The following command backs up the database:
exec master.dbo.xp_backup_database
@database = 'pubs_50gb'
, @tsmclientnode = 'testsystemwas'
, @tsmclientownerpwd = 'password'
, @tsmobject = 'TWAS1_50GB\All_pubs50gb_Backups\pubs50gb_FirstBackup'
, @tsmconfigfile = 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\tsm\api\SAMPSRC\dsm.opt'
, @init = 1
, @AdaptiveCompression = 'Speed'
In this example, LiteSpeed backs up the database pubs_50gb by:
If the Passwordaccess Generate option is specified in the dsm.opt file, then the node name and password are not required:
exec master.dbo.xp_backup_database
@database = 'Northwind'
, @tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\Northwind_%z'
, @tsmconfigfile = 'C:\program files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt'
, @compressionlevel = 1
, @tsmmanagementclass = N'SPS_MGTD'
, @init = 1
Use the following command to back up the "Northwind" database:
sqllitespeed -Bdatabase -DNorthwind -i"fsMH\nw\testcmd" -c"" -k"password" -j"c:\program files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt" --AdaptiveCompression "Speed" -z"SPS_MGTD" S"MyServer\Instance" -T
This will back up the "Northwind" database with the following options:
To the unique location |
fsMH\nw\testcmd Where:
(If backing up to a non-unique location, use -I parameter.) |
From the client node | (As set up with the TSM server. In this example that node name is the IP address of the client.) |
Connecting to the server instance | MyServer\Instance |
Using a trusted connection | (Instead of passing the username -U and password -P.) |
Connecting with the client password | "password" |
Using the TSM option file | C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt |
Using the Adaptive Compression option | Optimize for speed |
Using the specified management class |
SPS_MGTD (If not specified, LiteSpeed uses the default management class.) |
If the Passwordaccess Generate option is specified in the dsm.opt file, you can use the following command:
sqllitespeed -Bdatabase -D"Northwind" -i"fsMH\nw\Northwind_%z" -j"C:\program files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt" -C1 -I -S"MyServer\Instance" -T
Exec master.dbo.xp_restore_database
@database = 'pubs4'
, @with = 'move ''pubs'' to ''C:\test\pubs4.mdf'''
, @with = 'move ''pubs_log'' to ''C:\test\pubs4_log.ldf'''
, @tsmclientnode = 'nodet1'
, @tsmobject = 'm1\pubs_mb\test1'
, @tsmclientownerpwd = 'password'
, @tsmconfigfile = 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\tsm\api\SAMPSRC\dsm.opt'
exec master.dbo.xp_restore_verifyonly
@tsmclientnode = 'nodet1'
, @tsmclientownerpwd = 'nodet1'
, @tsmobject = 'm1\pubs_mb\test1'
, @tsmconfigfile = 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\tsm\api\SAMPSRC\dsmmt.opt'
Exec master.dbo.xp_restore_filelistonly
@tsmclientnode = 'nodet1'
, @tsmclientownerpwd = 'password'
, @tsmobject = 'm1\pubs_mb\test1'
, @tsmconfigfile = 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\tsm\api\SAMPSRC\dsmmt.opt'
exec master.dbo.xp_backup_database
@database = 'Northwind'
, @tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest01'
, @tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest02'
, @tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest03'
, @tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest04'
, @tsmclientnode = ''
, @tsmclientownerpwd = 'password'
, @tsmconfigfile = 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt'
, @init = 1
exec master.dbo.xp_restore_verifyonly
@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest01'
,@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest02'
,@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest03'
,@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest04'
,@tsmclientnode = ''
,@tsmclientownerpwd = 'password'
,@tsmconfigfile = 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt'
exec master.dbo.xp_restore_headeronly
@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest01'
,@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest02'
,@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest03'
,@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest04'
,@tsmclientnode = ''
,@tsmclientownerpwd = 'password'
,@tsmconfigfile = 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt'
exec master.dbo.xp_restore_filelistonly
@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest01'
,@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest02'
,@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest03'
,@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest04'
,@tsmclientnode = ''
,@tsmclientownerpwd = 'password'
,@tsmconfigfile = 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt'
exec master.dbo.xp_restore_database
@database = 'Northwind'
,@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest01'
,@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest02'
,@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest03'
,@tsmobject = 'fsMH\nw\stripetest04'
,@tsmclientnode = ''
,@tsmclientownerpwd = 'password'
,@tsmconfigfile = 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt'
sqllitespeed -Bdatabase -DNorthwind -i"fsMH\nw\testcmd1" -i"fsMH\nw\testcmd2" -i"fsMH\nw\testcmd3" -c"" -k"password" -j"c:\program files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt" -I -S"MyServer\Instance" -T
sqllitespeed -RDatabase -j"c:\program files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt" -i"fsMH\nw\testcmd1" --TSMPointInTime "2011-04-12 11:46:48" -i"fsMH\nw\testcmd3" --TSMPointInTime "2011-04-12 11:46:48" -i"fsMH\nw\testcmd2" --TSMPointInTime "2011-04-12 11:46:48" -N1 -DNorthwind c"" -k"password"-S"MyServer\Instance" -T
exec master.dbo.xp_view_tsmfilespaces
@tsmclientnode = ''
,@tsmclientownerpwd = 'password'
,@tsmconfigfile = 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt'
exec master.dbo.xp_view_tsmcontents
@tsmclientnode = ''
,@tsmclientownerpwd = 'password'
,@tsmconfigfile = 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt'
,@tsmfilespace = 'fsMH'
List all the management classes:
exec master.dbo. xp_view_tsmmc
@tsmclientnode = ''
,@tsmclientownerpwd = 'password'
,@tsmconfigfile = 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt'
List information about a specific management class:
exec master.dbo. xp_view_tsmmc
@tsmmanagementclass = 'SPS_MGTD'
,@tsmclientnode = ''
,@tsmclientownerpwd = 'password'
,@tsmconfigfile = 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt'
exec master.dbo.xp_rebind_tsmmc
@tsmclientnode = ''
,@tsmclientownerpwd = 'password'
,@tsmobject = 'w2k10\HL1\LL2'
,@tsmconfigfile = 'c:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\api\dsm.opt'
SLSMedia.exe -r tsm:file space\high level\low level --TSMConfigFile C:\ProgramFiles\Tivoli\tsm\api\dsm.opt
The above command deletes the TSM object.
usage: SLSMedia {operation} {options}
-?|--ShowHelp [<help topic>]
-d|--Download <source url> <target filename>
-r|--Remove <object>
-l|--List <object>
-b|--TSMBind <tsm_name>
-q|--TSMQuery <tsm_type>
NOTE: You can only delete an object in this manner if the TSM management policy set for the node allows it. Your TSM administrator will be able to advise you on your TSM policy settings.
Caution: Be careful when deleting objects. LiteSpeed places no restrictions on the objects to be deleted, which means it is possible to delete one object from a striped backup set, rendering the backup set useless.
Delete full, differential and transaction log TSM backups created before 06/15/2012, using the PASSWORDAccess generate option to connect to the TSM Server:
exec master.dbo.xp_slsSmartCleanup
@database = N'test_tsm'
, @tsmconfigfile = N'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm_gp.opt'
, @BackupExpiration = '2012-06-15'
, @LogExpiration = '2012-06-15'
For more information, see xp_slsSmartCleanup.
Delete transaction log TSM backups created more than 10 days ago, using the PASSWORDAccess generate option to connect to the TSM Server:
SLSSmartCleanup.exe --Database test_tsm --TSMConfigFile "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm_gp.opt" --LogRetainDays 10 --WindowsAuth
For more information, see SmartCleanup Command-Line Arguments.
You can use the following command to convert a TSM backup to a LiteSpeed disk backup to be able to restore it on a machine that does not have TSM installed:
slsrecast.exe -j "c:\tsmconfig.opt" -E tsmbkp:fs\highlevel\lowlevel -F "c:\new.bkp"
For more information, see Recast LiteSpeed Backups.
You can select to store a backup to IBM Spectrum Project (TSM) as an archive or as the usual backup.
TSM archiving is the method of transferring files off the computer into long-term storage, and it differs from regular TSM backups. Archiving uses different arguments, and allows additional parameters for narrowing the list of items returned in a query.
You can run a TSM archive using xp_backup_database and xp_backup_log.
To store a backup as a TSM archive
The parameter @tsmarchive = 1 is required.
EXEC master.dbo.xp_backup_database
@database = 'pubs'
, @tsmclientnode = 'ClusterGroup'
, @tsmclientownerpwd = 'test1111'
, @tsmobject = 'SLS_Russel-Mar\pubs\(16)Thursday_14:14'
, @tsmconfigfile = 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt'
, @tsmarchive = 1
, @init = 1
You can restore a TSM archive backup using xp_restore_database and xp_restore_log. Using xp_restore_verifyonly you can see if the backup set is complete and valid.
To restore an archived backup
Run the xp_view_tsmcontents (or the GUI must run it for the TSM Object Selection dialog just as it currently does for backups).
From the list, select the desired archive to restore. That selected archive has a tsmpointintime column in the list as seen in xp_view_tsmcontents. That tsmpointintime must be passed in to the restore in the @tsmpointintime parameter. This is the same parameter that backups can currently pass in for selection of an old retained backup to restore.
To restore an archive both the @tsmarchive = 1 and the @tsmpointintime parameters are required. If the @tsmarchive is passed in but the @tsmpointintime is not passed in, an error message is thrown stating that the @tsmpointintime is needed and where to get it (the xp_view_tsmcontents).
The @tsmarchive = 1 must have a supporting check box/radio button in the EC restore wizard. The @tsmpointintime however needs no GUI real estate change since it should work the same way it currently does for backups. Once the user selects an archive to restore the code should pull the tsmpointintime from the xml for that selected archive.
EXEC master.dbo.xp_restore_database
@database = 'pubs'
, @tsmclientnode = 'ClusterGroup'
, @tsmclientownerpwd = 'test1111'
, @tsmobject = 'SLS_Russel-Mar\pubs\(16)Thursday_14:14'
, @tsmconfigfile = 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt'
, @tsmpointintime = '2006-03-16 14:49:35'
, @tsmarchive = 1
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