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The displayName mapper can be selected on the "Mappers" page for both publications and subscription properties. It has five tabs corresponding to the types of objects that Collaboration Services can create as a stub. You can modify Contacts, Groups, InetOrgPersons, Query-based Distrubition Lists, or Users.
For the required object, select the Customize Display Name appearance for objects option, click the Add Attribute button and build the template for the object's Display Name. For example, to have FirstName.LastName enter: [GivenName].[SN].
This mapper adds a specified suffix to the display name of the published objects so that the users can distinguish published objects from the objects of their own forest. For example, you may want to add the [PartnerCo] suffix to the display names of objects from a partner company in the subscribed collection to emphasize that they belong to the other company.
This mapper converts inetOrgPersons you may have in your Active Directory into contact stub objects. There are no parameters to configure with this mapper.
This mapper allows a subscribing administrator to defend against “address stealing.” By adding an SMTP address to the published object, the publishing administrator effectively assigns his forest’s users email addresses from another forest. In a merger or acquisition scenario, this is usually a requirement and is done on purpose. However, the same action can also be performed by a malicious administrator in a partner collaboration scenario, causing unsanctioned email address usage with all associated risks, including possible information leaks. By using this mapper and filtering out your own forest’s addresses from incoming objects, you protect your forest from this type of attack.
To configure the mapper, add all of your company’s SMTP email address namespaces (including the @ sign) to the list of namespaces to be filtered out. You can also import a list of namespaces from a text file by clicking the Import button and choosing the file. The file should list the SMTP namespaces, one namespace per line.
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