:

Apache Subversion™ Issues Description

System cannot find file

If a message stating that, “The system cannot find the file specified” displays, this usually means that the Subversion executable cannot be found in the path you specified in the BinaryPath field of the Command Based Version Control Properties window. Verify that svn.exe exists in the directory you specified in this field.

Command execution

When executing Subversion commands, user input is not allowed. This presents an issue when the user is using Subversion with the SSH method and must enter a password to establish the Secure Shell.


Generate identity keys that automatically authenticate between the client and the server when connecting with SSH.

OutOfMemory exception when adding a large number of objects

When adding a large number of objects, Subversion may encounter OutOfMemory exception.


Commit objects in several steps.

SVN is missing in the list of available providers

If Subversion is missing in the list of available version control providers, it means that Subversion.xml was removed or corrupted.


Contact Support to get a new Subversion.xml and place it under <Toad install path>/Templates/Version Control/.

Object Issues Description

Adding multiple objects failed

When you add multiple objects to version control, the objects are grouped and added in batches (for example, all the tables for a particular schema are added at once). If an error (for example, failure to support Korean characters) causes this command to fail, none of the objects are added.

Script Issues Description

Canceled check-in

SQL scripts remain checked out if a change was made to the text, but check-in was canceled during the prompt for a check-in comment. This behavior is by design—that is; the user can either undo the checkout or check in the script using the right-click menu in the Scripts node/folder/tab of the Object Explorer.

Note: If you alter the object again, you receive a prompt to use the “locally changed” script. Click Yes to use the locally changed copy; click No to refresh the local copy from the source repository; click Cancel to cancel the prompt.


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