
erwin Evolve 2020.2.1 - Release Notes

Major Release 2020.1

Major Release 2020.1


Following the successful introduction of Web Modeler, this 2020.1 release brings significant enhancements, including a high level of support for Shape Regions, Object and Association support offering clear & delete, and box-in-box support that can now create associations on publishing. This makes diagramming on the web a whole lot more capable.  

As well as significant improvements to Web Modeler, erwin Evolve 2020.1 introduces two new products:

New product: erwin Evolve Analytics Accelerator 2

Completely re-imagined from the ground up, Analytics Accelerator brings LIVE BI reporting to your models.

No need to wait for that overnight batch job, your Analytics are continually refreshed, and there is more...

Not only can you run BI reports on the most up to date data, but you are now able to report on the history of you models too.

Queries like, ‘show me all the objects that changed in the last 3 months, who made the changes, and what were they’ are easily within your grasp, using whichever* BI reporting tool you choose to use.

New product: erwin DM data import 2

Two years ago we brought data model import from erwin DM to Evolve, now we introduce the next generation of DM importing. Faster, more automated, and with better support for Evolve Web Platform. You can now keep your data models up to date in Evolve, and associate this with your Processes and Applications from the Web.

erwin Evolve 2020.1 also brings the following enhancements:

 New Simple Grid View (evolve View)

A new table type has been added that can be used in place of the Simple Table, which not only supports Server-side Jump and Merge, but also offers filtering and sorting for the end user.

erwin Evolve Web Platform Security Update

In keeping with the expected security of our platform, we bring the necessary updates and provide certification from our third-party testing team.

Less nagging when using temporary licenses

Our temporary licenses now nag only when there are 15 days left on the clock. This removes the annoyance of clicking a warning on starting our applications, when the license has months to run.

Log messages are now much less busy

Logging, now has a much tidier output when choosing the different levels. Most notably ‘Info’ is available, to provide all your analytics-based logs, but saving you from the ‘Debug’ level of detail. It is now much easier to see the wood for the trees, and the log files will not grow so fast. ‘Debug’ is still available, for when you really need it.

* BI tool must support SQL Server as a data source.

Extended Service Release 2020.1.1

Extended Service Release 2020.1.1

Following the successful introduction of Web Modeler, this 2020.1.1 release brings significant enhancements with Undo/Redo in Web Modeler, a much faster Global search, improvements in the Analytic Accelerator Service along with enhancements to XML Import and Communicator for Word (C4W) to make the tool more capable.

Undo / Redo in Web Modeler

Now able to Undo and Redo changes to shapes and object values in the Web Modeler using CTRL+Z and CTRL+SHIFT+Z.

Global Search with a higher rate of indexing

Global Search is now much faster at indexing large amounts of changed data.

Improvements in the Analytic Accelerator Service

It can now optionally show names or the script names of the objects, which makes queries more convenient.

The table that contains the changes made to each object now shows the current value in addition to the previous value. Previously the current value had to be obtained from the object's table. This change again makes querying data simpler, with less need for complex joins.

XML Import

Option to import associations by type, source, and target instead of GUIDs.
This ensures associations will get updated if necessary rather than duplicated.

See here for more details.

Communicator for Word Filtering (C4W)

Now has the ability to filter based on property values to produce reduce sized XML files.

See here for more details.

Evolve static page client-side caching

Improved the performance of both static sites, and some static areas of dynamic sites, by intelligently caching content on the client browser as needed.

Fixes to stability and useability of Web Modeler

And many bug fixes and tweaks to ensure the user experience




Watch our dedicated erwin Evolve YouTube channel for more information about this exciting release.


Full list of enhancements and fixes

2020.1.1 Build (248/421)

RFA / Issue



[Web Modeler] – 9851121, 9851120 – Searches for some pre-existing objects with Categories may not find a result due to care sensitivity

2020.1.1 Build (248/420)

RFA / Issue



[Global Search] - Database service gets stuck fetching next block of records when the block is empty (Block size 20,000)


[Global Search] - Any Replaced model fails to index the pre-existing Global Search data


[Global Search] – Fails to index when Audit table contain records related to models that no longer exist


[Global Search] - Unable to search on certain text phrases in a specific model when a record contains more than one property with the same script name


[DB Schema] – CasewiseRW role missing access to new Global Search tables


[Model Delete] – Model delete can leave orphaned audit history behind


2020.1.1 Build (229/418)

RFA / Issue



[Suite] [ZT121967] - Fixed an issue where changing properties and closing an edit dialog quickly may cause HTML memo text to be lost


[Suite] - Changed the way Global Search indexes data, to be able to cope with large volumes of data change more efficiently


[Suite] [C4W] [ZT120964] - Fixed an issue that caused settings to be lost in CMXML


[Suite] [C4W] [ZT120982] - Fixed an issue where user-defined objects would not be filtered correctly when fetching using CMXML


[Suite] [C4W] [ZT120982] - Fixed issues with date filtering in CMXML


[Suite] - Fixed an issue where deleting a model left some traces behind, preventing the reloading of a model with the same model filename (nb: restarting the tool is required to allow the reloading of a model with the same filename)


[Suite] - Deleting a model is now significantly faster


[Suite] [ZT106343] - Added an option when using XML import to update associations that match on type, from the object and to object, but have differing GUIDs. This allows data to be merged from different sources, without causing duplicate associations. Option is called ‘Map association to existing source and target object’



[Suite] [ZT129527] - Removed superfluous attempts to delete memo data from several object types. This also contributes to fix a database deadlock in certain conditions


[Evolve Web] - Fixed an issue where Global Search might miss out indexing records due to file ordering inconsistencies. This would lead to missing search results


[Web Modeler] [8405034] - Fix incorrect dates being shown on date gauges


[Web Modeler] [8447336] - Fixed margin on images, to enable the closer match to word wrapping on Evolve Desktop


[Web Modeler] [8447365] - Fixed update date on Web Modeler diagrams


[Web Modeler] [8678637] - Fix issue with broken links and draft creation


[Web Modeler] [8720150] - Fix palette value for boolean property regions


[Evolve Web] - Added the creation of the site JSON for static site publishing and made the site be updated on a save and deploy as well. This allows changes to AD/SAML2 groups to take effect without a full publish


[Evolve Web] - Fix for dynamic sites which serve static content. Static content on dynamic sites now pulls from the generated static site correctly. Regenerated pages are put in the live/generated folder. So, the static site is no longer affected by dynamic users


[Evole Web] - Fixed Secondary server access to static sites


[Web Modeler] [8781955] - Fix bug where conditional regions with decimals may not work as intended


[Evolve Web] [8591889] - Improved date handling in advanced Global Search


[Web Modeler] [9072240] - Fix bug where conditional regions with dates may not work as intended


[Web Modeler] [8802595] - Added Contains, Does Not Contain and Default operators to region support


[Evole Web] - Fixed client-side caching of Metamodel and Access Rights responses


[Web Modeler] [ZT130998/ZT118281][9072243] - Add ability to save blank dates on object pages


[Diagram Designer] [ZT125691/ZT49618] - Some diagrams not rendered during a static publish. This may also fix some automatic diagram failures in a dynamic site


[Web Modeler] [9197435] - Added support for Gradient Fills


[Web Modeler] [ZT122489] - Web Modeler now indicates mandatory fields that are missing, in the todo list


[Evolve Diagrams] [ZT119903] - Diagrams with < > in the name of the shape won't load in Evolve


[Evolve Web] - Fixed client-side caching for static file content. This will improve the performance of both static sites, and some static areas of dynamic sites, by intelligently caching content on the client browser as needed


[Evolve Web] [ZT124967] - Comments on pages now support special characters


[Evolve Web] - Fix for Static Authentication, where it would create a Normal user with full model access.

Now, if a user is set up for static authentication on one site and is a dynamic User on a separate site, then they will have a CM-User created for them, with access to both models. This fix ensures the static site is only accessible with read-only access


[Web Modeler] [9805858] - Added the ability to duplicate a published diagram as a new draft diagram. When the new draft diagram is published, it will publish to a new diagram (not replace the existing one)

2020.1.0 Initial Build (181/356)

RFA / Issue



[Web Designer] [ZT111909] - Deletion of metadata being used by evolve no longer breaks Evolve Designer


[Web Modeler] Selecting an unsupported shape in Web Modeler causes diagramming to break


[Web Modeler] Accented characters now supported in web modeler's Object Name Search


[Web Modeler] Swimlane diagrams can now be edited if they contain pictures


[Web] [ZT113258] Diagram text justification now correct on vector diagrams that use default styles


[Web Modeler] Duplicate draft diagram now correctly uses the user diagram settings (eg show grid)


[Web Modeler] Integer properties correctly follow model validation


[Auth] ZT115258 SAML2 (SP initiated) now working correctly


[Web Modeler] [ZT114045] Web Modeler can now create same-name / different category diagrams


[Web] Evolve logging tidied and follows DEBUG/INFO/WARN/ERROR leveling more sensibly


[Suite] [Licensing] No-nags for CW temporary licensing licence - [ZT114792]


[Web Modeler] [ZT114044] Can now open diagrams when only a Version Control box exists


[Web] Object revision history now stays set to previous setting during an upgrade


[Web] [ZT113666] CW_USER record is again created for users logging in with CW Logon


[Web Modeler] [ZT112842] Deleted templates are now correctly removed when templates are published


[Evolve] [ZT113622] Custom Association Regions are now hidden correctly


[Suite] Count regions will not display correctly with association type


[Suite] Custom regions no longer show an error when set to 'show when exists'


[Web Modeler] Now supports the ability to clear or delete and shape/object from the diagram


[Web Modeler] Now supports the ability to clear or delete and association lines from the diagram


[Web Modeler] Now supports the ability to create associations for embedded shapes when publishing


[Web Modeler] Now has the ability to revert the deletion of an object prior to publishing


[Security] Several security fixes for SAST and DAST


[Web Modeler] Grid settings no longer need a refresh


[Web Modeler] Fixed an issue where the Save button was disabled when editing a newly named object


[Web Modeler] Can now create a diagram that only contains a Doc Block


[Global Search] Now supports more non-alphabetic character


[Web Designer] [ZT118815] Fixed Out of memory issue with Evolve Designer


[Suite] [ZT111106] Killbits now set for Actbar2.ocx during installation


[Web Designer] [ZT117366] Fixed warning when publishing templates, about duplicate templates, when there were none


[Web] New layout to show a simple grid (can be used in place of Simple Table), offers filtering and sorting


[Web Modeler] Regions are now supported, except navigation, explosion and association regions


[Web Modeler] Pictures are now supported off the palette


[CMI] Brand new CMI Analytics Accelerator provides live BI reporting database


[Web Modeler] Swimlane diagram, drop zone now shown if guide lines are turned on


[WebModeler] Change display name of shape to category if there a duplicates on the palette


Product Licensing

Product Licensing

As of the 2018 release of erwin EA/BP Server, licensing is migrating to the standard erwin Inc. license system. During the migration, there will be a grace period, whereby existing customers can continue to use their existing Casewise licenses. erwin do not intend to force customers onto the new licensing, and will work with them to ensure a successful migration.

If you are considering upgrading to 2018, you should not be concerned with the new licensing system, as its usage is optional at the moment.

The license types available for erwin EA/BP Server include:



erwin EA Server

The main server license which supports Evolve. This is usually supplied with a number of EA Contributor licenses. It often packages together both a Dynamic and a Static site license.

erwin BP Server

The main server license which supports Evolve. This is usually supplied with a number of BP Modeler licenses (aka eModeler). It often packages together both a Dynamic and a Static site license.

erwin EA Contributor

A single named user license, that enables users to modify content through a site.

erwin BP Modeler

A single named user license, that enables users to modify content through a site and use BP Modeler (aka eModeler).


Activating your erwin License:

The process for activating an erwin EA/BP license is very simple.

1.Support will provide you with a single license file per Server machine that requires licensing.
For example:

2.Having installed the software, copy this file to your server's desktop.

3.Double click on the file. You will be presented with a warning:

4.Press "Yes" to allow the tool to change the registry.

5.The software now has the purchased licenses activated on the server. To verify this, load the License Manager.
Open erwin CW Suite - Start Here...

6.Click on License Manager, and login.

7.License Manager will show the license code, activation count and various other attributes.

Returning your erwin License

If you need to move the license from on server to another, this can be performed up to 3 times, without contacting support.

1.Press "Return" in the "Online" section of the License Manage dialog
This will contact the licensing system, and return the license to the pool

2.Activate the software as usual on your new server.

If you run out of activations, you can have the counter reset, by contacting support.

About Us

About Us

Quest creates software solutions that make the benefits of new technology real in an increasingly complex IT landscape. From database and systems management to Active Directory and Office 365 management, and cyber security resilience, Quest helps customers solve their next IT challenge now. Around the globe, more than 130,000 companies and 95% of the Fortune 500 count on Quest to deliver proactive management and monitoring for the next enterprise initiative, find the next solution for complex Microsoft challenges and stay ahead of the next threat. Quest Software. Where next meets now. For more information, visit www.quest.com.

Technical support resources

Technical support is available to Quest customers with a valid maintenance contract and customers who have trial versions. You can access the Quest Support Portal at https://support.quest.com.

The Support Portal provides self-help tools you can use to solve problems quickly and independently, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Support Portal enables you to:

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