
NetVault Plug-in for Oracle 12.3 - User Guide

Introducing Quest® NetVault® Backup Plug-in  for Oracle Defining a backup strategy Installing and removing the plug-in Configuring the plug-in Backing up data Using the Oracle Flashback Database Restoring data
Restoring and recovering data: an overview Performing User Managed restores Using advanced User Managed restore procedures Performing RMAN restores Using RMAN types of recovery in a non-RAC environment Using advanced procedures with RMAN restores
Maintaining the Recovery Catalog Using the RMAN CLI Using the plug-in with Oracle RAC Using the plug-in in a failover cluster environment Using the plug-in with Oracle Data Guard Using the plug-in with Oracle Container Databases (CDBs) and Pluggable Databases (PDBs) Troubleshooting

Setting restore options

In this step, you specify whether you want to perform complete or PIT Recovery, and set the other restore options.

On the Create Selection Set page, click Edit Plugin Options, and then follow the steps outlined in the following topics:

Viewing the contents of backup pieces

Before proceeding, you can view the contents of the various backup pieces in the selected backup set. You can see what each piece contains, the backup start and end time, datafile names, SCN range (including the low and high SCN), and the log sequence number of the archived redo logs. These details are displayed on the first tab, Backup Contents.

Setting the Pre-Restore and general Restore Options

To continue, click the Restore Options tab.

Pre-Restore Options: These options let you automatically prepare the database or tablespaces for the restore process during the plug-in’s restore job.
Whole Database Restore: Select this option if a complete database is being restored.
Tablespace/Datafile Restore: Select this option if individual or multiple tablespaces or datafiles are being restored.
Startup Database Nomount Before Restore: When restoring a Control File, the database must be in a NOMOUNT state. Select this option if you want the plug-in to put the database in a NOMOUNT state automatically before issuing the RMAN run block.
Mount Database Before Restore: When performing Whole Database or All Tablespaces restores, the database must be in a MOUNT state. Select this option if you want the plug-in to mount the database automatically before performing the restore and recovery. If this option is not selected, you must manually put the database in a MOUNT state before submitting the restore job to prevent the job from failing.
Shutdown Abort Database First: Available only when Mount Database Before Restore is selected. If the database is in an OPEN state, the database must be shut down before it can be opened in a MOUNT state. Select this option if you want the plug-in to run a SHUTDOWN ABORT command automatically before starting the database in a MOUNT state. If this option is not selected and the Mount Database Before Restore option is selected, the restore job fails if you do not manually shut down the database before submitting the job.
Alter Tablespaces Offline Before Restore: When restoring individual tablespaces or datafiles, the tablespace must be offline before the restore is performed. Select this option if you want the plug-in to run the ALTER TABLESPACE OFFLINE command automatically for each tablespace that is being restored.
Restore Options: These options pertain to the restore phase of Oracle’s restore and recovery process.
Alter Tablespaces Online After Restore: When restoring individual tablespaces and datafiles, the tablespace must be returned to an online state after the restore and recovery is completed. Select this option if you want the plug-in to run the ALTER TABLESPACE ONLINE command automatically after the selected tablespaces are restored and recovered. This option enforces a recovery of the selected tablespace regardless of whether Perform Recovery is selected.
Include Recover Tablespace Clause: If you selected the Alter Tablespaces Online After Restore option, this option is selected by default, which ensures that the tablespaces are included in the recovery and brought online. Clear this option if you want to recover the tablespaces manually.
Check Read-Only Datafiles and Restore if Necessary: Select this option to include read-only datafiles in the restore. The read-only files are included only if they are needed to complete recovery. If they are not damaged, RMAN omits them.
Number of Channels: You can control the degree of parallelism within a restore job by allocating the desired number of channels. Allocating multiple channels simultaneously allows a single restore job to restore multiple backup sets in parallel. The number of channels should be less than or equal to the number of channels that was specified for the backup job.
Restore/Recover from User Defined Backup Tag: Select this option and enter a tag name to select backup sets from which to restore. Selecting this option is equivalent to the RMAN restore option FROM TAG="<tag_name>". This option overrides the default RMAN restore selection of the most recent backups or file copy available. This option also restricts the automatic selection to backup sets or file copies that were created with the specified tag. If multiple backup sets or file copies have a matching tag, RMAN selects the most recent backup set or file copy. Tag names are not case-sensitive.
IMPORTANT: In a Data Guard environment, Quest recommends that you use the Restore/Recover from User Defined Backup Tag option to restrict the restore to backups taken from a particular Oracle Database Server. For more information, see Restoring data to an alternate server in a Data Guard environment.
Restore Source: Select the location that RMAN should use as the source for the restore. This option lets you speed up restores by ensuring that RMAN restores from the FRA even if the backup is also available on NetVault Backup media, that is, disk-based media, VTL, or tape.
Alternately, the Restore Source option can ensure that RMAN restores from the NetVault Backup media when the FRA is suspected to have a media failure or data corruption. This option is useful when you do not want to risk restarting the restore and recovery process due to RMAN’s inability to restore from the FRA.
The following Restore Source options are available:
Validate Restore: Validates the restore without restoring any data. The plug-in tells RMAN to select and confirm that the existing available backup sets are sufficient for the selected operation, such as an entire database restore or a single tablespace restore. This step ensures that the necessary backup sets are not corrupted and are usable. The following Validate Restore options are available:
Validate Restore Only: If this option is selected, only validation is performed.
Perform Restore if Validate Completes Without Errors: If this option is selected and the Validate Restore completes without errors, the restore is also performed.

Setting recovery options

The plug-in supports the following types of Datafile Media Recovery. For more information on complete and incomplete database recovery, see Datafile media recovery.

Use the Perform Recovery tab to select the type of recovery and the recovery options that pertain the recovery phase of the process:

Recovery Type: Use these options to select the type of recovery to perform.
Do Not Perform Recovery: Select this option if you want to restore the files but do not want to perform recovery.
Perform Complete Recovery: Select this option to recover an individual tablespace, multiple tablespaces, or the whole database to the most recent point, without the loss of any committed transactions.
Perform Tablespace Point in Time Recovery: Select this option to restore the datafiles of the tablespaces chosen on the NetVault Backup Selections tab to a specific point. Use a control — System Change Number Based, Log Sequence Based, or Time Based — to restore the datafiles to a specific SCN, log sequence, or time. Use the Auxiliary Destination control to define the location of the Oracle-based automated auxiliary instance used to perform the recovery of the tablespaces.
Perform Table Level Point in Time Recovery: Select this option to recover specific tables to a specific point. Use a control (System Change Number Based, Log Sequence Based, or Time Based) to specify the point to recover to. Use the Auxiliary Destination, Recover table, and Remap table controls to provide additional options for the recovery-table task. For more information and examples, see Performing table-level recovery.
Perform Database Point in Time Recovery: Select this option if you need to return a database to its state at a past point. For example, to reverse the effect of a user error, such as dropping a table, you might want to return the database to its contents before the deletion occurred.
The plug-in currently supports only DBPITR. You can use this option only with the Whole Database node on the Create Selection Set page. Enabling this option when restoring one or more datafiles or tablespaces causes the restore job to fail.
NOTE: DBPITR opens the database in RESETLOGS mode. When Perform Database Point in Time Recovery is selected, the options on the Post Recovery tab, described in Setting Post Recovery options, are not available because an OPEN mode is already part of the DBPITR.
Point-in-time controls: You can use one of the following options with the preceding options to specify a point to recover to.
System Change Number Based: For an SCN-based PIT Recovery, select this option, and specify the SCN until which the transactions must be recovered. RMAN recovers up to, but not including, the specified SCN.
Log Sequence Based: For a log-sequence-based PIT Recovery, select this option, and specify the terminating log sequence number and the thread to which it belongs. To identify the appropriate log sequence number and thread, you can query V$LOG_HISTORY to view the logs that have been archived.
Time Based: For a time-based PIT Recovery, select this option, and set the date and time in the fields provided. The plug-in recovers up to, but not including, the specified time.
Auxiliary Destination: Use this field to specify a directory — full path — that an Oracle-based automated auxiliary instance uses as part of the PIT Recovery process. By default, this field lists a directory within the ORACLE_HOME directory. You can change this directory to any other location. This directory must exist before you run the recovery process, and you must ensure that the Oracle user has access to the full path. For more information, see Performing table-level recovery.
Recover table: Enter a comma-separated list of tables that you want to include in a table-level recovery. For more information, see Performing table-level recovery.
Remap table: Enter a comma-separated list of tables that you want to rename as a part of a table-level recovery. For more information, see Performing table-level recovery.
Perform Trial Recovery Only: Only available for Oracle 10g and later, Enterprise Edition databases. Select this option to perform a Trial Recovery, which you can use to determine whether a recovery succeeds or encounters problems or whether a previous recovery has encountered a problem. It lets you look ahead into the redo stream to detect possible problems. The Trial Recovery applies redo in a way similar to normal recovery, but it does not write changes to disk and it rolls back its changes at the end of the Trial Recovery. If errors are encountered during the Trial Recovery, they are logged in the Oracle Alert Log as test run errors.
Recovery Options: These options pertain to the recovery phase.
Check Read-Only Datafiles and Recover if Not Current: Used with the Check Read-Only Datafiles and Restore if Necessary Restore Option. Select this option to include read-only datafiles in the recovery process. The read-only files are included only if they are needed to complete recovery. If they are not damaged, RMAN omits them.
Delete Restored Archive Logs No Longer Needed: The plug-in copies the archived redo logs to the directory from which they were backed up. Select this option to delete the restored archive logs that Oracle deems unnecessary.

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