
LiteSpeed for SQL Server 8.9 - Integration with TSM Guide


Retrieves the backup header information for all LiteSpeed backups. The header information is sent as a row by the server for each backup on a given backup device in a table.

Tip: To retrieve information from TSM backups, also use xp_view_tsmcontents.

This topic covers:


xp_restore_headeronly (Disk)

EXEC master.dbo.xp_restore_headeronly
[@filename = 'backup_file_name'] [,...n]
[, @filenumber = n]
[, @headerdetails = 'option']
[, @attachedfiles = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 ]

xp_restore_headeronly (Tape)

EXEC master.dbo.xp_restore_headeronly
@filename = 'tape_device_name'
[, @filenumber = n]
[, @headerdetails = 'option']
[, @attachedfiles = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 ]

xp_restore_headeronly (TSM)

EXEC master.dbo.xp_restore_headeronly
@tsmobject = 'TSM_object'
, @tsmconfigfile = 'TSM_configuration_file'
[, @tsmclientnode = 'clientnode_name'] 
[, @tsmclientownerpwd = '****'] 
[, @tsmarchive = 0 | 1 ]
[, @tsmpointintime = 'date_time']
[, @attachedfiles = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 ]
[, @headerdetails = 'option']

xp_restore_headeronly (Amazon S3)

EXEC master.dbo.xp_restore_headeronly
@CloudVendor = N'AmazonS3'
, @FileName = N'AA_3_1.bak'
[, @CloudBucketName = N'aabucket7']
[, @CloudAccessKey = N'***']
[, @CloudSecretKey = ***']
[, @CloudRegionName = N'us-west-2']
[, @ProxyHost = N'proxy.sitelocal']
[, @ProxyPort = 8080]
[, @ProxyLogin = N'DOMAIN\xyz-tst-MYTester']
[, @ProxyPassword = N'***']

xp_restore_headeronly (Microsoft Azure)

EXEC master.dbo.xp_restore_headeronly

@filename = N'test\test.bak',

@CloudVendor = N'AzureBlob',

@CloudAccessKeyEnc = N'*******',

@CloudSecretKeyEnc = N'******',

@CloudBucketName = N'test',

@UseSSL = 1,

@logging = 0

xp_restore_headeronly (Google Cloud Storage)

exec xp_restore_headeronly
@FileName = N'path\to\backup'
, @FileNumber = 1
, @CloudVendor = N'GoogleStorage'
, @CloudBucketName = N'bucketname'
, @CloudAccessKey = N'***' -- my key'
, @CloudSecretKey = N'***' -- my key'



  • To see the list of accepted arguments and data types for arguments, execute the following:
    exec master.dbo.<procedure_name> show_help

  • To convert the script for use with the command-line utilities, execute the following:
    exec master.dbo.<procedure_name> show_cmd, <xp_arguments>


Lists files attached to a backup. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—Backup header information only
  • 1—Attached files only
  • 2—Backup header information and a list of attached files
  • 3—Attached directories and individual files outside of those directories


The @AWSAccessKey argument specifies the name of the unique Amazon Web Service alphanumeric access key that identifies each user.

Important: This @AWSAccessKey argument is replaced by @CloudAccessKey. The @AWSAccessKey argument is no longer valid in subsequent LiteSpeed versions after 8.2.


The @AWSAccessKeyEnc argument specifies the name of the encrypted unique Amazon Web Service alphanumeric access key that identifies each user.

Important: This @AWSAccessKeyEnc argument is replaced by @CloudAccessKeyEnc. The @AWSAccessKeyEnc argument is no longer valid in subsequent LiteSpeed versions after 8.2.


The @AWSBucketName argument specifies the name of the container for AWS objects. Bucket names must be at least 3 and no more than 63 characters long.

Important: This @AWSBucketName argument is replaced by @CloudBucketName. The @AWSBucketName argument is no longer valid in subsequent LiteSpeed versions after 8.2.


The @AWSRegionName argument specifies the name of the Amazon Web Service region to use for a bucket. Example values are but not limited to: us-east-1, us-west-2, us-west-1, eu-west-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-northeast-1, and sa-east-1.

Important: This @AWSRegionName argument is replaced by @CloudRegionName. The @AWSRegionName argument is no longer valid in subsequent LiteSpeed versions after 8.2.


The @AWSSecretKey argument specifies the name of the Amazon Web Service secret key that is assigned when you initially get an AWS account.

Important: This @AWSSecretKey argument is replaced by @CloudSecretKey. The @AWSSecretKey argument is no longer valid in subsequent LiteSpeed versions after 8.2.


The @AWSSecretKeyEnc argument specifies the name of the encrypted Amazon Web Service secret key that is assigned when you initially get an AWS account.

Important: This @AWSSecretKeyEnc argument is replaced by @CloudSecretKeyEnc. The @AWSSecretKeyEnc is no longer valid in subsequent LiteSpeed versions after 8.2.


The @AWSUseGovCloud argument enables a special restricted region for the US Government use in Amazon S3. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—Do not use government cloud
  • 1—Use government cloud

Important: This @AWSUseGovCloud argument is replaced by @CloudGovRegion. The @AWSUseGovCloud argument is no longer valid in subsequent LiteSpeed versions after 8.2.


The @AWSUseReducedRedundancy argument specifies the use of reduced redundancy storage in Amazon S3. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—Do not use reduced redundancy storage
  • 1—Use reduced redundancy storage

Note: This @AWSUseReducedRedundancy argument is replaced with the @CloudStorageClass = 'rrs' argument.


The @AWSUseServerSideEncryption argument enables the encryption of data stored at rest in Amazon S3. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—Do not use Server Side Encryption
  • 1—Use Server Side Encryption


The @CloudAccessKey argument specifies the name of the unique Cloud Web Service alphanumeric access key that identifies each user. The selections include Amazon Access Key, Azure Account Name, Google e-mail styled account.


The @CloudAccessKeyEnc argument specifies the name of the encrypted unique Cloud Web Service alphanumeric access key that identifies each user.


The @CloudBucketName argument specifies the name of the container for cloud objects. Bucket names must be at least 3 and no more than 63 characters long. The selections are Amazon Bucket Name, Azure Container Name, Google Bucket Name. Google Bucket Name requirements are described at https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/naming.


The @CloudGovRegion argument enables a special restricted region for the US Government use in Amazon S3 and Azure Clouds. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—Do not use government cloud (default)
  • 1—Use government cloud


The @CloudRegionName argument specifies the name of the Cloud Web Service region to use for a bucket. Example values are but not limited to: us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2, ca-central-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, ap-south-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-northeast-1, ap-northeast-2, sa-east-1, N'Germany' and N'China'.


The @CloudSecretKey argument specifies the name of the Cloud Web Service secret key that is assigned when you initially get a Cloud account.


The @CloudSecretKeyEnc argument specifies the name of the encrypted Cloud Web Service secret key that is assigned when you initially get a Cloud account.


The @CloudVendor argument specifies the name of the cloud service provider. The argument accepts one of the following values: "AmazonS3", "AzureBlob" or "GoogleStorage".


Specifies a backup location (e.g. C:\backups\AdventureWorks.bak). This argument accepts network destinations. You can supply multiple instances of this argument to use stripe backups.


Disk restores:

Specifies the particular backup to use when recasting, restoring, extracting or reading from files with multiple appended backups. You can run xp_restore_headeronly to query the files contained within the backup set given by backup_file_name.

Tape restores:

Identifies the backup set to be restored. For example, a file number of 1 indicates the first backup set on the backup medium, and a file number of 2 indicates the second backup set.


This argument accepts one of the following values:
  • backup—Retrieves the backup header information.
  • attachedfiles—Lists files attached to a backup.
  • attachedfileparams—Lists attached directories and individual files outside of those directories.
  • all—Retrieves all the backup header information.


Specifies an encrypted key. (Similar to @EncryptionKey).

You can use xp_encrypt_backup_key to convert the password (encryption_key) for use with @jobp. The original password (or encrypted key generated by xp_encrypt_restore_key) must be used to restore a backup.


Writes a log file for the operation. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—Logging off.

  • 1 or any odd value—Logging on. Log file is removed on success.

  • 2 or any even value—Logging on.

The default output directory is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Quest Software\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Logs (or C:\ProgramData\Quest Software\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Logs) (or C:\ProgramData\Quest Software\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Logs). To log to a different directory add @Trace='logpath=path'.

See Configure Logging in LiteSpeed for information about LiteSpeed logging.


The @ProxyHost argument is optional and specifies the name of the proxy host name that is running the proxy server.

note: If the @ProxyHost argument is not defined, then the LiteSpeed core engine checks the local .ini files for the proxy parameters. If the proxy parameters are not detected, then the LiteSpeed core engine connects directly to the proxy servers.


The @ProxyLogin argument is optional and specifies the proxy server login credential.

note: If not defined, then the LiteSpeed core engine checks the local .ini files for the proxy parameters. If the proxy parameters are not detected, then the LiteSpeed core engine connects directly to the proxy servers.


The @ProxyPassword argument is optional and specifies the proxy server password credential.

note: If the @ProxyPassword argument is not defined, then the LiteSpeed core engine checks the local .ini files for the proxy parameters. If the proxy parameters are not detected, then the LiteSpeed core engine connects directly to the proxy servers.


The @ProxyPasswordEnc argument is optional and specifies the encrypted proxy server password credential.

note: If the @ProxyPasswordEnc argument is not defined, then the LiteSpeed core engine checks the local .ini files for the proxy parameters. If the proxy parameters are not detected, then the LiteSpeed core engine connects directly to the proxy servers.


The @ProxyPort argument is optional and contains the port number of the proxy server. The TCP/IP port values can be 1-65535.

note: If the @ProxyPort argument is not defined, then the LiteSpeed core engine checks the local .ini files for the proxy parameters. If the proxy parameters are not detected, then the LiteSpeed core engine connects directly to the proxy servers.


Specifies to store the backup as a TSM archive. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—False (default)
  • 1—True


Specifies the TSM configuration file.


Specifies the TSM server LiteSpeed connects to during backups and restores. Not required, if specified in the options file or if backing up with the Passwordaccess Generate option.


Specifies the TSM client owner user password. Not required, if specified in the options file or if backing up with the Passwordaccess Generate option.


Defines the TSM filespace, high level and low level. This argument accepts the following format:



  • tsm_filespace is the logical space on the TSM server that contains a group of files. It can be the drive label name or UNC name.

  • tsm_high_level specifies the directory path in which the file belongs.

  • tsm_low_level specifies actual name of the file.

NOTE: You may only store one item the location specified by this argument. It is not possible to append an object to this location. You can use the -I command-line argument or @init to back up to a non-unique location.


Specifies the date for restore/to filter results. If it is not passed, LiteSpeed will choose the most recent archived backup. The format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.

NOTE: If the backup was a striped backup and the point-in-times of the various striped files are different (rare but can be different a second or so), then the most recent of the times must be chosen.


Applies to tape backups and restores. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—Keep tape loaded (default)

  • 1—Unload and eject tape from the drive after operation


The @UseSSL argument specifies that the connection uses SSL security. This argument accepts one of the following values:

  • 0—Do not use SSL
  • 1—Use SSL (default)


  1. Display backup set information and attached files:

    exec master.dbo.xp_restore_headeronly
    @filename = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\FASTCOMP_full2.bak'
    , @attachedfiles = 2

  2. List files attached to a tsm backup:

    exec master.dbo.xp_restore_headeronly
    @tsmclientnode = N'',
    @tsmclientownerpwd = N'Quest2013',
    @tsmconfigfile = N'D:\dsm.opt'
    , @tsmobject = N'test\test\model'
    , @attachedfiles = 1

  3. Restore headers from an AmazonS3 Cloud backup:

    exec master.dbo.xp_restore_headeronly
    @CloudVendor = N'AmazonS3'
    , @FileName = N'AA_3_1.bak'
    , @CloudBucketName = N'aabucket7'
    , @CloudAccessKey = N'***' -- my key
    , @CloudSecretKey = ***' -- my key
    , @CloudRegionName = N'us-west-2' -- us-east-1, us-west-2, us-west-1, eu-west-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-northeast-1, sa-east-1
    (this is an optional parameter. Region for selected @CloudBucketName will be used.)
    , @ProxyHost = N'proxy.sitelocal'
    , @ProxyPort = 8080
    , @ProxyLogin = N'DOMAIN\xyz-tst-MYTester'
    , @ProxyPassword = N'***'


xp_restore_headeronly displays the following information:

Column Name

Data Type




Number of the Backup within the LiteSpeed backup device.



Reserved field. Returns 1.



Backup Guid, uniquely identifies LiteSpeed backup sets.



Backup set name.



Backup set description.



Backup type:

  • 1—Database

  • 2—Transaction Log

  • 4—File

  • 5—Differential Database

  • 6—Differential File

  • 7—Partial
  • 8—Partial Differential



Expiration date for the backup set.



0—No compression.



Position of the backup set in the volume (for use with the FILE = option).



Virtual Device
 > 7—Logical



Username that performed the backup operation.



Name of the server that wrote the backup set.



Name of the database that was backed up.



Version of the database from which the backup was created.



Date and time the database was created.


numeric (20,0)

Size of the backup, in bytes.


numeric (25,0)

Log sequence number of the first transaction in the backup set. NULL for file backups.


numeric (25,0)

Log sequence number of the last transaction in the backup set. NULL for file backups.


numeric (25,0)

Log sequence number of the most recent checkpoint at the time the backup was created.


numeric (25,0)

Log sequence number of the most recent full database backup.



Date and time that the backup operation began.



Date and time that the backup operation finished.



Server sort order. This column is valid for database backups only. Provided for backward compatibility.



Server code page or character set used by the server.



Compatibility level setting of the database from which the backup was created.



Software vendor identification number. For SQL Server, this number is 4608 (or hexadecimal 0x1200).



Major version number of the server that created the backup set.



Minor version number of the server that created the backup set.



Build number of the server that created the backup set.



Name of the server that wrote the backup set.



Binding ID for the database.



ID for the current recovery fork for this backup.



Indicates if backup is encrypted

  • 0—not encrypted
  • 1—encrypted
IsCopyOnly nvarchar(128)

Indicates if the backup is a copy-only backup.


0 (success) or non-zero (failure). Return codes represent the native error number returned from SQL Server for any errors encountered during the operation.

To capture the output message, run the following:

declare @rmsg varchar(999)
exec master..<procedure_name> <arguments>, @resultmsg=@rmsg output
select @rmsg

To capture the output message and the result code, run the following:

declare @rc int
declare @rmsg varchar(999)
exec master..<procedure_name> <arguments>, @resultmsg=@rmsg output, @resultcode=@rc output
select @rc, @rmsg


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