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The Exadata Cell General collection retrieves summarized cell disks performance and throughput statistics.
Realtime Collection
Average Small Read Latency Per Request
Average latency in milliseconds to read small blocks per request on all the celldisks.
Average Small Write Latency Per Request
Average latency in milliseconds to write small blocks per request on all the celldisks.
Cell ID
The Cell ID, provided by the hardware vendor.
MB Read Rate
The rate (megabytes/second) at which data was read from all of the celldisks during the specified time range.
MB Written Rate
The rate (megabytes/second) at which data was written on all of the celldisks during the specified time range.
Read Requests Rate
Number of requests to read large and small blocks per second on all the celldisks.
Write Requests Rate
Number of requests to write large and small blocks per second on all the celldisks.
The Filesystem Disk collection provides storage definitions regarding the filesystem disk where datafiles, dump files or archive files are located.
Operating System
Filesystem size
The size of the filesystem
Filesystem free %
The percentage of the free disk space on the filesystem.
Filesystem Free Space
The amount (in megabytes) of free disk space on the filesystem
Filesystem Name
The name of the filesystem
Filesystem Type
The type of filesystem (datafiles, dump files or mixed files)
Long Term Estimated Till Full
Estimated number of hours until the filesystem is full, based on the long-term growth rate
Long Term Growth Rate
The estimated long-term growth rate of the filesystem
Mounted On
Mount point name.
The name of the operating system where this instance runs
Short Term Estimated Till Full
Estimated number of hours until the filesystem is full, based on the short-term growth rate
Short Term Growth Rate
The filesystem’s estimated short-term growth rate
The amount of used disk space on the filesystem
Used %
The percentage of the used disk space on the filesystem
Used Growth
The growth (in megabytes) of used disk space on the filesystem
If the flash recovery area feature was used for creating a location on disk that enables the database to create various backup and recovery-related files, the Flashback Area collection provides information about this location.
File Type
Indicates the types of the files stored on the flashback area:
Non Reclaimable Space Percent
The percentage, within the flashback area, of non-reclaimable space (space currently in use, which cannot be reclaimed).
Number of Files
Indicates the number of files currently stored on the flashback area.
Used Space Percent
The percentage of used space within the entire disk space allocated to the flashback area.
The History Locks Tree Instance collection collects snapshots of instance-level locks that reached or exceeded the minimal duration, in seconds, required for collecting the lock. All locks that meet this criterion are displayed in the lower section of the Locks Historical Tree pane.
Blocked SQL
The SQL statement that waits for lock release
Blocked SQL Hash
The hash value of the statement waiting for lock
Blocking Serial
Serial number of the locking session
Blocking SID
A SID that holds locks
Client Machine
The name of the computer where the client is running
Cross Instance
Indicates whether the global lock and the locking and blocked sessions are running on different RAC nodes (True) or not (False)
DB User Name
The Oracle database account of the started session
The name of the host where the instance is installed
Instance name of the session in the lock tree
Lock Duration
The number of seconds the lock is running
Lock Event
The wait event on which the blocked statement is waiting
Lock Mode
The lock mode in which the session holds the lock.
The lock mode can have one of the following values:
Lock Request Mode
The lock mode in which the process requests the lock.
The lock request mode has the same possible values as the lock mode.
Lock Type
The type of user or system lock.
The locks on the user types are obtained by user applications. Any process that is blocking others is likely to be holding one of these locks.
The user type locks are as follows:
Object Wanted
The object on which the statement is blocked
OS User Name
The operating system user for the Client
In multitenant architectures, the name of the pluggable database.
The operating system process ID for the Oracle server process
The server program name
The session’s serial number. The combination of SID and serial number provides a unique identification of the session.
The session identification number
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