
Migrator for Notes to Exchange 4.15.2 - Pre-Migration Planning Guide

About the Migrator for Notes to Exchange documentation Introduction Critical considerations Other strategic planning issues Appendix A: Known limitations of the migration process

Location of Notes user data

The Notes Data Locator Wizard can locate data files in the Notes source for a particular user collection, and can be told to locate data by type (mail vs. PABs vs. archives) in any combination. The wizard can find data in a variety of locations in the Notes/Domino source environment, and asks you to specify which of these locations to include in its search:

Access by replicas on server: Tells the wizard to look for user data in replicas that have been uploaded to a particular location on a server. For this option the admin account specified on the Notes Login Information screen must be listed as a manager on all NSF files to be migrated. When Quest’s PAB Replicator is used, the admin account is automatically added as a manager when users copy their PABs to the server.
Access by file system, in specified directories: Tells the wizard to look for user data within a particular directory subtree. This option requires that all migrating users be logged off and their NSF files be closed at the time they are migrated.
Location specified by a column in the SQL Server database: Tells the program to determine the location of user data by looking in a column of the SQL Server database. The database table must be prepared with these values before the program is run.

The Data Migration Wizard also offers this fourth option for PABs (only):

PABs contained within server mail files: Tells the wizard to look for users’ PABs within users’ mail files, on the Domino server—a useful option when users with iNotes web access have their address books stored in their mail database files. The PAB can be migrated either via the Domino server or by file system access. If using the Domino server method, the admin account specified on the Notes Login Information screen must be listed as a manager on all NSF files to be migrated. If file system access is used, all users must be logged off and their NSF files must be closed at the time they are migrated.

The Data Migration Wizard can read source mail files from multiple paths in a single program run. Migrator for Notes to Exchange’s exported user data from Notes Person Documents include fields that identify the server and path where each mail file resides.

Since the various location options carry different prerequisites and implications for overall migration strategy, you should consider the implications and make your choices before running the Notes Data Locator Wizard.

Domino Server Running on AS400, AIX, Unix, or Solaris

If a source Domino server is running on an AS400, AIX, Unix, or Solaris server, the wizards will be able to directly access NSF files only if:

If any Domino source in your network is running on a non-Windows server, and you want the wizards to addess NSF files directly, your Migration Plan should specify your method of access to the source data.

Migrating personal address books

Notes users' PABs (personal address books) typically are stored locally (per user), but may also reside with the mailfile, or on a server. Migrator for Notes to Exchange includes a PAB Replicator Wizard that can send an email form to users to automate the task of copying all of their PABs to a centralized Notes server directory, where Migrator for Notes to Exchange's Data Migration Wizard will be able to find them and migrate them.

The Data Migration Wizard can migrate PABs by any of the four methods listed in the preceding section of this chapter: Location of Notes User Data.

Migrating resources

Notes/Domino resource management is different from the comparable features in Exchange, but Migrator for Notes to Exchange can map these features in a way that closely mimics the settings and behaviors in Notes. Then, after migration, an Exchange admin may use the more discriminating capabilities of Exchange to refine the resource restrictions that had been set in Notes.

Every Notes resource is configured with an Owner Restrictions setting that defines who is authorized to request a resource, accept or reject a request, book a request (tentatively), and approve (confirm) a booking. The five Owner Restrictions settings are listed in the table below, with descriptions of how the settings affect resource access in Notes, and in Exchange after Migrator for Notes to Exchange migration (if you choose to migrate this information).

In Exchange, access to a resource is determined by a somewhat longer list of more-specific conditions, each of which is permitted or denied independently as part of the resource configuration. Also, what Notes calls a resource owner actually corresponds closely to what Exchange calls a delegate, and Migrator for Notes to Exchange migrates Notes resource owners and behaviors on that basis.

Owner Restric-
set to:

Resource Management
Behavior in Notes/Domino

Migration to Exchange,
and Post-Migration Behavior

enabled for:


No owner is assigned to the resource, and anyone can reserve it.

The calendar attendant and resource booking attendant are both enabled on the mailbox. Anyone can book the resource. (This option is available by [Exchange] SetResourceToAuto­Accept=1.)


Owner Only

Any user can request the resource, but all such requests are forwarded to a designated resource owner who must approve resource requests.

Make the Notes owner a delegate. Only the delegate can book the resource and approve booking requests from other users. Delegates can also be assigned full-access permissions to the resource mailbox (optional, by [Exchange] GrantResourceOwnerFullAccess=1).



A list identifies one or more users who are authorized to access the resource. Only the specified users can request and book resources.

Add specific people to BookInPolicy list and disable booking for others. Only people in the designated list can book the resource.



A resource request is AutoAccepted if the request comes from a designated owner, or from someone on a list of users authorized to access the resource. Other users may also request the resource, but only an owner can approve the bookings.

Same as Owner Only, plus a list of users approved to book in policy. Only people in designated list can book the resource via autoprocessing; all others require a delegate’s approval.



The resource accepts and books requests from anyone, but allows conflicts.

Same as None, but the resource allows conflicts (effectively no booking policy). Anyone can book the resource at any time; conflicting bookings are allowed.


Migrator for Notes to Exchange's Directory Export Wizard captures the owners and authorized-access users of Notes resources, and Notes' Owner Restrictions settings, and the Data Migration Wizard can migrate this information when it migrates the resources. The directory export captures the information in any case, but its migration to Exchange is an option that is enabled or disabled by a boolean program parameter in the [Exchange] section of Migrator for Notes to Exchange's Task Parameters and Global Defaults:

This feature is off by default (MigrateResourceDelegation=0). To migrate the resource owners and authorized-access users, and the associated resource- access permissions, set MigrateResourceDelegation=1.

A related Migrator for Notes to Exchange boolean parameter (also in the [Exchange] section) lets you optionally add resource-owner permissions to migrated resource delegates in Exchange:

This feature also is off by default (MigrateResourceDelegation=0). To add resource-owner permissions to migrating resource delegates, set GrantResourceOwnerFullAccess=1.

NOTE: This feature requires MigrateResourceDelegation=1, as described above. The wizard will ignore the GrantResourceOwnerFullAccess=<#> parameter if MigrateResourceDelegation=0.

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