
Unified Communications Analytics 8.8.2 - User Guide

Introducing Quest UC Analytics Viewing UC Analytics insights Modifying UC Analytics insights Exporting and importing UC Analytics insights Automatically exporting and sending insights (subscriptions) Appendix A:Questions and Answers for UC Analytics insights Appendix B:List of UC Analytics insights

Insights and the data sources that provide the data

The following table lists all the UC Analytics insights and shows the data sources that are collected to populate each insight.

An asterisk (*) identifies those insights that will also include mailbox and user data from Office 365 if you have also configured data sources to collect data from Exchange Online.

To see detailed information when viewing an insight, click the details browser icon in the top right corner. For information about the details browser, see Drilling down to detailed information .

Many insights include Exchange user configuration data. When you collect the user data, the required data sources depend on whether you are collecting from an on-premise Exchange environment, from an Exchange Online hybrid environment, or from an Exchange Online native environment.

In the required data sources column in the table that lists all the insights, it may say the following:

The required data source is different depending on the environment from which you are collecting.

Exchange on-premise

Domain Controller

Exchange Online hybrid

Domain Controller AND Exchange Online Hybrid User Configuration

Exchange Online native

Exchange Online Native User Configuration

UC Analytics insight descriptions

The following table lists all the UC Analytics insights and provides information about the data sources that must be configured to populate each insight.

Table 13. Cross Platform Insights and their required data sources

Corporate at a Glance * #

Provides a high-level overview of the Active Directory, ActiveSync, Exchange, and Skype for Business / Lync environments in your organization. The insight provides the number of Active Directory objects (such as groups, users, rooms), Exchange message and mailbox activity, Exchange inventory numbers, ActiveSync events, and information about Lync/Skype for Business conferences and sessions for different media types.

By default, four filters are set for the insight:

Active Directory Users for Skype for Business / Lync

Mobile Devices

Platforms - Activity *

Shows the amount of activity generated by your organization across different platforms, including Exchange email messages, Skype for Business/Lync conferences and peer-to-peer sessions, and Cisco conferences and peer-to-peer sessions.

Platforms - Activity Chargeback *

Calculates the chargeback amount for your organization by totaling the cost of each email message, conference, peer-to-peer session, and enterprise voice call based on the cost settings defined in the UC Analytics Admin Settings.

Platforms - User Adoption * #

Shows the number of enabled users who have been recently active. Active is defined as sending an email, participating in a conference, or participating in a peer-to-peer session.

For a given day, recently means that the user was active during the previous 14 days.

Skype for Business/Lync vs. Cisco Conference Usage

Shows a summary of all the Skype for Business/Lync and Cisco conference activity in your organization

Skype for Business/Lync vs. Cisco Peer-to-Peer Usage

Shows a summary of all the Skype for Business/Lync and Cisco peer-to-peer activity in your organization

Office 365 User Licenses and Services * #

Shows a summary of Office 365 license types and user services including:

Office 365 Users * #

Shows a list of individual Office 365 users, showing the type of services and subscription that each user has.

Office 365 Users - Exchange Online Inactive * #

Shows a list of Office 365 Exchange Online users in your organization that are not sending email. If there was no email sent from the Exchange Online mailbox during the insight date range, the user is shown in the insight.

Equipment - Inventory * #

Shows the list of equipment in your organization. An equipment mailbox is a resource mailbox that is assigned to a resource that is not location specific such as a laptop and projector.

Groups - Empty Mail-Enabled Groups Inventory * #

Shows the list of mail-enabled security, distribution, and dynamic distribution groups that contain no user or group members.

Groups - Inventory * #

Shows the list of security, distribution, and dynamic distribution groups in your organization.

Groups - Summary * #

Shows a summary of the security, distribution, and dynamic distribution groups in your organization.

Active groups are groups that have received email within the selected date range of the insight. If a group contains child groups, any messages sent to the parent group are included in the messages that were sent to the child groups.

Mail Contacts - Inventory * #

Shows the list of mail contacts in your organization. Mail contacts are mail-enabled directory service objects that contain information about people or organizations that exist outside your Exchange organization.

Mail-Enabled Groups - Inventory * #

Shows the list of your mail-enabled security, distribution, and dynamic distribution groups. Member counts are provided for direct and indirect membership (expanding the groups that are members). Mail-enabled public folders are not included in member counts.

Mail-Enabled Groups - Membership * #

Shows the membership list of mail-enabled security, distribution, and dynamic distribution groups, grouped by organizational unit (OU).

Mail-Enabled Groups - Summary * #

Shows a summary of mail-enabled security, distribution, and dynamic distribution groups. Member counts are provided for effective membership (expanding the groups that are members). Mail-enabled public folders are not included. If a group contains child groups, messages sent to the parent group are included in the messages sent to the child groups.

Rooms - Inventory * #

Shows the list of rooms in your organization. Rooms are resource mailboxes assigned to meeting locations.

Users - Inventory * #

Shows a list of enabled users in your organization.

Users - Recent Changes * #

Shows a list of user accounts that were recently created or disabled in your organization. If the user account creation date is within the insight date range, the account is determined to be recently created. If the user account was disabled within the insight date range, the account is determined to be recently disabled.

During initial data collection, historical data is not available so users with recently disabled accounts cannot be calculated retroactively.

Users - Summary * #

Shows a summary of users with enabled accounts in your organization. If the user account creation date is within the insight date range, the account is considered to be recently created. If the user account is currently disabled but was enabled within the insight date range, the account is considered to be recently disabled.

During initial data collection, historical data is not available so users with recently disabled accounts cannot be calculated retroactively.

Table 15. Exchange Insights and their required data sources

ActiveSync - Event Details

Shows a list of individual user ActiveSync events in your organization.

ActiveSync - Server Activity

Shows a summary of ActiveSync server activity in your organization. Sync times do not include ping commands.

ActiveSync - User Activity

Shows a summary of ActiveSync user activity in your organization.

DLP Matches - Activity

Shows a summary of data loss prevention (DLP) matches in your organization. DLP is only available in Exchange 2013 or later.

DLP Matches - Details

Shows the details of data loss prevention (DLP) matches in your organization. DLP is only available in Exchange 2013 or later.

Email - Activity *

Shows a summary of user email activity in your organization including the top senders and recipients. New thread percentages and after-hours statistics are calculated only for messages that were collected using the Mailbox Contents data source. All messages collected using the Exchange Tracking Logs data source are assumed to be new threads.

Email - Bi-Directional Activity *

Shows a summary of user email activity, both sent and received messages, between two groups or individuals. Since the tables for first participants and second participants include both senders and receivers, both tables show the same values until you apply a filter.

Email - Chargeback *

Calculates the chargeback amount for your organization by totaling the cost of each email message based on the cost settings defined in the UC Analytics Admin Settings.

Email - Delivery Times *

Show a summary of delivery times of messages in your organization. The delivery time is calculated as the difference between the message send date and receipt date for each recipient.

Email - Details *

Shows a list of individual user messages that were sent and received by your organization, including sender, recipient, and subject line.

Email - External Activity *

Shows a summary of messages sent outside your organization, or received from outside your organization. Internal domains are defined in the UC Analytics Admin Settings. A domain that is not defined as internal is considered external. An external message is a message with at least one participant from an external domain.

Email - File Attachment Activity *

Shows a summary of all file attachments that were sent and received by your organization. Only messages that were collected using the Mailbox Contents data source have file attachment details.

Email - File Attachment Details *

Shows the list of individual user messages with file attachments sent and received by your organization. Only messages retrieved from the Mailbox Contents data source have file attachment details.

Email - Inter-Department Activity *

For each department, the insight shows the other five departments to which or from which the most email messages were sent or received.

Email - Inter-Office Activity *

For each office, shows the top five offices to which or from which email messages were sent or received.

Email - Logical Messages Activity *

Shows a summary of logical email activity in your organization including the top senders and effective recipients. A logical message is one in which a single message is sent to multiple recipients and each recipient message is counted as a separate message. For details, see How is a logical Exchange message different from a unique (physical) message? .

New thread percentages and after-hours statistics are calculated only for messages that were collected using the Mailbox Contents data source. All messages collected using the Exchange Tracking Logs data source are assumed to be new threads.

Email - Response Time *

Shows a summary of response times in your organization. Response time is calculated as the difference between the receipt date of the original message and the send date of the first reply.

Email - Size Distribution *

Provides a summary showing the distribution of message sizes for the messages sent in your organization.

Email - System Activity

Shows a summary of all system message activity in your organization.

Exchange - Adoption * #

Shows the number of enabled users who have been recently active. Active is defined as sending an email message. For a given day, recently means that the user was active during the previous 14 days.

Only mailboxes that are collected by the Exchange Configuration data source are counted.

Exchange - Inactive Users * #

Shows the list of users who have not sent an email during the insight date range.

Exchange - Inventory #

Shows a list of Exchange servers and databases in your organization.

Exchange Meetings - Details *

Shows a detailed list of the Exchange (Outlook) meetings organized by your users for the specified time period. Includes information about location, subject, the number of required attendees, and the duration of each meeting.

By default, the insight shows only meetings (Is Meeting equals yes filter). To view all meetings and appointments, you can remove the filter set on the insight.

Exchange Meetings - Summary *

Shows a summary of Exchange user meeting activity in the specified time period. Identifies the users who organized the most meetings and the average number of required attendees. You can group top meeting organizers by name, city, department, country, job title, and so on.

By default, the insight shows only meetings (Is Meeting equals yes filter). To view all meetings and appointments, you can remove the filter set on the insight.

Exchange Meetings - Room Usage

Shows the room usage and statistics for Exchange meetings during the specified time period. Mailbox targets must include the Organizer and Room mailboxes. You also must configure Room Working Hours in the Admin Settings to define the working day.

Exchange Meetings - Unused Rooms

Shows the rooms for which no meetings were held during the specified time period. Mailbox targets must include the Organizer mailboxes.

Exchange - Summary * #

Shows an overall summary of users, messages, servers, and mailboxes in your organizations.

In the Messages table, messages are broken into categories based on message direction. For information about how direction is determined, see “How does UC Analytics determine message direction in insights?” on page 47.

Groups - Inactive * #

Shows the list of security, distribution, and dynamic distribution groups that have not received any email within the selected date range of the insight.

If a group contains child groups, any messages sent to the parent group are included in the messages that were sent to the child groups.

Groups - Usage *

Shows a summary of the top groups and top group users in your organization. Includes data for your security, distribution, and dynamic distribution groups.

If a group contains child groups, any messages sent to the parent group are included in the messages that were sent to the child groups.

Legacy Public Folders - Inactive #

Shows the list of inactive Exchange 2010 public folders in your organization. If the last modification date is earlier than the insight date range, the public folder is considered to be inactive.

Legacy Public Folders - Inventory #

Shows the list of individual Exchange 2010 public folder replicas in your organization.

Legacy Public Folders - Permissions Inventory #

Shows a list of permissions for each Exchange 2010 public folder in your organization. You can see who has permissions to specific public folders.

NOTE: The User permissions (Client permissions) option must be selected in the Exchange Public Folders data source.

Legacy Public Folder Replicas - Inventory #

Shows the list of individual Exchange 2010 public folder replicas in your organization.

Legacy Public Folder Replicas - Trend

Shows a trend of the Exchange 2010 public folder replicas in your organization.

Legacy Public Folders - Summary #

Shows a summary of the legacy Exchange 2010 public folders in your organization.

Mail Contacts - Inactive * #

Shows the list of mail contacts that have not received email recently. If email was received within the insight date range, it is considered to be recent.

Mail Contacts - Usage *

Shows a list of the top mail contacts who receive the most email. You can also see the top departments, offices, or users who send the most email to mail contacts.

Mailboxes - Active and Inactive Summary *

Shows the full list of individual mailboxes and their recent activity or lack of activity. The insight only shows message activity or inactivity for the specified date range.

Mailboxes - Activity Summary * #

Shows a list of individual mailboxes in your organization and their recent activity. Only the messages that were sent or received during the insight date range are included.

Mailboxes - Chargeback * #

Calculates the chargeback amount for your organization by totaling the cost of each mailbox based on the cost settings that you defined in the UC Analytics Admin Settings.

Mailboxes - Delegate Access Inventory * #

Provides a list of mailboxes and shows the accounts that have delegate rights to access the mailbox.

Mailboxes - Delegates Inventory * #

Shows a list of the delegates for each mailbox in your organization.

Mailboxes - Folder Inventory * #

Shows statistics for user mailbox folders, grouped by mailbox owner, including size, item count, subfolder count, unread item count, and folder path location.

Mailboxes - Inactive * #

Shows the list of inactive mailboxes for the enabled users in your organization.

If no messages were sent during the insight date range, the mailbox is considered to be inactive.

Mailboxes - Inactive (Advanced) * #

Shows a list of inactive mailboxes for the enabled users in your organization. If no messages were received and read, or sent during the insight date range, the mailbox is considered to be inactive.

Mailboxes - Inventory * #

Shows the list of individual mailboxes in your organization. Only mailboxes that are collected using the Exchange Configuration data source are shown.

Mailboxes - Mailbox Activity by Active Directory Group *

Based on the Group attribute in Active Directory (AD), shows the AD groups whose members send and receive the most emails in the specified date range. Provides information the maximum size and average size of the emails.

Mailboxes - Permissions Inventory * #

Shows the list of permissions for each mailbox in your organization.

Mailboxes - Size & Item Count Trends * #

Shows the trends for mailbox sizes and item counts, providing daily values per mailbox for a specified time frame. You can view the mailbox size and item count trends grouped by total storage or total item count, storage limit status, Exchange version, location (on-premise or Office 365), or by the mailbox owner with the largest mailbox or most items.

Mailboxes - Summary * #

Shows a summary of the mailboxes in your organization. Only mailboxes that are collected using the Exchange Configuration data source are shown.

Mailboxes - Trend * #

Shows a trend of the mailboxes size and item count in your organization. You can group the mailbox owner information by values such as department, office, city, country, domain, and location (on-premise or Office 365),

Mobile Devices - Active Devices History *

Shows the number of ActiveSync mobile devices that were synchronized within the specified date range. You can view active device history by device type, device model, operating system, and other groupings to determine which types of mobile devices had any activity within the specified time frame.

Mobile Devices - Inactive * #

Shows a list of inactive ActiveSync mobile devices in your organization. If a mobile device was not synchronized within the insight date range, it is considered to be inactive.

Mobile Devices - Inventory * #

Shows the list of ActiveSync mobile devices in your organization including device owner.

Mobile Devices - Summary * #

Shows a summary of ActiveSync mobile devices in your organization, grouped by device type, operating system, department, city domain, and so on.

Organizations / Mailbox Activity *

Provides a graphical view of the aggregated messages sent and received by your mailboxes, grouped by the Active Directory attribute you select. You can group by Company, Department, Office, City, Country or Region, or Job Title, You can also group by Internal Domain Name (as defined in your Admin Settings | Classifications | Domain Classifications).

Outlook on the Web (OWA) - Activity

Shows the number of successful logons through Outlook on the Web (OWA) by on-premise users. You can group the results by top department, top user, and so on.

Outlook on the Web (OWA) - Logon Details

Shows the details for Outlook on the Web (OWA) successful logons by on-premise users including browser and server used.

Outlook on the Web (OWA) vs. ActiveSync Unique Usage

Shows a summary of email client usage such as OWA and ActiveSync, for your Exchange on-premise environment.

NOTE: To see OWA data in the insights, you must have selected the Logons for Outlook on the Web (OWA) option in the Exchange IIS Logs data source. You must also have configured your Exchange IIS servers to collect the necessary fields. See the UC Analytics Deployment Guide for details.

Personal Archive Mailboxes - Inventory #

Shows the list of individual personal archive mailboxes in your Exchange on-premise and/or Exchange Online (hybrid / native) organization.

Personal Archive Mailboxes - Summary #

Shows a summary of the personal archive mailboxes in your Exchange on-premise and/or Exchange Online (hybrid / native) organization.

Public Folders - Inactive * #

Shows the list of inactive Exchange 2013/2016/2019 and Exchange Online public folders in your organization. If the public folder has a last modification date earlier than the insight date range, the public folder is considered to be inactive.

Public Folders - Inventory * #

Shows the list of individual Exchange 2013/2016/2019 and Exchange Online public folders in your organization.

Public Folder Mailboxes - Summary * #

Shows summary information for each of your public folder mailboxes including the number of folders, mail-enabled folders, items, deleted items, total and average folder sizes, and last modified date.

NOTE: To include public folder mailboxes that do not contain public folders, you must select Empty Public Folder Mailboxes in the Exchange and Exchange Online Public Folders data sources.

Public Folders - Migration Trend *

Shows the trend for the number of public folders and for the number of mail-enabled public folders across all the Exchange versions in your organization.

Public Folders - Permissions Inventory *

Shows a list of user permissions for each Exchange 2013, Exchange 2016, Exchange 2019 and Exchange Online public folder in your organization. You can see who has permissions to specific public folders.

NOTE: The User permissions (Client permissions) option must be selected in the Exchange (Online) Public Folders data source.

Public Folders - Summary * #

Shows a summary of the Exchange 2013/2016/2019 and Exchange Online public folders in your organization.

Public Folders - Trend *

Shows the trends for number of items, size, and number of deleted items for the Exchange 2013/2016/2019 and Exchange Online public folders in your organization.

Skype for Business/Lync - Chargeback

Calculates the chargeback amount by totaling the cost of each Skype for Business/Lync conference or peer-to-peer session based on the cost settings defined in the UC Analytics Admin Settings.

Skype for Business/Lync - Feature Adoption

Shows a summary of which Skype for Business/Lync features are being used by your users.

Skype for Business/Lync - Inactive Users #

Shows the list of users who have not participated in a peer-to-peer session or conference during the insight date range.

Skype for Business/Lync - Inventory #

Shows the list of Skype for Business/Lync servers and pools in your organization.

Skype for Business/Lync - Skype for Business Client Adoption #

Shows the number of users who have used Lync or Skype for Business recently. Users might be double-counted if they use both Skype for Business and Lync on different devices.

Skype for Business/Lync - User Adoption #

Shows the number of users who have been active in Skype for Business/Lync recently. Active is defined as participating in a conference or peer-to-peer session. For a given day, recently is defined as the user having been active within the last 14 days.

Skype for Business/Lync Archiving Policies - Inventory #

Shows the list of users in your organization and their associated Skype for Business/Lync archiving policy information.

Skype for Business/Lync Conferences - Activity

Shows a summary of Skype for Business/Lync conference activity in your organization.

Skype for Business/Lync Conferences - Details

Shows the list of individual Skype for Business/Lync conferences in your organization.

Skype for Business/Lync Conferences - Server Usage

Shows a summary of the Skype for Business/Lync conference activity in your organization by server or pool.

Skype for Business/Lync Conferencing Policies - Inventory #

Shows the list of users in your organization and their associated Skype for Business/Lync configuration information.

Skype for Business/Lync Enterprise Voice - Activity

Shows a summary of Skype for Business/Lync enterprise voice calls in your organization.

Skype for Business/Lync Enterprise Voice - Chargeback

Calculates the chargeback amount for your organization by totaling the cost of each enterprise voice call based on the cost settings defined in the UC Analytics Admin Settings.

Skype for Business/Lync Enterprise Voice - Details

Shows the list of individual Skype for Business/Lync enterprise voice calls in your organization.

Skype for Business/Lync Enterprise Voice - Server Usage

Shows a summary of the Skype for Business/Lync enterprise voice activity in your organization by server or pool.

Skype for Business/Lync External Access Policies - Inventory #

Shows the list of users in your organization and their associated Skype for Business/Lync external access policy information.

Skype for Business/Lync Peer-to-Peer Sessions - Activity

Shows a summary of Skype for Business/Lync peer-to-peer session activity in your organization.

Skype for Business/Lync Peer-to-Peer Sessions - Details

Shows the list of individual Skype for Business/Lync peer-to-peer sessions in your organization.

Skype for Business/Lync Peer-to-Peer Sessions - External Domain Activity

Shows a summary of Skype for Business/Lync peer-to-peer session activity with external domains. You define the list of internal domains in the UC Analytics Admin Settings. Any domain that is not defined as internal is considered external.

Skype for Business/Lync Peer-to-Peer Sessions - Server Usage

Shows a summary of the Skype for Business/Lync peer-to-peer session activity in your organization by server or pool. Includes enterprise voice activity.

Skype for Business/Lync QoE - Devices

Shows a summary of Skype for Business/Lync QoE device information for your organizations.

Skype for Business/Lync QoE - Location

Shows a summary of Skype for Business/Lync QoE information with tables that group sessions by location (subnet site, subnet region, subnet IP address).

Skype for Business/Lync QoE - Network

Shows a summary of poor calls by network subnet or region for your organization.

Skype for Business/Lync QoE - Session Details

Shows a list of individual QoE sessions for conferences and peer-to-peer sessions with the quality information for each session.

Skype for Business/Lync QoE - Stream Details

Shows a list of individual QoE streams for conferences and peer-to-peer sessions quality information for each media stream.

Skype for Business/Lync QoE - Summary

Shows a summary of Skype for Business/Lync QoE information for your organizations.

Skype for Business/Lync User Policies - Inventory #

Shows the list of users your in organization and their associated Skype for Business/Lync configuration information.


Corporate Exchange At A Glance * #

Provides a quick high-level view of your Exchange organization.

Distribution Groups / Group Access * #

Indicates the last use of a distribution group during the specified date range.

Distribution Groups / Inactive Groups / By Distribution Group *

Shows the list of security, distribution, and dynamic distribution groups that have not received email within the selected date range of the insight.

If a group contains child groups, any messages sent to the parent group are included in the messages sent to the child groups.

Distribution Groups / Top Group Users *

Shows the users that use distribution groups most often during the insight date range, grouped by the number of messages sent to a group.

Distribution Groups / Top Groups *

Shows the distribution groups that are used most often during the insight date range, grouped by the number of messages sent to each group.

Exchange ActiveSync / Devices / Active Devices * #

Provides a list of devices that were synchronized within the specified number of days.

Exchange ActiveSync / Devices / Inactive Devices * #

Provides a list of devices that were not synchronized within the specified number of days.

Exchange ActiveSync / Devices / Inventory / Device Inventory * #

Lists the mobile devices used within the organization. Each mobile device is listed along with its user identification. If a mobile device has been used by multiple users, it is only listed once with its most recent user.

Exchange ActiveSync / Servers / Server Activity

Provides an overview of the ActiveSync email traffic handled by each Exchange ActiveSync server.

Exchange ActiveSync / Servers / Server Sync Times

Indicates the average amount of time taken to perform a synchronization operation. All ActiveSync protocol commands are included in this calculation except the PING command.

Exchange ActiveSync / Users / Email Activity / Attachments

Provides statistics for the number of email attachments downloaded to Exchange ActiveSync devices per user per day.

Exchange ActiveSync / Users / Email Activity / Departmental Summary

Provides statistics for the number of messages that were sent and received by Exchange ActiveSync devices belonging to users in a specific department.

Exchange ActiveSync / Users / Email Activity / Summary

Provides statistics for emails sent and downloaded per user per day from the user's ActiveSync device.

Exchange ActiveSync / Users / Top Email Senders and Receivers

Provides a list of the users that send or receive the most emails with their Exchange ActiveSync devices.

Executive Summaries / Capacity

Provides composite information about email storage trends, message volume distribution for internal and external users, and volume summaries.

Executive Summaries / Financials * #

Provides information about financial metrics related to your Exchange environment. Use this insight to calculate departmental operational costs, including the cost of sending and receiving Internet email messages and storing data.

Executive Summaries / Organization Traffic Usage *

Provides composite information about the email traffic in and through an Exchange organization from an Exchange server perspective. It provides usage metrics from a server perspective to identify usage trends for capacity planning.

Executive Summaries / Recipient Traffic Usage *

Provides composite information about the email traffic in and through an Exchange organization from the perspective of recipients in the organization. It provides relevant usage metrics from a mailbox perspective to identify usage trends.

Internet / Internet Domain Auditing / Domain Inbound Audits *

Displays individual messages, including the subject, sender, and receiver, submitted to the Exchange server by internet domains for the insight date range.

Internet / Top Internet Domains *

Provides a list of the internet domains that appear most often as either originator or recipient in an email.

Internet / Top Internet Domains Users *

Shows the mailboxes that most frequently send messages to or receive messages from Internet domains during the specified date range.

Inventory / Chargeback / Mailbox Sizes * #

Similar to the Mailboxes Mailbox Sizes insight, this insight provides a list of mailboxes and their associated sizes. It also contains a Cost field that contains the storage cost incurred by the specific mailbox.

Inventory / DAGs #

Provides statistical information about Database Availability Groups (DAGs) in your organization.

Inventory / Disabled Accounts * #

Provides a list of mailboxes for which the associated account is disabled.

Inventory / Distribution Groups * #

Provides a list of the security, distribution, and dynamic distribution groups that exist in your Exchange organization. Member counts are provided for direct and indirect membership (expanding the groups that are members).

Inventory / Inactive Mailboxes * #

Lists the mailboxes from which no messages were sent during the specified time period.

Inventory / Mailbox Growth *

Allows you to see growth trends in the number of mailboxes within an organization over time.

Inventory / Mailbox Owners * #

Shows the owners of mailboxes, mailbox sizes, number of messages, and owner department. You can insert a Location column to show which mailboxes are on-premise and which are Office 365.

Inventory / Mailboxes / Primary Mailboxes * #

Provides a list of the primary mailboxes in the organization and provides details about each mailbox.

Inventory / Servers #

Lists the Exchange servers in the organization and provides information about the server, including the Exchange version. It shows the number of mailboxes and mailbox databases.

Inventory / Stores #

Lists the databases in an Exchange organization, indicating the member servers associated with each database. The insight shows the number of mailboxes in each database.

Inventory / Summary #

Provides summarized information for each Exchange organization, including information about the number of servers, mailbox databases, and mailboxes.

Mail Activity / Internal vs. External *

Shows a day-to-day account of sent and received messages for a user or group and provides details of internal and external message traffic. External (inbound and outbound) traffic is traffic with senders and receivers outside of your Exchange organization. (You identify your internal domains when you set domain classifications during UC Analytics configuration.)

Mail Contacts / Top Contact Users *

Shows the users that most often use mail contacts, during the insight date range, grouped by the number of messages sent.

Mail Contacts / Top Contacts *

Shows the mail contacts which are used most often during the insight date range in your enterprise.

Mailboxes / Mailbox Activity / Daily *

Provides mailbox usage data that detail the user activities. The insight does not indicate whether the message source is internal or external, nor does it specify the number of intended recipients.

Mailboxes / Mailbox Activity / Internal vs. External / Daily *

Provides a detailed breakdown of mailbox usage that shows user message activities on a daily basis. The insight includes details about internal and external message traffic. Internal traffic is identified when you configure the Classifications | Domain Classifications in the Admin Settings to identify your internal domains. By default, the top 100 users are shown but you can customize the insight to show all results.

Mailboxes / Mailbox Activity / Internal vs. External - Received Mail *

Provides a day-to-day account of the received messages for a mailbox and includes details about internal message and external message traffic. External (inbound) traffic is traffic that is received from senders who are external to your Exchange organization.

Mailboxes / Mailbox Activity / Internal vs. External - Sent Mail *

Provides a day-to-day account of the sent messages for a mailbox and includes details about internal message and external message traffic. External (outbound) traffic is traffic that is sent to recipients who are external to your Exchange organization.

Mailboxes / Mailbox Activity / Summary *

Provides mailbox usage data that details the users’ activities. This insight does not indicate whether the message source is internal or external, nor does it record or specify the number of intended recipients.

Mailboxes / Mailbox Auditing / Mailbox Sent Audits *

Shows a list of all messages sent by a mailbox during the insight date range. Details include subject, recipient sent date, and message size.

Mailboxes / Mailbox Security / Mailbox Security * #

Provides a list of mailboxes and shows the accounts that have permissions to access each mailbox.

Mailboxes / Message Sizes / Received Distribution *

Provides a breakdown of the distribution of message sizes for messages received by your Exchange mailboxes and summarizes this information at the mailbox level. By default, the insight shows only mailboxes belonging to enabled users. To view all mailboxes, including those belonging to users with disabled accounts, you can remove the filter set on the insight.

Mailboxes / Message Sizes / Sent Distribution *

Provides a breakdown of the distribution of message sizes for messages sent by Exchange mailboxes and summarizes this information at the mailbox level. By default, the insight shows only mailboxes belonging to enabled users. To view all mailboxes, including those belonging to users with disabled accounts, you can remove the filter set on the insight.

Mailboxes / Sizes And Quotas / Mailbox Quotas *

Shows the quotas that are set for the largest mailboxes across your Exchange organization.

Mailboxes / Sizes And Quotas / Mailbox Sizes * #

Shows the largest mailboxes in your organization and their associated sizes.

Mailboxes / Top Internet Senders and Receivers *

Shows the mailboxes that sent the most email to internet domains and received the most email from internet domains during the insight date range.

Mailboxes / Top Senders and Receivers *

Shows the mailboxes that sent and received the most email during the insight date range.

Organizations / Delivery Time Threshold Summary

Prerequisite: Before you view the insight, navigate to Admin Settings | Classifications | Threshold Classifications and add a red threshold for Exchange Email Message Participant - Delivery Time.

Shows a summary of the delivery times of messages in your organization. Delivery time is calculated as the difference between the message send date and receipt date for each recipient. If you collect only from the Exchange Tracking Logs data source, the Send Date for most messages is approximate. To collect the exact Send Date you must also collect from the Exchange (Online) Mailbox Contents data sources.

By default, the insight has the following filters applied:

Delivery Time is set

Domain | Is External Equals no

Organizations / Departmental Reporting / Mailbox Activity *

Based on the Department attribute in Active Directory, this insight provides an aggregated view of messages sent and received on a department-by-department basis, providing a view of the overall traffic for each department.

Organizations / Departmental Reporting / Mailbox Sizes * #

Based on the Department attribute in Active Directory, the insight provides an aggregated view of mailbox storage on a department-by-department basis, showing the mailbox storage consumption by each department.

Organizations / Organizational Traffic *

Presents an overview of inbound and outbound messages, showing the volume of internal and external traffic, across multiple Exchange organizations.

Organizations / Subject Auditing / Subject Sent Audits *

Lists mailboxes and shows message header details such as the originator, receiver, and subject line for sent messages.

Servers / Server Activity /Summary

Shows the message activity on your Exchange servers for user and system messages. When you click the Details browser icon, a list of individual messages is displayed.

NOTE: To collect server activity from the Exchange tracking logs, you must select Server Activity when configuring the Exchange Tracking Logs data source.

Storage / Stores #

Lists the Exchange servers in the organization and provides details about the databases on each server, including the database size and the number of mailboxes in each store.

If the insight period is one day, then a graph provides a comparison of servers. If the insight period is greater than one day, then a graph shows the trend over the period.

Skype for Business/Lync / Conferences / All Conferences

Provides information about the different types of conference sessions including chat, audio/video, web conferencing, and application-sharing.

The insight shows meeting lengths and the number of participants for each conference.

Skype for Business/Lync / Configuration / Lync Enabled Users #

Provides a list of Skype for Business/Lync-enabled users and shows their configuration settings.

Skype for Business/Lync / Enterprise Voice / Enterprise Voice Usage

Shows the number of voice calls handled by the Skype for Business/Lync servers. Voice call counts are broken down to show the distribution of outgoing and incoming calls.

Skype for Business/Lync / Enterprise Voice / Outgoing Calls

Provides details about outgoing voice calls. For each call, the insight shows the call duration, the user who initiated the call, the “from” number, the connected number, and the start time and end time for each call.

Skype for Business/Lync / Enterprise Voice / Top Calls By User #

Shows the users that have the most Skype for Business/Lync enterprise voice call usage.

Skype for Business/Lync / Instant Messages / Instant Message Usage

Shows the number of instant messages handled by the Skype for Business/Lync servers. Message counts are broken down to show the distribution of internal and public instant messages.

Skype for Business/Lync / Instant Messages / Top Internal Senders And Receivers By Messages #

Provides a list of the top internal senders and receivers of instant messages, showing counts for internal and external messages.

Skype for Business/Lync / Organizational Summaries / Top Usage by User #

Shows the users that have the highest usage for instant messaging, file transfers, peer-to-peer sessions, enterprise voice calls, and conferences.

Usage statistics include:

Skype for Business/Lync / Organizational Summaries / User Activity #

Shows all Skype for Business/Lync Server activities for individual users including instant messaging, file transfers, peer-to-peer sessions, voice calls, and conferences.

Skype for Business / Lync Peer-to-Peer Sessions & Conferences - User Activity * #

Provides user activity for peer-to-peer sessions and conferences, including duration totals for incoming and outgoing audio sessions and desktop sessions. Conference information shows the number of conferences attended, conferences organized, and durations for individual users.

Skype for Business/Lync Server At A Glance #

Provides a high-level quick view of your Skype for Business/Lync usage with departmental summaries.

Cisco - Activity

Shows a summary of all Cisco sessions in your organization.

Cisco - Adoption #

Shows the number of users who have been active in Cisco recently. Active is defined as participating in a Cisco activity. For a given day, recently means that the user was active during the previous 14 days.

Cisco - Chargeback

Calculates the chargeback amount for your organization by totaling the cost of each Cisco conference or peer-to-peer session based on the cost settings defined in the UC Analytics Admin Settings.

Cisco - Inactive Users #

Shows the list of users who have not used Cisco peer-to-peer session or conference during the insight date range.

Cisco - Inventory #

Shows the list of Cisco servers, gateways and endpoints in your organization.

Cisco - Summary #

Shows an overall summary of users, sessions, and servers in your organizations.

Cisco Conferences - Activity

Shows a summary of Cisco conference activity in your organization.

Cisco Conferences - Details

Shows the list of individual Cisco conferences in your organization.

Cisco Conferences - Server Usage

Shows a summary of the Cisco conference activity in your organization by server or endpoint.

Cisco Peer-to-Peer Sessions - Activity

Shows a summary of Cisco peer-to-peer sessions in your organization.

Cisco Peer-to-Peer Sessions - Details

Shows the list of individual Cisco peer-to-peer sessions in your organization.

Cisco Peer-to-Peer Sessions - External Activity

Shows a summary of Cisco external peer-to-peer sessions in your organization.

Cisco Peer-to-Peer Sessions - Server Usage

Shows a summary of the Cisco peer-to-peer session activity in your organization by server or endpoint.

Cisco Top External Numbers Dialed

Shows a summary of external outgoing Cisco sessions in your organization



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