
Enterprise Reporter 3.5 - Report Manager User Guide

Quest Enterprise Reporter Report Manager Introducing the Report Manager Running and Scheduling Reports Creating and Editing Reports Troubleshooting Issues with Enterprise Reporter Appendix: PowerShell cmdlets

Running a job

Now that you have a job or two you need to run them to retrieve data from your environment by sending a job to the Enterprise Reporter server for immediate execution. Depending on what is processing within the server, the job may be queued to run at the next available time. This is different than scheduling a job which is discussed later.

In this example, the job or discovery identified by the JobDefinitionId ecaae8bb-f0f8-48ee-91ff-da959a937dfa is submitted for immediate processing. If the job starts, True is returned.

In this example, the information about the job definition retrieved by the Get-ERJobDefinition cmdlet is piped to the Submit-ERJobDefinition cmdlet, so the job starts immediately. If the job starts, True is returned.

Scheduling a job

You may want to change the start time for a scheduled job because it conflicts with another job.

This is an example of a Run Once job set to start at a specific date and time. First, the job is placed into the $discovery variable using the Get-ERJobDefinition cmdlet. Second, the Set-ERJobDefinitionSchedule cmdlet is executed with a different time and date for the job. Note the single quote that encloses the time.

This is an example of a Run Daily job set to start at a specific date and time, and to run every day.

This is an example of a Run Daily job set to start at a specific date and time, and to run every 4th day.

This is an example of a Run Weekly job set to start at a specific date and time, and to run on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

This is an example of a Run Monthly job set to start at a specific date and time and to run on the 1st Wednesday of the month.

This is an example of a Run Monthly job set to start at a specific date and time on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Deleting a job

In this example, all job definitions that start with the letter A are piped into the Remove-ERJobDefinition cmdlet for deletion.

First, the job data is placed into the $job variable. Second, the Remove-ERJobDefinition is run with $job as the input.

Using cmdlets to run reports

Now that you have collected data for your environment, you will want to produce reports with the data. Normally this is done using the Report Manager, but there are a number of cmdlets available to provide reports. The examples in this section demonstrate how to run reports using cmdlets.

This section contains the following examples:


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