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Change Auditor 7.0.2 or later can be deployed in a FIPS environment by following the procedure in this document.
This document is intended for technical implementation consultants responsible for deploying Change Auditor.
To run a Windows environment in FIPS compliant mode, the Microsoft Policy “System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing” must be enabled.
Microsoft states that “This policy is only advisory to applications. Therefore, if you enable the policy, it does not make sure that all applications will comply”.
As of version 7.0.2, Change Auditor leverages Microsoft’s CryptoAPI (CAPI) and CryptoAPI Next Generation (CNG) for its cryptographic needs.
Microsoft Product Relationship with CNG and CAPI libraries is documented here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc750357.aspx.
“Rather than validate individual components and products, Microsoft chooses to validate only the underlying cryptographic modules. Subsequently, many Windows components and Microsoft products are built to rely on the Cryptographic API: Next Generation (CNG) and legacy Cryptographic API (CAPI) FIPS 140 validated cryptographic modules. Windows components and Microsoft products use the documented application programming interfaces (APIs) for each of the modules to access various cryptographic services.
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