Specify Target Domain
You can use this page to specify the domain that includes the online target Exchange Server you want to access.
You can use the following elements:
- Domain. Provides a space for you to enter the name of the domain that includes the live target Exchange Server to which you want to restore or export data. Type the domain name in the Domain box or click Browse to browse for and select the domain.
- Current account. Allows you to access the target domain and Exchange Server using the credentials of the account under which Recovery Manager for Exchange is running.
- This account. Allows you to access the target domain and Exchange Server using the credentials of the account you specify in this option.
Add Mailboxes
You can use this page to specify the online mailboxes you want to access and export data from.
You can use the following elements:
- Added mailboxes. Lists the mailboxes you have selected to access.
- Add. Opens a dialog box that allows you to add mailboxes to the Added mailboxes list. In the dialog box, you can use the following elements:
- Exchange Servers. Allows you to select the Exchange Servers that host the mailboxes you want to access and export data from. To select Exchange Servers, click in this box, and then select the check boxes next to the Exchange Servers that host the mailboxes you want to access.
- Mailboxes. Lists all mailboxes hosted on the Exchange Servers you have selected in the Exchange Servers box. Select the check boxes next to the mailboxes you want to access.
- Filter by name. Allows you to filter the items in the Mailboxes list by specific combination of characters contained in the mailbox names. Select the check box, and then type the combination of characters contained in the names of the mailboxes you want displayed in the list.
- Select All. Selects the check boxes next to all items in the Mailboxes list.
- Clear All. Clears the check boxes next to all items in the Mailboxes list.
- Remove. Removes the mailboxes you have selected from the list.
Select Where to Place Mailboxes
Use this page to choose where in the target storage you want to place data from the mailboxes being restored.
You can select one of the following options:
- Restore each mailbox to an individual root folder. Restores each selected mailbox to a separate folder located in the root of the target storage.
- Merge mailboxes into target storage. Merges data from one or more source mailboxes to the target storage you specify. That is, messages from the folders in the source mailboxes are restored to the corresponding folders in the target storage.
Select Target Public Folder
On this page, you can expand the public folder hierarchy nodes in the Available public folders list and select a target public folder. The task will restore data to that folder.