
NetVault 13.0.1 - Built-in Plug-ins User Guide

Configuring default settings

In the Navigation pane, click Change Settings. On the Configuration page, click the applicable icon, and on the Settings page, click Plugin Options.
Under Datacopy, configure the following setting:
Sort Backups Newest First: By default, the saveset list on the NetVault Selections page is sorted by date and time in descending order (that is, from the latest to the earliest date). To sort the list in ascending order (from the earliest to the latest date), clear the check box.
Click OK or Apply to save the settings.

Performing a Data Copy job

You can also start the wizard from the Guided Configuration link. In the Navigation pane, click Guided Configuration, and then on the NetVault Configuration Wizard page, click Create Backup Jobs.
In Job Name, specify a name for the job. Assign a descriptive name that allows you to easily identify the job for monitoring its progress or restoring data.
In the Selections list, select an existing Backup Selection Set, or complete the following steps to create a set.
Click Create New to open the NetVault Selections page
Open the Backups node, and in the list of NetVault machines, open the client from which the data was backed up.
Open the Backup Sets node, and in the list of NetVault machines, open the client for which the set was created.
Click Save, and in the Create New Set dialog box, type a name for the set. Click Save to close the dialog box.
In the Plugin Options list, select an existing Backup Options Set, or complete the following steps to create a set.
Click Create New to open the Data Copy Options page.
Under Copy Type, configure the following options.

Copy a full backup to produce a new independent copy of the data

This option is recommended when you want to create a copy for off-site storage.

The Data Copy method breaks down the backup into segments and copies the segments to the backup device. During restore, either the primary backup or the secondary copy is used to recover data. The segments from the primary backup and secondary copy are not interchangeable. Therefore, it is possible to enable encryption for the Data Copy when the primary copy is unencrypted. This option is useful when you want to use the deduplication option for the primary backups.


The Data Copy option can be used to create a copy of the Full as well as Incremental Backups. This method removes all links between the Full and Incremental Backups, and allows you to set a new retention period for the copy.

Duplicate a backup

This option is recommended when you want to migrate the saveset to different media.

The Duplicate method creates an exact copy which is linked to the original backup. This method breaks down the backup into segments and copies the segments to the storage device. During restore, the segments from the primary backup and secondary copy are interchangeable. As it is not possible to mix unencrypted segments with encrypted segments during restore, you cannot enable or disable encryption for the Duplicate. If the original saveset is encrypted, the Duplicate method creates an encrypted copy. If the original saveset is not encrypted, this method creates an unencrypted copy.

This option can be used to create a copy of the Full as well as Incremental Backups. The savesets created using the Duplicate method automatically share the original saveset’s name and reference.

Use saveset name from original backup

By default, the plug-in assigns a new saveset name to a copy created using the Copy a full backup to produce a new independent copy of the data option. This name is derived from the Job Name.

If you want to use the original saveset name for such copies, select this check box.

Allow streams to share media

This check box is not selected by default. You can use this option with the Duplicate a backup method.

When creating a Duplicate of a multi-stream backup, you can use this option to convert multiple data streams into a sequential data stream. If you do not select this check box, each stream is written separately.

If you are using a disk-based device to store the Duplicate backup, multiple streams are recommended. For such jobs, there is no need to select this check box.

If you do not select the Allow Streams to Share Media check box for tape devices, each data stream targets a separate media item. Any tape that is used to write a stream is excluded from the allowable media items. If enough tapes are not available for the job, the job fails. When using tape devices to store the Duplicate backups, you can select this check box to use minimal media items.

Automatically get a set's last full backup

You can use this option with the Backup Sets method to create a copy of the last Full Backup that was performed using a particular Backup Selection Set.

The Incremental Backups are not copied when you select this option.

Use a set's most recent job regardless of type

You can use this option with the Backup Sets method to create a copy of the last backup, regardless of its type (Full or Incremental Backup).

This option allows you to create copies of Incremental Backups.


When you create multiple copies of an Incremental Backup Sequence, you must provide a tag can be used to identify each copy. A tag can contain any string value. Without a tag, the plug-in cannot distinguish between the multiple copies of a backup sequence.

On the data selection page for restore, the savesets created with the Plug‑in for Data Copy are labeled as follows:


The following example explains how to use this option.

Migrate (Discard original backup)

To migrate the backup instead of creating a copy, select this check box. After copying the data, NetVault deletes the index for the original backup.

NOTE: When creating copies of the Plug-in for FileSystem backups, the Migrate option can only be selected for Full Backups that do not have any associated Incremental or Differential Backups. If you select this option for a Full Backup that has an associated Incremental or Differential Backup, NetVault creates the secondary copy successfully, but it does not delete the index for the primary or original backup. For such backups, after creating the copy, you must manually retire the primary or original backup.

Use optimised replication between devices that support this feature

Optimized replication enables transfer of deduplicated data directly from one device to another device of the same type during a Data Copy or Duplicate operation. It provides an efficient method to create secondary copies and offers the following advantages:

The following storage devices support optimized replication:

Quest DR Series Systems: To perform optimized replication, both the source and target Quest DR Series systems must be running the same release version of the DR OS. Replication is not supported between systems that run different releases of the OS.


Quest QoreStor: Supported only on Linux.
NetVault SmartDisk devices: To perform optimized replication, you require NetVault SmartDisk 2.0 or later.
DD Boost-enabled Data Domain Systems: The secondary copy backups between two DD Boost-Enabled Data Domain Systems use the managed file-level replication feature provided by DD Boost.

Acquire Source Media before Target Media

When you select this check box, the Plug-in for Data Copy tries to acquire the source media before it attempts to acquire the target media for the Data Copy and Duplicate backups.

Maximum Streams for Data Copy

Type or select the maximum number of parallel streams that can be generated for the Data Copy job. By default, a single data stream is generated to copy the data items in a sequential manner.

Media Request Timeout

Type or select the amount of time NetVault waits for the backup media. This timeout value is specified in number of minutes. If the required piece of media is not available within the specified interval, the job is aborted.

The default value is 10 minutes. If you set the value to zero (0), the Data Copy job waits indefinitely until the media is provided or the job is manually aborted.

The maximum timeout period that can be set is 1440 minutes (24 hours), which ensures that current instance is aborted before NetVault runs the next instance of a Daily job.

NOTE: The media request timeout for Phase 1 Data Copy jobs (created using the Plug-in for Data Copy) is controlled by the Media Request Timeout setting in the Backup Options Set; it is not controlled by the Media Request Timeout setting in the Target Set. The media request timeout for Phase 2 (Secondary Copy) Data Copy and Duplicate jobs is controlled by the Media Request Timeout specified in the Backup Advanced Options Set

Run data copy on client

By default, the Data Copy job runs on the NetVault Server. To run the job on a different NetVault machine, select the client in the list.

Under Backup Life, configure the following options.

Use originals life

To use the original saveset’s retention period, select this option.

Use 'Backup Life' on 'Advanced Options' tab

To set a different retention period for the data copy, select this option, and then specify the retention period in the Backup Advanced Options set. For more information about these options, see the Quest NetVault Administrator’s Guide.

The Snapshot Options can be used with the Data Copy method (Copy a full backup to produce a new independent copy of the data option).

Remove snapshot reference

Use this option to create a copy of the saveset without including any references to the original snapshots.

Keep snapshot reference

Use this option to create a copy of the saveset and include references to the original snapshots in the backup index.

When restoring data from a copy, the plug-in tries to mount and restore data from the snapshots.

When such copies are used to restore data, the plug-ins try to restore data from the original snapshots; the copy stored on the storage media is used only if the snapshots are unavailable.

NOTE: The Snapshot Options are ignored if the saveset selected for Data Copy does not have any associated snapshots. These options are not available for Phase 2 Data Copy backups.

Maximum Streams for Data Copy

Type the maximum number of parallel streams that can be generated for the Data Copy job.

Media Request Timeout

Type or select the amount of time NetVault waits for the backup media. This timeout value is specified in number of seconds. If the required piece of media is not available within the specified interval, the job is aborted.

The default value is 10 minutes. If you set the value to zero (0), the Data Copy job waits indefinitely until the media is provided or the job is manually aborted.

The maximum timeout period that can be set is 1440 minutes (24 hours), which ensures that current instance is aborted before NetVault runs the next instance of a Daily job.

NOTE: The media request timeout for Phase 1 Data Copy jobs (created using the Plug-in for Data Copy) is controlled by the Media Request Timeout setting in the Backup Options Set; it is not controlled by the Media Request Timeout setting in the Target Set. The media request timeout for Phase 2 (Secondary Copy) Data Copy and Duplicate jobs is controlled by the Media Request Timeout specified in the Backup Advanced Options Set.
Click Save, and in the Create New Set dialog box, type a name for the set. Click Save to close the dialog box.

The concept of media does not apply to disk-based devices. If the original saveset is stored on a disk-based device, NetVault does not exclude that device when you run a Duplicate or Data Copy job for that backup.

NOTE: When performing multi-stream backups, do not select the Ensure backup is the first on the target media check box. If you select this check box for multi-stream backups, each data stream targets a separate piece of media to exist as the first backup on the media item. Thus, if a backup generates five streams, the job tries to obtain five blank or new media items.

This option does not apply to disk-based storage devices.

To submit the job for scheduling, click Save & Submit. You can monitor the job progress from the Job Status page and view the logs from the View Logs page.
To save the job definition without scheduling it, click Save. You can view, edit, or run this job from the Manage Job Definitions page. This job is not displayed on the Job Status page until you submit it.
For more information about Job Status, View Logs, and Manage Job Definitions, see the Quest NetVault Administrator’s Guide.

Important notes

The Plug-in for FileSystem supports two types of Incremental Backups: Regular Incremental Backups and Dump Type Incremental Backups.
The Advanced Backup Option Enable Encryption can be used only with the Copy a full backup to produce a new independent copy of the data option.
If the primary copy is encrypted, the Data Copy method automatically creates an encrypted saveset whether you select the Enable Encryption check box or not. Therefore, this option is only useful when you want to create an encrypted secondary copy from an unencrypted primary copy.
The option Automatically get a set's last full backup is incompatible with the backups performed using NetVault Plug-in for NetWare. The Plug-in for Data Copy creates a copy of the last backup regardless of its type (Full or Incremental).
The Plug-in for Data Copy cannot distinguish between the NDMP Level 0 Full Backup and Levels 1–9 Incremental Backups. An NDMP backup of any level appears as Full Backup to the Plug-in for Data Copy. So, if you are trying to make a copy of the latest saveset, and you have selected the options Copy a full backup to produce a new independent copy of the data and Automatically get a set's last full backup, the Plug-in for Data Copy still creates a copy of the last backup (of any level). It does not create a copy of the Level 0 backup for that Backup Selection Set.
On NetVault Server 10.0.5 and later, the Plug-in for Data Copy creates index version 4, which is incompatible with earlier versions of NetVault. A client running NetVault 10.0.1 or an earlier version cannot read these index files. To restore Data Copy savesets generated from NetVault Server 10.0.5 or later, the client must also be running NetVault 10.0.5 or later.

Restoring a Data Copy

For a restore job, you can use either the original saveset or a Data Copy. The procedure for restoring data is the same for the original saveset and the data copy saveset, and depends on the plug-in used to create the original saveset. For information about restoring the data, see the relevant plug-in user’s guide.


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