
Stat 6.1 - System Administration Guide

Overview of Stat Administration Administrative Utilities Stat Security General Maintenance Tables
System Maintenance Service Domain Maintenance Department Maintenance Issue Tracking Maintenance Country Maintenance Customer Maintenance Object Type Maintenance PeopleSoft Environment Connection Maintenance Pre/Post Migration Steps Parameters Oracle Applications Configuration Oracle Applications Connection Maintenance Generic Application Connection Maintenance Schema Object Parameters Maintenance Data Object Maintenance PeopleSoft Search Configurations Stat Report Definition Maintenance Version Control Management Connection Maintenance
Service Domain-Specific Maintenance Configuring the Stat Central Agent Email Configuration Object Security Appendix: Sample Service Domain Configuration Appendix: User Class Rights Appendix: Creating a Staging Database Appendix: Database Tuning Appendix: Oracle Applications File Type Directory Appendix: Ports and Firewalls Appendix: Stat Web Services Appendix: Troubleshooting Chart Appendix: stat.conf Configuration Appendix: Custom Report Files

Selecting a Trigger Event

Every business rules is triggered by a specific, predefined event.

In the Description field, enter a brief description of your rule, such as “New PeopleSoft CSRs.” The Subject in an outgoing Business Rule email will include the Business Rule description.
In the Event field, select an event.
Any – When any of the events mentioned below occurs. This is the default event for business rules.
CSR Close – When a CSR changes from an open status to a closed status
CSR Open – When a new CSR is entered into the system by either a Stat user or the Stat Central Agent
CSR Open-Entry – When a new CSR is entered into the system by a Stat user
CSR Open-Mail – When a new CSR is created by the Stat Central Agent in response to an email from a customer or another application. Customers can email their requests to a predefined Stat Central Agent email address. Upon receiving the email, the Stat Central Agent automatically opens a new CSR for that request.
CSR Re-Open – When a CSR changes from a closed status to an open status
CSR Update – When a change is made to a CSR.
Migration Notification - When a migration occurs or is scheduled involving specific migration statuses, migrators, modules or target environments.
OraApps Patch Application Complete – When the Stat Central Agent for Oracle Apps is done processing the Patch Application request
OraApps Patch Application Scheduled – When a Patch Application is scheduled via a CSR or Patch Mgmt Console
OraApps Patch Rollback Complete – When the Stat Central Agent for Oracle Apps is done processing the Patch Rollback request
Past Due CSR Escalation – When a CSR is past due for a specified amount of time
Past Due Migration Approval Escalation – When a migration has not been approved or rejected after a specified amount of time
Past Due OraApps Patch Approval Escalation – When a patch application has not been approved or rejected after a specified amount of time
Past Due Post Migration Step – When a post migration step has not been completed after a specified amount of time
Past Due Project Escalation – When a project is past due for a specified amount of time
Past Due Status Approval Escalation – When a status transfer that has not been approved or rejected after a specified amount of time
Past Due Status Transfer Escalation – When a status transfer that has been marked as Ready has not been transferred after a specified amount of time
Past Due Task Escalation – When a task is past due for a specified amount of time
Unopen CSR Escalation – When a CSR has remained unread by the assigned user for a specified amount of time
NOTE: The fields Type and Value appear whenever you select a past due escalation-type event. Here you specify the amount of time that the item must be past due to trigger the rule.
Options include Business Days, Days, and Hours. Then in the Value field, enter a numerical value for the time interval. For example, if you select Hour and enter a value of 6, the business rule is triggered when the item is six hours past due.
(Optional) Select Fire only once per CSR.
This configures the Stat Central Agent to fire the rule the first time the rule criteria are met for a CSR and no time thereafter. In the case of past due escalation events, this option applies to the specified approval, task, project, and so on. To illustrate, consider business rule based on an Update trigger event and a CSR status of In Process. If you do not select Fire only once per CSR, everyone on the mail distribution list will receive an email each time a user saves a CSR with a status of In Process. By selecting Fire only once per CSR, users will receive an email only the first time a CSR is saved with an In Process status. Later changes made to the CSR will not trigger the rule.
NOTE: Selecting Fire only once per CSR adds the History tab to the Rule Editor window. This tab displays a list of CSRs that have triggered the business rule. Deselecting Fire only once per CSR removes the History tab from the window. For more information, see Viewing Rule History .

Defining Rule Criteria

After selecting the trigger event, you can specify additional criteria that qualify the trigger event under your rule definition. Stat needs to know what values the CSR must display for the rule to take effect.

You specify the criteria by selecting criteria types (CSR fields) and the matching values. You may concatenate multiple CSR values.

Fields correspond to certain types of information contained in a CSR. The Field list displays the following options:

For migration events, the list includes the Migration Status, Migrator, Module, and Target Environment.
For the Oracle Apps business rules, OraApps Patch Application Complete and OraApps Patch Rollback Complete, the list of fields includes the option Process Status, which corresponds to the field in the Oracle Applications Patch Management Console.

After you select a CSR field type, you need to establish its relationship to a value or set of values you specify. Options include:

Is – Select if the CSR field must equal the specified value, meaning a match must occur
Not – Select if the CSR field cannot equal the specified value. This tells Stat to initiate the rule whenever a trigger event occurs in a CSR with a value different than the one you specify.
Change From – Select if upon saving the CSR, the field has changed from one specified value to another
Not Change From – Select if upon saving the CSR, the field has not changed from one specified value to another. In this case, the rule takes effect when a trigger event occurs on a CSR with a field value that has not changed exactly as specified.

The list of value options depends on the CSR field you select. If you select the Is operator, the corresponding value found in the CSR must match your selection for the business rule to take effect. Likewise, if you select Not, the corresponding value cannot equal your selection.

The table below shows some examples of rule criteria. You can define several criteria for one business rule.



Cancelled OR Denied

Rule takes effect when trigger events occur on CSRs with a status that is neither Cancelled nor Denied




Rule takes effect when trigger events occurs on CSR assigned to the queue Development (Dev)


Changed From

Self Service to HR, Benefits to Pay Roll, or HR to Benefits

Rule takes effect when trigger event occurs on CSRs where the Application has changed from Self Service to HR, or Benefits to Pay Role, or HR to Benefits

NOTE: For the operators Change From and Not Change From, Any is a permitted value for the From field, and Any and Any except original value are permitted values for the To field. However, using the Any value in both the From and To fields will not trigger the rule. Instead, use the Any value in the From field and the Any except original value in the To field.

If you define more than one set of criteria for a business rule, each set must be met for the rule to take effect. The exception to this is when you define more than one value on a CSR field. In this case, the rule takes effect if the CSR field matches one of the possible values.

For example, let’s say you add a business rule based on an Open trigger event that uses each set of criteria shown in the preceding table. This means that everyone on the email distribution list will receive an automatic email notification whenever a Stat user or the Stat Central Agent opens a CSR with a status that is anything but Cancelled or Denied, is assigned to the Development queue, and an application value that has changed from one specified value to another.

In the Field field, select the CSR field you want.
In the Operator field, select an operator.
In the Value field, select a value for the field.
Click Add.

Select the row and click Remove.

NOTE: To edit a rule, select the rule in the Business Maintenance table and then click Rule Details. Stat opens the Rule Editor window where you can edit the rule as needed.

Defining Message Content

After selecting the trigger event and optionally specifying rule criteria, the next step is to open the email Message tab and define the content of the email message that is to be sent out when the rule is triggered.

NOTE: If you select the Most Recent Log option and the most recent log entered on the CSR is flagged as confidential, the log is not included in the email message. Also, if you select the Attachments option, any attachments on the original CSR will be forwarded with the email message.

Defining a Distribution List

After specifying the content of the email message, the next step is to specify a distribution list of mail recipients.

In the Send To field, select a value. Send to options are based on a selected rule event and could be different for each rule.
In the Field field, select how you want the message addressed to the recipient.
Options include To, CC, and Blind CC.
If you selected User, Specified in the Send To field, select the Stat user you want in the Other Address field.
If you selected Other Address in the Send To field, enter the email address in the Other Address field.
Click Add.
Click Remove.

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