
Foglight for Azure SQL Database (Cartridge) 7.3.0 - User Guide

Installing and Configuring Agents Using Foglight for Azure SQL Database Administering Foglight for Azure SQL Database Reporting Reference
Overview of Collections SQL Performance Investigator Metrics
Active Connections Active Time Active Time per Execution Active Time Rate Always On Average CPU Percent Average DTU Percent Average Memory Usage Percent Average SQL Response Time Average XTP Storage Percent Average Data IO Percent Average Log Write Percent Backup Recovery Blocked Sessions Connections CPU Limit CLR Wait CLR Wait per Execution CLR Wait Rate CPU Time CPU Time per Execution CPU Time Rate CPU Wait CPU Wait per Execution CPU Wait Rate Cursor Synchronization Database Replication Deferred Task Worker Distributed Transaction DTU Limit Elapsed Time Executions External Procedure Full Text Search Governor Wait Governor Wait per Execution Governor Wait Rate Granted Memory Hosted Component Inactive User Connections I/O Bulk Load I/O Completion I/O Data Page I/O Wait I/O Wait per Execution I/O Wait Rate Idle Time Internal Cache Latch Latch Buffer Latch Savepoint Latch Wait Latch Wait per Execution Latch Wait Rate Lead Blockers Lock Bulk Update Lock Exclusive Lock Intent Lock Schema Lock Shared Lock Update Lock Wait Lock Wait Rate Lock Wait per Execution Log Buffer Log Other Log Synchronization Log Wait Log Wait per Execution Log Wait Rate Log Write Logical Reads Logical Reads per Execution Max Degree of parallelism Max DTU Percent Max Session Percent Max Workers Percent Memory Wait Memory Wait per Execution Memory Wait Rate Network HTTP Network I/O Network IPC Network Mirror Network Wait Network Wait per Execution Network Wait Rate OLEDB Provider Full Text Other Miscellaneous Other Wait Other Wait per Execution Other Wait Rate Parallelism Wait Percent of Total Plan Recompilations Physical Reads Physical reads per Execution Preemptive Wait Preemptive wait per Execution Preemptive Wait Rate Remote Provider Wait Remote Provider wait per Execution Remote Provider Wait Rate Row count Service Broker Synchronous Task Wait Time Percent Writes Writes per Execution XTP Log write Wait XTP Miscellaneous Wait XTP Procedure Wait XTP Transaction Wait XTP Wait XTP Wait per Execution XTP Wait Rate

Using Foglight for Azure SQL Database

Using Foglight for Azure SQL Database

Foglight for Azure SQL Database monitors the Azure SQL Database activity by connecting to and querying the Azure SQL Database. The agents provided monitor the Azure SQL Database system. The dashboards included with the cartridge provide a visual representation of the status of the major components of the Azure SQL agents. They allow you to determine any potential bottleneck in database performance.

This section provides agent configuration instructions and information on investigating Azure SQL Database performance. It covers the entire monitoring process, starting with the discovery of the databases and the connection with these databases, and proceeding with the use of the various drilldowns and the Global Administration options.

Viewing the Databases Dashboard

The Instance home page is launched by accessing the Databases dashboard.


The Databases dashboard provides an at-a-glance view of the monitored environment, with all of the currently monitored database types.

The Databases dashboard includes these sections:

Status summary — a color-coded bar, which provides a visual representation of the summarized health condition of all instances listed in the Database Group table.
Database-specific health summary — when the database group All is selected, this section displays all of the currently monitored instances for each database type, divided by their health state (for example: four Azure SQL Databases, three of which have the health state Warning and one is indicated with the health state Fatal). When a user-defined database group is selected, this section displays data only about the agents included within the selected group.
The Monitor button — Use this button to add instances to be monitored.
The Configure Alarms button — Takes you directly to the Administration > Alarms page. On the Alarms page you can view the alarms as well as configure the Alarm Template and alarm notification settings.
The Settings button — After selecting one or more instances of the same database type, use this button to set options for collecting, storing, and displaying data for the selected instances, as well as configuring the connection to SQL Performance Investigator (if installed). For details, see Administering Foglight for Azure SQL Database .
Currently selected database group table — a list of all monitored databases within the database group that is currently selected in the Databases section. For details, see Using the Currently Selected Database Group Table .
The Show Quick View () button — provides the ability to open a quick view of the instance at the bottom of the screen.
The Select dashboards () button — provides direct link to several drilldowns and panels, thereby saving the need to navigate to these locations through the Overview drilldown.

Selecting an Instance to Monitor

Because the Databases dashboard displays by default all of the currently monitored databases, it is advisable to customize the dashboard’s view to display only the relevant instances, and then preview such instances to decide which to monitor.

Filter by database type — if multiple database types are being monitored, click the database type tile that represents the requested type (in this case, Azure SQL).
Filter by severity — use the status indicators to display only instances of a specific database type that share a specific health state severity. For further details, see Filtering the Display by Severity .
Create user-defined groups — use the Databases area to create groups that contain only the databases that need to be monitored for a specific need. For further details, see Creating User-defined Database Groups .
Click Home Page on the cue card to launch a full-screen view of the requested instance.
IMPORTANT: Launching a full-screen view of the requested database by clicking the Home Page link can be carried out only for instances monitored in Foglight for Azure SQL Database mode.

The Status Indicators section can be used for filtering the Databases Group table to display only instances that meet a criterion set in this section.

Use the Databases area of the navigation pane to create, edit, and remove groups of database instances. Click Edit Group to add or remove database instances from the sub-group.

Select the parent database instance group, Database Group, under Databases in the navigation pane.
Click OK.

After adding one or more user-defined groups, it is possible to add sub-groups to these groups.

Click Remove.
Components Shared by All Foglight for Azure SQL Database Screens

The tables’ Customizer button and the In-context action buttons are common to all Foglight for Azure SQL Database screens.

The Customizer button — use this button, which is found on the upper right corner of each table, to create a custom filter for the table. The filter is created by clicking Customizer and specifying the criteria that the various values should meet in order to be displayed in the table (having a specific name, exceeding a certain size, and so on). For detailed instructions and examples, see Foglight User Guide > Working with Dashboards > Working with Tables.

In-context actions buttons — found on the upper right corner of all screens:

Refresh — clicking this button retrieves the data acquired using the most recent sampling.
Agent Settings — when using panels whose configuration is set using the Databases Administration dashboard, clicking this button opens the relevant screen in the Databases Administration dashboard (for example, clicking this button from within the Databases > Locks panel opens the Locks screen).

The currently selected database group table displays the following columns.


The highest severity alarm of the Azure SQL Database, which determines the database’s health state.


The name of the Azure SQL Database. In addition, this row includes the Go to Home Page button.


The version number of the Azure SQL Database.

Up Since

The date and time that the Azure SQL Database was last restarted.


The workload (average active sessions) for the Azure SQL Database. When holding the cursor over the workload graph, the dwell displays a chart that shows the workload history over the specified time range.

DB Alarms

The number of warning, critical, and fatal alarms for the Azure SQL Database.

When holding the cursor over one of the alarm counts, the dwell displays the most recent alarms invoked for this database, sorted by severity.

Clicking this field displays the Alarms list, which is listed by severity order. See the Foglight Online Help, Monitoring System-Wide Alarms for details on the alarm information.


The name of the computer that is hosting the database.


The operational status of the monitoring agent.

When the agent instance is running, the State icon () is green, and holding the cursor over the icon displays the message Collecting Data.

When the agent instance is running but not collecting data, holding the cursor over the icon displays one of the following status messages listed below.

When SQL PI is configured the SQL PI icon is displayed.

Foglight for Azure SQL Database Overview Dashboard

Foglight for Azure SQL Database Overview Dashboard

The Foglight for Azure SQL Database Overview dashboard provides various detailed views that are accessible using the toolbar.

The Overview dashboard contents depends on whether an Azure SQL Database is selected.

Several charts can display information in either of the following formats:

The Foglight for Azure SQL Database Overview dashboard provides the following toolbar buttons.

Table 2. Foglight for Azure SQL Database Home Page Toolbar

Opens the Overview view.

Opens the SQL Performance Investigator (SQL PI) drilldown, which displays performance-related data at the following levels:

Opens the Viewing the Blocking (Current) panel, which contains the following panels:

The upper section of the view includes general information on the monitored database:

Each tile is constructed of a title that state the name of the monitored issue and an aggregation of the alarms relevant to that issue.

The tiles are organized by priority:

The right panel is used to display either alarms or Top 10 SQLs:


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