予定されていた保守を実行中のため、サポートサイトでのフォームの送信が一時的に利用できません。 すぐにサポートが必要な場合は、テクニカルサポートまでお問い合わせください。 ご不便をおかけして申し訳ありません。
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現在、テクニカル・サポート・エンジニアはお客様のチャットに対応できません。 迅速にサービスを受けられるよう、サービス・リクエスト・フォームを使用して
Change Auditor uses the SMB protocol for file transfer for agent deployment and when the 'Get All Logs' feature is used. In these cases, the SMB protocol version configured on the agent computer is used. To ensure the SMB traffic is encrypted:
Certain aspects of Change Auditor auditing require storing passwords and other confidential data. Examples of such data include access credentials to NetApp, EMC, SharePoint, Office 365, Skype for Business, and SQL DLA. To safeguard this data, Change Auditor uses RSA encryption.
On startup, the agent generates a private/public key pair and stores the public key in the database. When the agent is configured to audit another network device using the supplied credentials, these credentials are encrypted using the agent’s public key. This way, it is impossible for anyone but the agent itself to decrypt them.
The coordinators also store public keys in the database which are used to decrypt SMTP passwords to send alerts.
Change Auditor 6.x (and above) agents also search Active Directory for the SCP for connection information to the coordinator; however, they now connect to the coordinator using WCF as described here.
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