1. |
a. |
Log in to the appliance System Administration Console, http://appliance_hostname/system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page. |
b. |
2. |
4. |
◦ |
In the Administrator Console Permissions section, click a component name to expand it, or click Expand All to expand all components. |
◦ |
◦ |
To assign different access levels to different sections, select the Custom option, then select an access level in the drop-down list next to the name of each section. |
5. |
◦ |
In the User Console Permissions section, click the User Console link to expand the permissions section. |
◦ |
To assign the same access level to all sections of the User Console, select All Write, All Read, or All Hide. |
◦ |
To assign different access levels to different sections, select the Custom option, then select an access level in the drop-down list next to the name of each section. |
6. |
The following roles cannot be deleted:
1. |
a. |
Log in to the appliance System Administration Console, http://appliance_hostname/system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page. |
b. |
3. |
You can add or edit up to 50 organizations on a single appliance.
When you add organizations, you need to assign them Organization Roles. You can use the Default Role, but if you want to use a custom Organization Role, add that role before you add the organization. See Add or edit Organization Roles.
1. |
a. |
Log in to the appliance System Administration Console, http://appliance_hostname/system, or select System from the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page. |
b. |
c. |
▪ |
Modify the name of the organization as needed. If the fast switching option is enabled, this name appears in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page. See Enable fast switching for organizations and linked appliances. | |||
The language to use for the organization’s Administrator Console and User Console. | |||
A unique domain name for this organization. When this field is configured, and you log in to the appliance from the specified location, the appliance selects this organization automatically, and you only need to provide your user credentials. If you use Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) login, the configured virtual host name logs you directly into that organization's Identity Provider (IdP). For more information about SAML login, see Configure SAML for single sign on. | |||
A unique IP address for this organization. When this field is configured, and you log in to the appliance from the specified location, the appliance selects this organization automatically, and you only need to provide your user credentials. If you use SAML login, the configured virtual host IP address logs you directly into that organization's IdP. For more information about SAML login, see Configure SAML for single sign on. | |||
A description of the organization. You can modify the description later if necessary. | |||
(Read-only) Displays the name of the database the organization is using. | |||
The report user password. This password is used only by the reporting system and MySQL. | |||
| |||
A file-size filter for the organization's Client Drop location. The Client Drop location is a storage area (Samba share) for the organization on the appliance. This storage area is used to upload large files, such as application installers and appliance backup files, to the appliance. Uploading files to the Client Drop location is an alternative to uploading files through the Administrator Console using the default HTTP mechanism, which can result in browser timeouts for large files. The Client Drop Size filter determines whether files uploaded to the organization's Client Drop location are displayed on the Upload and Associate Client Drop File list on the Software Detail page. For example, if the Client Drop Size filter is set to 1 GB, the Upload and Associate Client Drop File list shows files that are 1 GB in size or larger. Files that are less than 1 GB in size are not displayed on the list. Application files are moved from the organization's Client Drop location to the appropriate area when the file is selected on the Software Detail page and saved. Appliance backup files that are placed in the Client Drop location are automatically identified as appliance backup files, and they become available for selection on the Backup Settings page within five minutes. If you have multiple organizations, each organization has its own Client Drop location and Client Drop Size filter setting. See Copy files to the appliance Client Drop location. | |||
The filters you want to use to assign new devices to the organization when devices check in to the appliance. To select multiple filters, use Ctrl-click or Command-click. | |||
(Read-only) Displays the number of devices assigned to the organization. |
Whether the appliance stores scripting results provided by Agents installed on managed devices. Agent logs can consume as much as 1GB of disk space in the database. If disk space is not an issue, enable Agent Logging to keep all log information for Agent-managed devices. These logs can be useful during troubleshooting. To save disk space, and enable faster Agent communication, disable Agent Logging. | ||
The frequency at which Agents on managed devices report inventory. This information is displayed in the Inventory section. | ||
The frequency at which Agentless devices report inventory. This information is displayed in the Inventory section. | ||
The frequency at which managed devices report inventory to the Software Catalog page. | ||
The maximum download speed, as required. Choose from the available options. | ||
If selected, this option stops the agent from executing bootup tasks. | ||
If selected, this option stops the agent from executing login tasks. |
5. |
If selected, this option allows you to display the agent status on managed devices. | ||||||||
The maximum number of times you can snooze the agent each day on managed devices. | ||||||||
Use this section to display links in the KACE Agent menu on agent-managed devices. You can specify up to ten links. Standard Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) links are supported, such as https, ssh, and ftp URLs. To add a link:
For complete information about these and other replacement variables, see Token replacement variables. |
6. |
KACE Service Desk is verifying your PC Configuration and managing software updates. Please Wait... |
The path to an existing .bmp file that you want to use as the splash logo. | ||
If selected, this option stops the agent from displaying the boot-up splash logo. | ||
If selected, this option stops the agent from displaying the login splash logo. |
7. |
The time, in seconds, after which the connection is closed if there is no activity. | |
The time, in seconds, after which the connection is closed if there is no activity. | |
The time, in seconds, after which the connection is closed if there is no activity. | |
8. |
The time, in seconds, after which the connection is closed if there is no activity. | |
The time, in seconds, after which the connection is closed if there is no activity. | |
The time, in seconds, after which the connection is closed if there is no activity. | |
9. |
The organization is added. If fast switching is enabled, and the default admin account passwords for the System and for your organizations are the same, you can switch between organizations and the System using the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page. To see new organizations in the list, you need to log out of the Administrator Console and then log back in. In addition, if the option to require organization selection at login is enabled at the System level, the organization is available in the drop-down list on the Administrator Console login page, http://appliance_hostname/admin, where appliance_hostname is the hostname of your appliance.
NOTE: For new organizations, the password for the default admin account is the same as the password for the default admin account at the System level. This is assigned automatically. To change the admin account password, edit the admin user account.
NOTE: However, be aware that organizations with different admin account passwords are not available for fast switching using the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page. |
For more information about System-level settings, see Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled.
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